What the hell is that?!

Why is the bathroom transparent?

When she just went in, she was standing here. It's not! It's a solid wall!

Why is it now a completely transparent mirror?

Doesn't that mean that he can see everything she did in the bathroom just now?


Yan Zi Tong only feels the fire in his head.

"Rong Si!" Yan Zi pupil gas toward him a roar, eyes a red toward him.

"Well." Rong Si turns around, and then Yan Zi Tong rushes towards him.

So they collided so coincidentally.

What's more, Yan Zitong was the one who threw himself into his arms.

He was topless and she had just taken a bath and came out in a bathrobe.

What's more, there's nothing in the bathrobe, a complete vacuum.

Rong Si also saw her live broadcast of the beautiful boundless, with her "throw in arms to see off", he naturally is not polite to start again.

The long and powerful arms circle her on the first floor, and fix her circle in his arms. Thin lips grasp her lips without hesitation, and then sweep wildly.

Yan Zi Tong didn't expect that he would suddenly have such a move. His powerful arms were like forceps, which clamped her whole body and didn't give her any resistance.

"Well..." She made a slight protest and didn't want to be carried away.

The fragrance from the tip of his nose stimulated one of his nerve lines.

He used one hand to clamp her body, and the other hand easily loosened the belt around his waist.

Then the bathrobe opened and ironed with his bronze skin.

Like a brand iron, Yan Zi Tong feels surrounded by a fire.

However, she didn't resent this feeling, and even had a little expectation.

Inexplicably, and supernatural, even in response to his kiss.

Seeing her response, Rong Si was secretly pleased and expected.

The big hand caresses her waist, the other hand looses and clasps her hand.

"Pa!" Then there was a long "click" sound, the sound of the belt pulling out the buckle.

Then is also this sound, lets the speech Zi pupil instantaneous to come back to God.

As soon as she was awake, she found out what she was doing.

Got the free hands to push him, and then quickly close his bath margin, once again wrapped himself tightly.

With her push, Rong Si staggered back two steps, almost did not fall.

"What's the matter?" He stood, a puzzled look at her, not angry, and even some temper.

"Sorry!" Yan Zi Tong tightly hugs his chest, looks at him with a very uncomfortable and embarrassed face, "I'm just your internship secretary, in addition, it doesn't matter."

"No?" Rong Si stepped towards her.

But as he moved closer, she stepped back.

Until he pushed him to the wall.

This is the wall of the bathroom. It's a mirror at the moment.

Yan Zi Tong's back is against the wall. This reminds me what she was going to do just now.

"Who was the man who was enthusiastic with me that night?"

When Yan Zitong was about to speak, he propped up his hands on both sides of her body and directly restrained her. His eyes looked at her in a sinister but fiery way, with a touch of questioning and threat in his words.

Yan Zi Tong chuckles, "you know, I was drugged that day. So, it's not my instinct, it's just medicine. "

"I don't care if it's medicine or your instinct, I only know that you are the one who whispered to me that day." His arrogant eyes, like those of an eagle, looked straight at her.

"So, what do you want?" Yan Zi pupil Yang Mou, a face helplessly looking at him.

At this moment, I don't know why, I put away the sharp cat's claws, and I'm no longer a hedgehog full of thorns. At this time, she seems to be so helpless, like a floating in the vast sea of solitary wood in general, no sense of security.

Such speech Zi pupil unexpectedly is to let allow four heart to give birth to a trace of pity, want to protect her in the arms of good care.

"Continue to be my woman!" He said with a firm face, and then added, "I protect you."

"Oh Yan Zi Tong chuckled, "Mr. Rong, I'm really joking. Be your woman? How do you do it? We agreed, I will help you block those women who are not pure to your purpose, and you will become a big tree that can let me cool down. Yes? Do you want to add additional conditions? Be your woman, once? twice? one month? Or a year? Will your family agree? "

"I've always been in charge of my own affairs, and no one else can interfere in them." He said with a silent face, "do you think you are different from the woman who is me now?""Yes!" Yan Zi Tong said without hesitation, "at least I'm free and free."

"Well, I promise you, you are still free, and I will not restrain you."

"Ha ha," Yan Zi Tong chuckles again, but the smile is mixed with a touch of bitterness and self mockery, "so Rong always so generous? Should I thank you for your kindness? "

"No!" He said seriously, "as I said, any sincerity in words is not as sincere as in practice."

"What's in it for me to be your woman?" Yan Zi Tong's smiling face is naive and romantic.

"You have all the advantages you want. Including you can deal with your stepmother and stepsister at will He made a promise without hesitation.

"What about me? What are the costs? " She is still smiling so heartless, slowly said, "in addition to help you deal with those women before the attack, but also to deal with who?"

"Me His eyes were fixed on her, thick and burning, like a burning flame around her.

"Give me time to think about it." Her eyes drooped slightly and she said in a deep voice.

"Good!" He answered, but he didn't mean to let her go.

The mobile phone rings at this time. It's Yan Zi Tong.

She pushed his arm on her side. "Let me answer the phone first. I can't escape."

He let go.

Take your cell phone out of your bag and pick it up. "Hello."

Do not know what the other party said, Yan Zi Tong heavily hung up the phone, lift eyes and he looked at each other, a firm, "I promise you!"