Taking advantage of yuwentian's thinking, the cliff pulls Xiaowu back again and protects him to death. Just now he has fought with yuwentian. He knows that he is not yuwentian's opponent, but he still doesn't give up protecting his brother. It can be seen that he really loves Xiaowu.

Yu Wentian was funny and laughed again and again. "If I really want to deal with you, you don't even have a chance to blink. You're just a mantis."

"Hum, even if you are better than me? If you want to kill my brother, unless you step over my body, don't even think about it."

Suddenly, the cliff was overturned to the ground before he could see what was going on, but Yu Wentian was still in place. It seemed that he had never moved and looked at him with a smile.

But he knew that it must be yuwentian who played tricks behind the strange fall. He was very angry with yuwentian, but he was more frightened, and his strength was stronger than he thought.

Yu Wentian looked at the cliff and really wanted to laugh. He hadn't had such an experience of laughing for a long time. The funny talent of the two brothers is really not weak.

The anger on his body did not disappear automatically, but disappeared after being teased by the two brothers.

Yu Wentian stretched out his right hand and immediately nine smaller fire dragons in his right hand wandered among them. Even though they were separated by more than ten steps, the cliff also felt the burning feeling in the fire. This feeling made him feel terrible from his heart.

He has never seen Da Neng Bi Dou, but he also knows that Yu Wentian's strength is not low. Let alone that there are only two brothers now. Even if there are another 1000 of them, they can't compete with Yu Wentian.

"Don't my brother. If you want to kill me, kill me. I can die instead of my brother."

Even though Xiaowu's face was red, Xiaowu resolutely blocked the cliff in front of it, for fear that Yuwen would kill the cliff naively.

At the moment when Xiaowu closed his eyes and waited for death, yuwentian put away the flame in his hand. Xiaowu trembled and waited for the feeling of death, but it didn't come, and even the burning feeling disappeared.

Xiao Wu's eyes slightly opened a crack and looked at Yu Wentian, but Yu Wentian took up his hands. The fireball in his hand had long disappeared and stared at him with interest.

"When did I say I would kill you? I just want you to know that if I want you two brothers to die, I can't even use the power of a finger. Since I said I want to bring your two brothers back to the demon family, I will do it."

"Brother, did you hear that? He said he really wanted to send us back. He has such powerful power that he can send us back."

Xiao Wu's face changed too fast. Even Yu Wentian was overwhelmed. He was just a hostile face. In the twinkling of an eye, he seemed to be a good friend he had known for a long time. The adjectives that emerge in yuwentian's mind are still the two words "wonderful".

The cliff looked at yuwentian, and there was no hatred in his eyes. He had another feeling about yuwentian's strength. Yuwentian didn't talk nonsense. If he wanted their two brothers to die here, he couldn't even use the power of a finger.

However, the cliff was still sad and worried about something. Yuwentian just wanted to ask, but his eyes were cold. There were people around. It sounded like two people, but his strength was lower than him.

They should feel the evil spirit here and rush towards this side. Yu Wentian didn't move, but sneered. They wanted to start with the people he wanted to protect, and didn't see how many kilograms they were.

After a while, two practitioners in white long clothes and holding a sword rushed to yuwentian. Xiaowu and cliff subconsciously hid behind yuwentian, as if nothing had happened to prevent yuwentian before.

Yuwentian didn't care. He just looked at the two people in front of him. They were only in their thirties, but they were also the peak of Yuanying.

To yuwentian's surprise, these two people's talents are obviously not as good as the two brothers cliff and Xiaowu. What's the reason.

"Dancing in white is to describe a handsome man like me, but you two coal balls wearing white clothes can only make you darker. Who designed these two clothes for you?"

Yuwentian almost let the cliff come out from the back as soon as he got out. Although it is said that the skin of these two people is really very black and wearing white clothes is like two coal balls, is it time to say this?

The two disciples in white also have a blank face. They can see from their eyes that they are very angry now, but they can't show it on their faces.

"Taoist friend, who the hell are you? If you want to catch the two demons and get the reward, you can compete with our martial brothers. Why insult them."

The one on the left looked more deeply. It should be senior brother. He always looked at yuwentian with vigilance. Yuwentian had something to hide his accomplishments. He couldn't see yuwentian's accomplishments clearly, but from the breath of yuwentian, he felt that he was a difficult person to deal with.

Yuwentian laughed. "It must be natural to compete with you two. But I have to make it clear that I want to send them back to the demon world. It's different from you."

After they heard yuwentian's words, their faces suddenly changed. Even on the two black faces, they could see a slight change.

"Elder martial brother, he has rebelled against the human race and joined the demon race. This kind of villain can kill everyone quickly. What are we waiting for?"

A battle broke out in the eyes of another disciple, urging his senior brother. After pondering for a long time, his senior brother finally nodded. If this unknown disciple of that sect sent the two demons back to the demon world under their eyelids, it would be the face of the whole sect.

"I want to see how strong you are."

The martial brothers all shot, and the sword in their hands flashed bright light in the air. Yu Wentian shook his clothes and suddenly the cliff and Xiaowu were shaken away by a strong wind and fell on a big tree 100 meters away. The cliff was unlucky to get stuck on the branch of the tree and couldn't move. Even his spiritual power couldn't be mobilized.

"It's just two friars in their infancy. They dare to show off their abilities in front of me. They want to see how powerful your accomplishments are."

Yuwentian pinched his fist and greeted him, but he didn't even take a weapon.