While Yu Wentian was studying carefully with the key in his hand, he suddenly felt that the trees around him were trembling slightly. This trembling was very strange. The range of trembling was very weak, but the frequency was very fast.

Honger put his ear on the ground and felt it carefully. His smiling cheek was ugly because of yuwentian's words.

"The sound should be the group of spiders we met before, but the number is much larger than before."

Yu Wentian thought for a moment. He had already gained a lot in the ancient battlefield. There was no need to waste unnecessary time for these spiders. Thirty six strategies were the best.

"The strong dragon doesn't press the local snake, let's go..."

He poured his strength into the key, and Yu Wentian scratched it directly against the void. However, there was only a thin gap in the void, and there was no sign of further expansion, and the gap healed again after a few seconds.

"Shit, the boy put a ban on the key."

At the moment, Yu Wentian felt that he was too kind to xuanphoton at that time. This type of person should frustrate his body or bring it here to become the food in the mouth of this group of spiders, which is the best destination.

After this time delay, all the spiders surrounded them. They were very smart and formed an encirclement circle. They occupied the trees and the ground, and even laid layers of poisonous webs on their heads.

These spiders are just a little bigger than ordinary spiders, about the size of a palm, but these hundreds of millions of spiders are placed in front of us, which inevitably makes people's scalp numb.

The growth rate of spiders is too fast. We can see that more than half of them are just born. It's too scary to attack in such a short time.

"Shit, I didn't expect that these little things couldn't get there because of reproduction, but they saved their lives."

Yuwen Tian couldn't help sneering. Things are changeable. Who can expect a blessing in disguise?

"Chen Chen, can't you talk to these Warcraft? Ask them what they want. If they want food, you'll show them the place."

Honger almost collapsed. He had nothing to do with big spiders, but for dense groups of small spiders, he felt that his whole head was beginning to faint.

Chen Chen didn't do it according to honger's, but gave honger a white eye, "they can naturally feel the breath there, and use you to guide the way. Don't ask. These spiders come for manzhushahua."

Honger reluctantly glanced at Yu Wentian and turned his head back as if he hadn't heard anything. Let alone yuwentian, even others will never agree to give Manzhu shahua out. This is something they have worked hard to get.

At the moment of discussion, the spiders seemed impatient. They kept spitting spider silk from their mouths. Each spider silk had a powerful force and a little bit of venom that could make people miserable.

These spiders are very smart. They know that their body shape is too small. Melee is not good. They can trample them to death with one foot. They use spider silk warfare of wheels.

Every time these spiders spit out a little, their range of activities will be smaller, and in the end, there is almost no place to move.

"The fire set the prairie ablaze."

If it goes on like this, it will be impossible to break through. Yuwen Angel used a large area of attack skills to make five people a circle and let the fire burn around.

Sure enough, as he estimated, the deterrence of these flames to these spiders is almost minimal, but fortunately, they can last for some time.

There are so many spiders that they can attack them all the time. With the time of this cup of tea, the power passes faster than the great energy of unity cultivation.

"No, go on, we will certainly die here. I don't believe it. I can't open this portal."

Yuwentian looked around. The flames couldn't last long. Many people were stained with spider silk. Fortunately, they haven't reached the skin, but it's not far away. Once they touch the skin, they will take off a layer of skin.

Holding the key of Xuan photon with both hands, he directly added all the remaining forces in his body, but he still failed to open the prohibition on the key, but cut a crack in the void.

This prohibition must not be set by Xuanguang. He doesn't have such a powerful power. It turns out that the old and crafty are still a group of Taoists in Xuanguang temple.

"Open it for me..."

How could yuwentian be restricted by a key? Since there is no way to break through the prohibition of the key, he directly uses his power to open the portal.

Hongyi and others were stunned. They had never seen anyone open the portal with such an arrogant method. They were stunned for several blinks before they thought of going up to help. After a cup of tea, they succeeded and opened the portal.

"Come on, get out one by one."

The first is Bingyan, then Chen Chen, and then yuwentian. At the moment yuwentian went out, suddenly the whole fire started and collapsed. The spider looked at them and was about to escape. He came directly at two people. According to the time, I'm afraid only one person can go out.

Honger felt that his body was hit violently and suddenly fell into the portal. His eyes widened. He watched honger block the whole portal. In a moment, he was wrapped by a cobweb. However, at the last moment, he still didn't fall until the portal was closed.

"What about Hongyi?"

Chen Chen looked at only honger, but the portal had been closed. He was in a hurry. A month's time was not long, but it was also short. After so many lives and deaths, several people had temporarily forgotten their original camp.

Honger glanced at his back and immediately tears stayed. Chen Chen looked at honger and didn't dare to say a word more. The man didn't shed tears. Honger was already like this. What else is necessary to ask?

After a long time, honger finally recovered. He still has something to do. Hongyi is no longer. He must replace Hongyi and protect Yin Tiancheng. This is Hongyi's wish.