Suddenly the Liusha River rolled up, emitting bubbles with yellow sand. Soon a vortex appeared, and a murderous water ghost came out of it.

The water ghost had long red hair, but he was bald in the middle of his head. He had a long beard and was very sloppy. The brightest thing was the skull on his neck. It should be the skull of those people he had mutilated before.

"Who on earth are you? How dare you go to my Liusha River to be presumptuous? I let you go for the first time. I don't know how to be grateful. I threw people into my Liusha river again and again. When I Liusha river is a garbage dump?"

"Amitabha, benefactor, you are so grumpy. Let me introduce you to our team."

Yu Wentian fiercely pulled Sun Wukong over and stood next to him, "this is the Buddha of the Tathagata, the Jade Emperor, Guanyin Bodhisattva, designated by the Supreme Master..."

"Shut up, I really think I'm a monster in the lower world. Haven't I ever seen these big people? The Buddha Jade Emperor, where can he touch it? Eat my stick."

Before yuwentian finished his introduction, Sha Wujing interrupted yuwentian's words. It's too wordy. Now it's time for him to sleep. He wants to go back to sleep before he fully wakes up.

Unwilling to say anything more, he rushed over directly with the demon subduing staff. The monkey king didn't move where he stayed. He was hit hard, but nothing happened.

But he turned his head and looked at yuwentian blankly. He thought yuwentian wanted to do it himself. Who knows that he pushed him out like this?

Yu Wentian's problem is an internal problem, which will be discussed later, but the monster is an external problem. Regardless, he directly took out the golden cudgel and beat Sha Wujing.

Sha Wujing was smart enough to fight and retreat, so he jumped into the Liusha river.

Before the monkey king took out the golden cudgel, he thought he could take them down. However, the moment he saw the golden cudgel, he was in a hurry.

Although he didn't know the monkey king, he knew the sea god needle in the East China Sea. He didn't understand that the monkey was pressed at the foot of Wuzhi Mountain five hundred years ago? How did you show up here?

It's better to hide at the bottom of the river. It's said that the monkey king belongs to fire, and his power in the water will be weakened a lot.

"Elder martial brother, why didn't you let the monster escape without taking advantage of the victory?"

Pig Bajie rushed up to see the calm river. He was very dissatisfied with the monkey king. How could he let a monster escape like this? Monkey king looked at pig Bajie coldly and didn't say anything.

"Bajie, your eldest martial brother has extraordinary strength on the ground. In the sea, you may not even compare with him."

Monkey king looked at Yu Wentian coldly and continued to hum coldly. He was right. In the water, he couldn't even compare with pig Bajie.

"Master, how about letting my grandson force him out of the water and let the eldest martial brother kill him then?"

Yu Wentian stretched out his hand and hit pig Bajie on the head. "I know how to fight and kill in one day. This is your little martial brother. Kill him. Do you still want to carry your luggage?"

Pig Bajie was stunned. Was that monster his third martial brother? Suddenly he smiled happily. He was the ugliest in the group. Now, the third junior brother looks much uglier than him.

"Little white dragon, it's up to you this time. The sand monk is soil. He can only control sand, not water. Since it's groundwater, let it return to the ground."

The little white Dragon nodded. He really didn't have strong combat effectiveness, but he still had the ability to control water. Anyway, he was also the prince of the dragon. If he didn't even have this ability, he didn't have to come out and mix.

With a gentle jump, the little white dragon turned into a white dragon and hovered over the Liusha river. The white scales twinkled in the sun.

However, a few wisps of white smoke were spit out from his mouth. Suddenly, the Liusha River moved down towards the quicksand at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Soon, a monster full of sand rushed out of the yellow sand. After shaking hard for a long time, he shook the yellow sand down. Then he opened his mouth and spit hard. It was full of yellow sand.

"Smelly monkey, you are too much. My Liusha river is far away from your Wuzhi Mountain or Huaguo Mountain. Why do you have to live with me?"

Sha Wujing holds a demon subduing staff and looks at the monkey king with a look of resentment. In his opinion, the monkey king should be the most powerful existence.

Suddenly, Sha Wujing felt that someone patted him on the shoulder behind his back. He suddenly looked back. What appeared in his eyes was a big pig's head. He jumped and directly raised the demon subduing staff to attack.

Zhu Bajie's cultivation was slightly better than that of monk Sha. He immediately grabbed the nine tooth rake and blocked Sha Wujing's demon subduing staff.

The moment Sha Wujing saw the nine tooth rake, he was stunned. He always felt that the weapon had been seen somewhere, but looking at the pig's head, such an obvious sign, he couldn't have seen it, but he couldn't remember it.

Pig Bajie laughed. "The rolling curtain general looked at my old pig, but he was familiar with the rake? I think we fought side by side in those years."

Pig Bajie raised his head and looked at the sky. His face was full of longing. In the blink of an eye, hundreds of years have passed. He thought about how beautiful he was in the Milky way. He didn't expect to be reduced to this point.

Sha Wujing fiercely pushed away Zhu Bajie, "are you Marshal Tianpeng?" After carefully looking at pig Bajie, I still can't believe that the pig in front of me is Marshal Tianpeng, who was in charge of 100000 heavenly soldiers in Tianhe.

"Amitabha, he is really Marshal Tianpeng and a disciple of the poor monk. Wujing, he is also your second elder martial brother, and that monkey is your eldest martial brother."

Yu Wentian appeared at the right time, which startled pig Bajie and monk Sha.

"Wujing? Is it you that master Guanyin told me to wait?"

Looking at Yu Wentian, he is really dressed up as a monk, but he is not as kind-hearted and amiable as master Guanyin said.

Yuwentian nodded. "I've been looking for you for a long time, and I have a unique secret to teach you, which your two elder martial brothers and one younger martial brother can't have."

As soon as Sha Wujing heard this, he immediately knelt down on his knees and kowtowed his head. "Disciple Sha Wujing paid a visit to master. Thank you for your kindness."

The pig Bajie next to him almost didn't laugh. He already knew that what master wanted to pass on to Sha Wujing was cooking.