Chapter 68 - 68 Baroness Lauren…. Visount Francois’s Past

City of Wise; Italy

The Morning came and the people of City of Wise was very happy for the outcome of the proposal of their Viscount to the Lady of Vallini house. Every citizen of City of Wise have seen the live streaming of the proposal for both being an official partners and also the engagement proposal. The citizens are uproar for what will be the date of the wedding, the venue and other things. They all hope that the wedding of the two love birds will be a holiday for them to watch. ​​

Somewhere in the suburbs, City of Wise lies an old mansion…. The Mansion of the Lemark….. Baroness Lauren Lemark lives here with her parents….. She is the former bride….. No fiancé….. Not again... the former betrothed lady to Viscount Francois Andrei Vendari... but because of her... they meet the downfall of their family rights of being the royals….. They can't even continue their bloodline anymore.

"Never chase LOVE, AFFECTION or ATTENTION. If it isn't given freely by another person, it isn't worthy". "You are not worthy of those things from me Lauren…. I Finally Found Someone….. So you better get out of my life!!!" These are the words of Viscount Francois to Baroness Lauren 4 years ago….

Baroness Lauren wants to rekindle her relationship to him but she is already too late, Viscount just moved on from her and to Lady Krista. He have found a new woman who gave warmth to his heart…. A woman whom gave him a new hope and a new life after Lady Krista's death. She thought that Viscount Francois will wait for her, but she was wrong…. She just can't take the fact that the new found love of Francois is a divorcee and have kids; and that's not all….. Francois is happy to boast to every royalties at City of Wise that the kids looks up to him as their father and he loves the kids so much. And the mother of the kids is his ETERNITY…..

She made investigation about Autumn Jade Vallini but it seems that she is well protected by the Duke and the brothers Dimitri and Ryder. She maybe a daughter of a royalty but since she gets off the engagement agreement of her family and Francois their family went down; it seems that the Vendari family is so disappointed to her. She also got to know that the kids of Lady Autumn is also well loved by the parents of the Vendari, Manzini and the di Lucchesi. They are protected by the three big families and the HADES ORGANIZATION, her family was kick out from the organization the moment she break off the engagement and because of that their business just face bankruptcy.

She saw the live streaming of the proposal of Francois to Autumn Vallini last night…. Those are the regrets she is having right now….. She regrets that she breaks off the engagement with the Vendari's because she is blinded by the love… the love that she gave to someone who is not worth it. She fell in love with a wrong man….. To Bernard Dantes….. But he just used her….. Used her family contacts, resources and money. She knew way before that Bernard Dantes is having an affair with Sofia Su….. Sofia Su whom is a model/actress. She knew that Sofia Su is Bernard Dantes bed warmer every time he needs to get laid she is the woman he always calls….. She gave everything too Bernard Dantes; her innocence, her time, her world … but it seems that he is not contented at all. He still looks nor still fined Sofia Su.

The day she left the engagement party given to her by the Vendari's….. She is ready to face the life of being a commoner….. She will doing everything and anything just to be with Bernard but still…. All her efforts has gone to waste. Now that she is ready to face Francois…. She plans to be with him now, it seems that she is too late….. VERY TOO LATE. Four years ago she went to see him at his office, she knew that after she left him… he got involve to Lady Krista of Wales, she become Francois lover after she left him… but two weeks before their said wedding…. Lady Krista met an accident that kills her instantly. By that time her relationship to Bernard is on the rocks….. They decided to separate and she decided to be back to Francois but his sister Scarlet blocked her off.

Then after a year, they accidentally bumped to each other. She ask for his forgiveness and ask .... No she convince him for them to be reunited….. She was really expecting for Francois to accept her…. Because what her mind tells her is that François still loves her but she was wrong…. Francois already found someone... and that is Autumn Jade Vallini.

In one instance she bumped to Dr. Alexei Voronov….. She ask for his help about Francois but the words of the doctor greatly affected her….. It really engraves to her heart and mind….. "Never try to convince somebody or anyone of your worth. If a person doesn't appreciate you, they don't deserve you. Respect yourself and be with people who truly value you" Alexei said this words to her….. He even told her that "You are way too late Lauren….. He already found someone else... and that someone else is his life... no one can break them apart". Lauren chuckled as she reminisce everything. She actually haven't met Autumn Vallini; she was well protected by the HADES ORGANIZATION, the ladies of the court, and the knights….. "How special is this woman to the royals" this are her thoughts, she is really envious and jealous to Autumn…..

She actually wants to meet her….. Meet Autumn and tells her that she is happy for her and Francois upcoming wedding, and even though she have regrets and she was hurt... it is her own fault and no one must be blamed but her…. ONLY HER.

Can We Still Be Friends

(Mandy Moore)

We can't play this game anymore but

Can we still be friends?

Things just can't go on like before but

Can we still be friends?

We had something to learn

Now it's time for the wheel to turn

Grains of sand, one by one

Let's admit we made a mistake but

Can we still be friends?

Heartbreak's never easy to take but

Can we still be friends?

It's a strange, sad affair

Sometimes seems like we just don't care

Don't waste time feeling hurt

We've been through hell together

Can we still be friends?

Can we still be friends?

You know that life will still go on

We awoke from our dream

Things are not always what they seem

Memories linger on

It's like a sweet, sad, old song

Can we still be friends?

Can we still get together sometimes?

Can we still be friends?

Can we still be friends?

Can we still get together sometimes?

Can we still be friends?

You know that life will still go on

The song of Mandy Moore was played to her spotify as she listened to it... She knew that it was her song for Francois… but she also knew Francois personality... he will not accept her to become his friend….. for Francois she is already dead... and it is better that way…. But still she wants him…..