Chapter 354: Training To Become A Genetist

Name:Multi-Gene Author:
The office was quiet as Mr White pondered with his head down at the information he had just heard.

His expression wasn't looking too good as he frowned. "It's not impossible for them to tinkle with the make up task. But it shouldn't be that easy to mess with it unless they had the permission of other Senior Professors."

Mt white muttered to him self. "Concocting three basic genetic serums is ridiculous. Even for genius Genetist, it's almost impossible to achieve."

Mr White muttered. "Let me make some inquiries."

He opened up his interface and an holographic image appeared above his hand.

To others, they could only see specks of light, but to Mr White, the beautiful specks of light contained pieces of information he could see, touch and feel.

Mr White tapped furiously on his interface but a few minutes later, he shook his head and flicked his hands, closing his interface in the process and sighed. 

"Should have known it was that bitch." For someone to change the task of a student, it requires the approval of the Grand Professor. 

Normally, the grand professor wouldn't increase the difficulty of a student task of he hadn't seen some form of potential in the students. But then, the Grand professor was always busy and didn't have the time to personally check on the students. 

Which means someone close to the Grand professor would have informed him or her of David and would have exaggerated David's talents.

And only the Senior Professors has the opportunity to get close to the Grand Professor. 

From there, it want really that hard for Mr White to narrow down who the culprit was. He too has his own number of enemies. 

David who was sitting quietly at the seat before Mr White raised his eye brows in slight surprise.

After the combat class, he had taken the opportunity to go visit Mr White and inform him about the task he had been given. 

And as it turns out, there was a problem with the task. It was supposingly impossible for one to become a Novice Genetist in three months but David had only been given two weeks to produce three basic gene serum. 

To become a Novice Genetist, one needed to be capable of producing at least one basic genetic serum with at least a 30 percent success rate. 

Which would normally take 3 months for a genius after numerous trial and error, arduous practices and using of different techniques before being successful at creating the gene. 

But David task required him to successfully create three basic serums in two weeks. That's just almost impossible. 

At first, David had though it was his fault since he had made a lot of enemies in the institute. But now, he highly doubt it had something to do with him. 

David squinted his eyes and said. "So you mean to say you are the cause of this problem and not me."

Mr White froze but then, he cleared his throat. "You've made lots of enemies, so It's hard to decide who really is at fault here, so let's not jump into conclusions."

David snorted but remained silent as he couldn't find any words to refute that statement since it was true. 

"What if I can successfully create the three genes in just two weeks, what happens then?" 

Mr White frowned but didn't say anything over David's over confidence in himself.

"If you could successfully create the serums, you will naturally gain the attention of the Grand Professor and of he is in a good mood, he might accept you as his own intern. But..."

Mr White expression turned solemn as he continued. "If you fail to keep up with his expectation, there's a high chance he wouldn't give you a second look even after doing something more amazing."

But David was confused by everything. "Is there something special in being noticed by the Grand professor?" he couldn't figure out what was so important in being noticed by the Grand Professor.

Mr White scoffed as he said. "Naive! Do you have any idea how one word of advice from the Grand professor could change your life?"

"No matter how perfect a genetic map is, there will surely be some form of mistake in it. If presented to the Grand Professor, he will surely point out some hidden an error that might be detrimental to ones growth. "

David nodded his head as he thought that it made sense. But to be honest, he didn't want to reveal to anyone that he didn't have a genetic map as he didn't require one since he was practicing a legacy technique. 

Who knows what would happen if anyone found out. Anyone would certainly kill for a legacy technique. Even the Nine families would likk to acquire another set of legacy technique in order to have an edge over the other families. And even possibly rule over the rest of the family. 

Since the powerful Nine family would kill to possess it, who knows what the Grand Professor of a medium sized institute would do? 

David didn't want to risk exposing himself even if there was the possibility that the Grand Professor might guide him instead of harming him. 

Mr White seem to have noticed David's thoughts. He shook his head and said. "That type of thinking although good and would keep you alive for much longer, one should always keep his or her genetic map a secret but its up to you to decide if you want to present the map for inspection or not."

"Moroever, there are different genetic maps in the archive but, they were all placed in the archive by the grand professor himself. There's not much he hadn't seen."

"Anyways, this type of talk is useless. There is no way you can learn to produce three different genetic serum in two weeks. When you fail, go and accept another task from the Missions Hall."

"Although you won't be able to create the serum during the time limit you were given, we still have to try. Come to the Lab tomorrow morning, we've got much work qto do."

After that, he waved his hands and told David to leave. David was quite obedient and left quietly. He knew Mr White was a bit angered by the situation. 

He breathed deeply once he was out of the office. And a look of determination filled his eyes. It might be impossible for others to achieve such a feat but for him, it was just a matter of trying and time would decide what happens when he tried. 

Soon, David headed for his dorm to prepare himself a mind for tomorrow's work.

The next day, David woke up early, practiced his techniques a few times before he reached his limits. He then went ahead to clean him self up before heading straight for the Lab his master had spoken of earlier.

He didn't call for a ride since he had woken up very early. He wanted to personally walk there, relax his mind and body by walking to the place. 

The Lab wasn't very from the dormitory and was located just a few hundred meters away from the Energy Room. 

The sun was just starting to peak through the cloud when David finally got to the Lab. 

It was a huge rounded building that looked like it was made out from a dumpling. Its was pure white in colour but was really huge as it stood three hundred meters tall to the skies. 

David hadn't really looked at the building since he had nothing to do with it and always focused on the energy room. 

But now, he was face to face with it. David blinked his eyes and eventually entered deep into the building. 

But what he didn't know was that ten years later, he as a genius Genetist would stand in front of this very building and reminisce at how fast time passed and how small and outdated the building was. 

David opened his interface and followed the holographic arrow as it navigated through the building. 

The building was entirely painted in white and as David passed by, every person he met wore a white Lab coat on their bodies, like some sort of uniform. 

Not wanting to look off, David grabbed a white coat hanging by every corner of the place. 

He then wore them as he continued to navigate through the place. The buiding contained numerous rooms that seem to be made for Genetists to experiment in. 

Various equipment filled the rooms like decorations on a Christmas Sunday. And they seem expensive too. 

David was in awe as he walked slowly past the rooms near him. Very soon, he was directed into an elevator which he instantly entered through. 

In the elevator, there were already three people in a lab coat standing there. 

One male while the other two female. The male seem to be saying some things to which the other two females nodded their head seriously to. 

David listened as the elevator continued to rise upwards. 

"The seperating of two genes mixed together requires a very specific technique that requires both a sharp mind, eyes and a very firm pair of arms."
