Yu Wentian looked at Xiaowu and didn't bother him. If all his cultivation depends on people's guidance, he can only be a learner all his life. Only by adding his own experience can he be regarded as a real cultivator.

It seems that Xiaowu's experience is very profound. Don't bother Xiaowu for the time being. Only from time to time, when Xiaowu has defects, two sentences of guidance are enough.

Yu Wentian jumped lightly and went to the roof without making any sound, even the sound of the broken wind.

I took out the skill book that Lao Zhao's head gave him. After a month, I'm afraid I have to explain to Lao Zhao's head.

After looking through it roughly, I suddenly felt that it was broad and profound, which was a rare excellent practice method.

The first sentence has already indicated the status of this skill. When it was passed on to Xiao Wu, I didn't see this sentence,

"Everything is Qi. Those who control Qi control everything."

The existence of the attribute of cultivating Qi is not just to control the spiritual Qi and other substantive breath. They believe that every existence in the world is the existence of Qi, and even space is the existence of Qi. When cultivating to the state of Dacheng, even controlling a space is a very simple thing.

This is quite similar to the theory of pharmacy. They believe that people can master life and death as long as they master Qi. No wonder Lao Zhao's head is the one who practices Qi, but he is called the king of medicine.

Yu Wentian closed his eyes and let the spiritual power in his body walk according to the context recorded in the book. After trying several times, he failed every time.

"Since the attribute Reiki is also Qi, why can't my Qi walk according to this vein? What's the matter? Do I have to give up the original cultivation like Xiaowu?"

Yuwentian frowned and looked at Xiaowu who was practicing in the middle of the yard, but his eyes brightened. He saw Xiaowu's cultivation just now, and there was no sign of going crazy. Now he looked carefully, but he found that the Qi attributes cultivated by Xiaowu were slightly different from those recorded in the book.

After carefully observing the Kung Fu of about a cup of tea, yuwentian suddenly realized.

"It turns out that Qi attribute, dark attribute and light attribute belong to the context of the overall attribute and can be used to change the form. The cultivation method of Qi attribute is not pure."

Yu Wentian checked carefully. Sure enough, there was a line of small characters in the book, which mentioned that it was a metal cultivation technique. Xiao Wu was very intelligent. He didn't know the metal cultivation skill, but he practiced it with the attribute of water, which was a small achievement.

The five elements attribute runs on different tracks. If you practice one by one, it must be very troublesome. When the practice is successful, the cauliflower will be cold.

Yu Wentian fell into meditation again. How to unify the attributes of the five elements is the key to cultivating Qi attributes.

In the blink of an eye, one night passed, and Yu Wentian still got nothing. No one had thought of doing such a thing before, and there was no reference. It was really difficult to be original.

But Yu Wentian doesn't intend to give up. Lao Zhao's combination of medicine and Qi is something no one has done before. Since someone is original, why can't he?

The next day, yuwentian was waiting for the demon king's call, but there was no one. It was really strange.

Yuwentian came out of Yuwen mansion and went to the square. There was no blood, and even the trace of fighting disappeared.

"Is someone deliberately hiding what happened last night? Who is it? Why?"

Yuwentian's mind turned rapidly, but he couldn't find a clue all the time. Among the demons, there were only a few people he knew, but none of them had the motive to commit a crime.

Although the demon king is tolerant of him, such a big thing is related to the security of the demon family. The demon king must take into account the whole demon family and will not completely suppress it.

As for Yundong, it is estimated that he is still waiting for his baby daughter to earn his face back, and Yundong is very timid and won't do such a thing.

I know another person, that is the housekeeper. The housekeeper is indeed an elusive existence, but yuwentian instinctively told him that the housekeeper could not do such a thing.

After thinking about it, yuwentian finally failed. Yuwentian simply returned to yuwenfu and continued to study the so-called Qi attribute skill. However, after three days, yuwentian still got nothing. Fortunately, the progress of cliff and Xiaowu is not small.

"Brother, what happened to you by those skeletons? You can't..."

Looking at the cliff coming out of the underworld, Xiaowu couldn't help thinking. I can't blame Xiaowu. The cliff is really strange at this time.

The clothes on his body were torn one by one, and many of his skin were exposed, which was similar to when they first met yuwentian, but he had more scratches than yuwentian at that time. If you don't know, you really think he was hurt.

"Little boy, if you are good, you don't learn. You only know to learn something that some don't have." The cliff tapped Xiaowu's head gently, but he was suddenly stunned, and his face was a little ugly.

"Xiao Wu, why did your cultivation suddenly fall back to the peak the day after tomorrow?"

Xiao Wu realized the wonder of the skill passed on to him by Yu Wentian. Instead of being shy, he was very complacent. "This is the skill given to me by brother Yu Wentian. Brother, let me tell you a secret. I began to practice again three days ago."

The cliff looked at Xiao Wu and Yu Wentian. His face was full of disbelief. He stretched out a finger and went into Xiao Wu's body. Sure enough, it was not the previous water attribute skill, but this attribute, which he had never seen before. It was very strange.

After thinking about it, cliff figured out that his brother, like him, must be a genius. He was also calculated by the poisonous woman and seen by yuwentian, so Xiaowu also changed his cultivation attribute.

The cliff looked at Yu Wentian with gratitude. At the beginning, he didn't believe Yu Wentian at all, and even wanted to kill Yu Wentian. However, Yu Wentian brought them one benefit after another, which really made him ashamed.

"OK, it's almost now. Go and freshen up quickly to avoid your arrogant and domineering sister coming. I'll ridicule you at that time, but I'll lose my face."

The cliff should be. In the blink of an eye, she had run without a trace. Tianque was on time. She arrived as soon as the cliff was freshened up.