At that time, Huang Fei and other disciples were stunned. The key of their array was to stab into the acupoints of the human body. However, Yu Wentian's super defense ability, coupled with the nine fire dragons blocking his sight, could not accurately find the acupoints of Yu Wentian.

The nine fire dragons were burning all over the body. Even the hair of the disciples who were a little closer was scorched. It seemed that Yu Wentian was not affected. His body was still emitting cold air and looked at them coldly.

This kind of ice and fire double sky taste is really a little hard, almost driving people crazy.

Huang Fei is gnashing his teeth. If he goes on like this, they will be defeated by yuwentian. Yuwentian just let the nine fire dragons fly out and didn't attack them directly. The purpose is obvious, but he wants them to use their unique skills.

It can be seen that Yu Wentian's patience is not very good. If he waits for a long time, he can't guarantee what Qi yuwentian will do.

"Younger martial brothers and sisters, I'm afraid we're going to use our unique skills this time. Don't hide any more, otherwise we really have to die here today."

At the same time, Huang Fei took a cold look at the old Taoist. He kept talking about it all the time, but he always refused to do it. If he did it, they wouldn't be so passive.

Several disciples close to Huang Fei opened their mouths, closed their mouths, and communicated with Huang Fei with divine knowledge, which is their unique ability of array.

"Elder martial brother, our unique skill is not very mature. What if we use it rashly and have problems?"

All the disciples looked at Huang Fei. They all had this problem in their hearts.

"Elder martial brother, it's not that we have to keep our strength. We haven't really succeeded in that move. In case of any problems here..."

More than 30 other disciples are hesitant. In yuwentian's hands, they may not die, but if there is a problem with that move, they really have to die.

"Younger martial brothers and sisters, don't you understand? This man is different from ordinary Terrans. He has become a devil. Do you think he will let us go if we fail? If the devil comes out at that time, do we have a way back?"

The younger martial brothers and sisters took a look at the old Taoist. If the demon clan came out, I'm afraid they would have been killed before the old Taoist had finished persuasion.

"Elder martial brother, we listen to you. We use the last move."

Finally, all the disciples still had a horizontal heart, took back the sword in their hands, put it in front of them, and kept chanting spells.

Suddenly, thirty-six disciples disappeared around Yu Wentian, turned into a sword light and integrated into the sword.

"The unity of man and sword?"

Yu Wentian shook his head. These people's strength was too low, and their understanding of swordsmanship was not enough. It was impossible to achieve the unity of people and swords. Maybe he used some special spell to temporarily integrate himself as a sword spirit and sword.

At the next moment, the sword also disappeared and turned into 36 rays of light. In the original array, it ran disorderly and still could not hurt yuwentian.

But Yu Wentian was serious, and he didn't have the expression of light wind and cloud just now.

These sword lights are stronger than the previous golden silk thread. I don't know how many times, but the original intention of these sword lights is not to kill him. It's really strange. Even he can't see what's going on.

Suddenly, these sword lights merged together and slowly grew larger. A huge divine beast with silver light all over took off in front of yuwentian.

This is the ancient divine beast Taotie, which is worse than chaos, but it is also a very powerful existence among fierce beasts. Taotie has been destroyed, and there is no place to stay. Everything that can or cannot be eaten will enter Taotie's belly.

"Taotie is also a rebellious person who uses Taotie as a divine beast to guard the array."

When Yu Wentian opened the medicine pupil, he could see that the Taotie beast did not really summon the spirit of the beast, but combined a new array with the sword array, which was set up according to Taotie's digestive system.

There is a transmission array in the center of Taotie, which should be a very dangerous place. I'm afraid it's the forbidden area set up by old Taoist Ouyang.

Yu Wentian's eyes were still a little excited. It would be nice if he could go to the forbidden area of old Taoist Ouyang.

Before Taotie opened his mouth, Yu Wentian turned into a streamer and rushed directly into Taotie's mouth and went straight to the array.

Huang Fei and others were stunned at that time. They were still worried about whether this gluttonous beast really had a way to swallow yuwentian. Who knew that yuwentian himself went in.

I haven't figured out what happened for a long time. When I react, my strength has been almost consumed.

The silver gluttonous beast disintegrated, and thirty-six figures fell directly to the ground from the air, raising some dust. Yu Wentian didn't hurt him, but he was hurt by Heli's array. When it came out, he must laugh off his big teeth.

"Martial nephews, why are you so rash? I told you to wait a little longer. Wouldn't it be better if I could persuade him to abandon evil and promote good?"

However, no one paid attention to him. They all regarded him as the air does not exist. Everyone knows his cultivation. If he was willing to do it just now, they might not need to do it at all.

"Martial uncle, you'd better have a rest. I heard your cry just now. I'm afraid I'm tired." Then Huang Fei looked at the younger martial brothers and sisters around him.

"Everyone has just worked hard. Please heal quickly. This is already a marginal area. If others find our trace, we can't hide our strength now."

Thirty six people immediately closed their eyes and began to meditate in situ. They were covered with a Lavender Mask to protect them. At the same time, they also isolated the chatter of the old Taoist outside.

The transmission array in Taotie's stomach is a large sword array. This sword array can be seen as an ancient sword array. There is no edge of this space around, and these sword arrays can't see any edge. Thousands of long swords are hanging in the air.

"Ancient sword array? No wonder they admire the array of old Taoist Ouyang. Who knows if they still boast with the help of the ancient sword array."

Yu Wentian's interest in elder Ouyang was two points lower. It was a pity. He thought it was a creative existence, but it was just fishing for fame.