Chapter 445: Dragon Pillar Vs Fantasy Blade

Name:Multi-Gene Author:
The shockwaves spread out in all direction like a piece of stone dipped into a calm lake.


David snorted as he felt a massive headache in his head. A domineering force was transmitted, into his body attempting to slow down his every reaction and making him dizzy.

The technique Long Zhi had just used, the dragon Pillar is a mid rank earth grade technique. It's attributes are its insane speed and completely domineering attack that strikes at the opponent very abruptly, giving them no chance to react at all. Even if the opponent had a more powerful attack, he or she wouldn't be able to attack in time and would instantly be cut into pieces by the attack.

David's body uncontrollably staggered backwards five times as the attack met him. Although the attack should have made a normal human being dizzy for at least a second which was enough time for Long Zhi to form another attack, thereby killing the opponent. 

But David was no mere human being. This attack wasn't enough to even make his brain tremble if he wanted to.

From his perceptive, he could sense Long Zhi forming another attack. Although this attack seem slower to form than the first one, it was even more powerful than the first dragon claw!

David's expression turned serious immediately, Fury-packed Thrust was a very powerful attack but that was because it could catch its opponent unawares. Almost similar to an assassination technique.

But from David's perceptive, it wouldn't be enough to block the attack Long Zhi was forming as his hands seals changed.

David's hands collided with each other as he formed numerous hand seals within a span of a second. A terrifying mass of energy gathered towards their vicinity and in the next second, two massive talons quietly formed in mid-air, causing the air itself to ripple.

The talons were so huge that they were more than 10 meters in length. The scales and the claws of the dragon talon could be seen vividly, making one wonder of this was just an illusion created by the gathering of brainwaves and other gases in reaction to the brains electrons or it might actually be real.

David didn't care at this moment, his attack also formed. "Let's get this over with."

"Fantasy Blade; Mirage!"


His body instantly divided into three parts. In the forest grounds, three David could be found standing near each other ten meters away from themselves, staring at Long Zhi with a smug expression as they each kept the same hand seals, expression and even clothes. They were just too identical to each other not even an earth realm expert would be able to spit the difference between them.

Long Zhi's eyes widened slightly, he didn't expect David to have recovered so quickly. And it seems like he was barely even affected by the dizzy waves from his first technique. His countenance hardened as he glared at the three David.

His dragon talon, although powerful, was only two and there was three David on the ground. There was a probability that he would be able to hit the real David but there is also a probability that David would be able to escape the attack.

Long Zhi's expression hardened, he quickly made a decision. The air trembled and shockwaves could be seen spreading as the talon struck down so fast it was silent and deadly.

Boom! Boom!!

The David standing at the middle and the one standing at the right side instantly exploded into a massive form of condensed energy.

The real David had appeared at the left side of the forest. But David's heart couldn't help but jump as a smile formed in his lips. If it wasn't for the fact that he had practiced mirage to the ultimum stage, giving him the ability to switch between the mirages in a single thought, he might have been struck dead at the center of his chest. Even if the attack could barely do anything to him, it was definitely going to hurt.

There was a flash of red lightning and then, another massive boom exploded right in front of Long Zhi.

Before Long Zhi, a golden dragon shaped talon slammed appeared and the red flash of blurry shaped attack paused a few centimetres from him, eventually showing itself as a long flying blade. 

Long Zhi's eyes widened in shock and he stumble backwards. He hadn't expected David would have attacked so fast. Wasn't he just keeping his hand seals in order to maintain the mirages of him, how come this attack formed at the same time?

The dragon defensive talisman had been given to him by his master which would automatically activate on a life or death situation. They haven't even spent a day within the scared ground and he had already used one of his life saving treasure. His eyes turned red as he shouted in anger. 

"You f*cking bastard, I will f*cking kill you!" His rage made his gathering of energy even more faster as his hand seals continued to change and a massive dragon pillar began to form in mid-air. 

The attack was so terrifying that the whole earth shook, and the air rumbled rumbled. The dragon pillar was so terrifying it was as though it could rip the earth apart and sunder the world into splinters. 

Seeing this, David eyes began to shine brightly as he also began forming his own attack yet, despite that tense atmosphere, David's ears twitched and he frowned as he gazed sideways. It was as though he could see through the several destroyed particles of trees and rubbles. 

He suddenly frowned, then he gazed forwards at Long Zhi who was still forming his attack. David could have uses the Fury Packed Thrust but Long Zhi still had the protective barrier on him. And from his calculations, with his sturdy the barrier was, it would take at least five Fury Packed Thrust to destroy the barrier. But there was barely enough time. 

"Haha, this was fun, let's do this some other time." David chuckled and ten turned into three separate mirages, fleeing towards three different directions. 

Long Zhi was stunned, gazing at David's retreating figures. His eyes turned blood shot as he shouted. "Coward! Face me if you dare!"

David only responded with a chuckle as he left. Long Zhi couldn't help but rage explosively. The dragon pillar had finally formed. 

A golden long pillar almost a hundred meters in length immediately formed. On one hand, it looked like a real and huge golden pillar but on the other hand, it looked like a real flood dragon. 

Sending it towards the direction one of David's mirages had gone, the world seem to pause as an explosive wave of energy slammed toward the forest, the cave which was half standing was immediately destroyed into rubbles. A massive shockwaves spread out in all directions, even slamming into Long Zhi himself. 

The dragon shield forming around him was starting to get dim. Yet, it was enough to stop the shockwaves from severely injuring Long Zhi himself. 

Long Zhi could feel that his attack didn't meet the real David, making him spit out blood in anger. He had injured himself because he was too angry.

As he was about to go in pursuit, he suddenly stopped and glanced sideways. Towards that direction, three people could be seen rushing towards him from that direction. 

Long Zhi expression was looking to good since he was angry. However, he paused. This was the direction David had gazed before also stopping his attacks and fleeing. It was as though he had noticed people were coming from that direction and chose to flee instead of fighting it out with him. 

His express couldn't help but darken once more. He had underestimated the kid. Even as David was about to fight with him, he was able. To split his senses towards other places and observe the surroundings, which meant that David hadn't taken Long Zhi serious in the first place having to split his perception with him. 

This made Long Zhi incredibly furious. Taking his anger out on the people who had just come.

The three people were two males and one female. They had noticed the ripples of energy from a mile away and were instantly attracted to it since it signifies a treasure or an opportunity. 

They were the first to have reached here which showed that they were fairly strong. And from their perception, Long Zhi had reached here before them and had destroyed the evidence of what he had taken from this place. And with the angry expression he had right now, they interpreted it as him wanting to get rid of them to remove the witness. 

Their eyes brightened. If they killed Long Zhi, they could collect the treasure from him and share it amongst each other. Either way, it was a good deal. 

Although tech could feel Long Zhi was strong, it wasn't something they couldn't deal with. With smiles on their faces, they attacked.