Under the sun.

The girl narrowed her amber eyes, and the faint golden light was plated on her.

It's almost fascinating.

Shi Zhisheng put the long arrow on the bow and raised it against the target.

She tilted her head slightly and tightened the bow string!

Everyone, almost hold their breath and watch this scene!!!

And the next second!

Shi Zhisheng loosened the string!

The long arrow flew out with great momentum!

Then, hit the bull's-eye directly!

Now, the person who just questioned the ability of "ink wine" suddenly shut up.

Until after a long time.

The atmosphere on the field exploded directly.

"What's the matter with ink wine??! It's too bad today! "

"Isn't it more important that she was handsome when she just shot an arrow?! My girlish heart is almost hooked out by her!!! "

"... don't be a flower addict, will you?"

The young masters nearby can't stand it one by one. These arrogant young ladies can still have a day of infatuation.

But the object.

It's still a woman

However, when they turned their eyes to the Sheng over there, they were almost speechless.

Have to say.

This man's aura is really all men and women!

The important thing is that although the eyes of the "ink wine" in front of us are cold, they give people a clean feeling.

Almost, annoying.

It's just.

Of course, there are exceptions

Qi Yuan, not far away, clenched her fist, and her nails were almost trapped in the meat!!


How could ink wine surpass her!??

Qi Yuan has been comforting herself that ink wine must be luck.

But gradually, her heart became more and more flustered!

And the next moment!

Someone exclaimed again!

"What does he want to do?!"

As soon as they heard this, their eyes focused on Shi Zhisheng.

And then.

They saw that the girl under the sun was holding a bow and three arrows

"She doesn't want three arrows, together..."

Someone took a breath of air conditioning and guessed boldly.

"That's too much."

Hearing someone say that, of course, some people sarcastically mocked

He hasn't seen it yet. Except for TV, someone can hit the bull's-eye with three arrows!

In front of this' ink wine ', three arrows can be inserted into the target, which is her ability!

"Yes, this ink wine is too arrogant now?"

Hearing the people nearby say so, another spectator smiled.

"It is estimated that Qi Yuan's achievements stimulated her."

Hearing that girl say so, people remember.

The person who has just made such good achievements is Qi Yuan.

If Qi Yuan were Qi Ye's sister, nothing would happen.

On the contrary.

Qi Yuan is just Qi Ye's adopted sister.

Moreover, according to Qi Yuan's sisters, Qi Yuan has always liked Qi Ye.

even to the extent that.

When Qi Ye was engaged to mojiu, Qi Yuan almost committed suicide. Finally, Qi Ye found out and saved her.

"The more you watch the game, the more interesting it is."

After many people understood the secret, they began to gossip.


Seeing the time, Zhisheng really picked up three arrows and put them on the bow. Almost everyone held a state of mind that they would laugh at later.

Who makes this' ink wine 'so overestimate??!

I really think I've studied for half a year and I'm a divine Archer??!

Ordinary professionals dare not play like this, okay?!