Chapter 85 - 85 Never Ever Underestimate the Power of the Twins (4)

As the dessert was served with the drinks and they all eat it….. Luna can't ignore her headache.

Francois: "Are you okay My Queen?"​​

Luna: "My head hurts My King."

Alexei and Xavier saw Luna's face…. She was very pale and sweat on her forehead is starting to drips to her face. Alexei gave her a glass of water so that she can feel a little ease on her head. Ryder observes the scenario that is happening right now…. "So the twins' victim this time is their mother and their prince….. We underestimate the power of the twins….. They are really evil and yet adorable kids" Ryder said to himself as he can see how the twins communicate through their eyes. "The twins' power is really strong… strong enough that they ask for the help of the people around them and those people gladly help them" he added.

Dimitri began to get nervous….. He looks up to the twins…. he got an idea that maybe the twins put something to their food. "Bunnies did you add something to our food?" he asks the twins. The twins shook their heads; "Uncle DJ we are innocent this time we didn't alter the foods…. Remember we promise it to you a while ago" Dawn explained to him.

Luna: "DJ….. I'm having vertigo….. Don't worry…. Maybe I'm just exhausted."

Francois: "Are you sure My Queen? Maybe we need to bring you to the hospital."

Luna shook her head, Alexei checks her pulse to see if she digested any aphrodisiac drugs. Alexei glance at Dimitri and signals him that Luna is safe and it is a vertigo attack that she is having right now.

Alexei: "Francois send Luna to her room and prepare a warm bath for her to lessen the headache that she is having."

Francois escorted Luna to her room as he is very worried about his fiancée. Dimitri glances to Scarlet as he didn't see any changes to her physical features. "Scar… are not feeling anything wrong to your body?" he asks her full of concern. Scarlet looks at him and shook her head. "Dimitri…. I'm okay….. What about you?" Scarlet asks him back. "I'm okay….. It's just that I don't want anyone to get hurt" he replied to her.

Ryder began to get confused….. He still observes the gestures of the twins as he can't read them anymore. Alexei also checks Dimitri and Scarlet's pulse and he made it sure that she is also not having any symptoms of the aphrodisiac drug. Everyone calls it a night for all of them felt very exhausted for the things that have happened to their family.

The twins proceed to one of the empty guests for they can't sleep to their bedroom because of the recordings from their computers. The Knights didn't allow them to stay there for a while, not unless the extreme exercise inside Isabele's room subsides. They just took a bath and having a very deep conversation.

Dawn: "Handsome brother it's a good thing that we didn't add the aphrodisiac drug to mom and aunt Scar's food….. we only add the ovulation ampule for them to have ovulation for this month."

Winter: "Yeah…. And it is also a good thing that Grandma Lee didn't us allow to do it yet."

Dawn: "I hope mom is alright…. And since like Uncle Alexei said it was a vertigo attack we are safe right now."

Winter: "Let us just wait for another day to execute the other plans. Let's sleep for now….. and don't worry I've already set up the music mode to our mom's room right now."


Luna's Room

As the couple entered Luna's room the song "For All of My Life" by For Real was played, even though it is an instrumental one it still sends a romantic ambiance for both of them. When Francois heard the music he chuckled for he already knows that the twins set this up. They may not tamper their food but still the romantic feeling inside Luna's room can bring up a good mood for lovers.

"My Queen, are you sure that you are okay?" Francois asks Luna with a very worried tone in his voice. Luna smiled and nodded her head. "The twins seem giving us a very unique kind of feeling here in my room," Luna said as they both laugh. Francois helps Luna to sit on the bed and he helps Luna to take off her slippers. Francois sat beside Luna as he her head and played her hair.

Francois: "They are very persistent to have a new member in our family, that's why they make sure that Yuan and Isabele will be giving them new playmate."

Luna: Yeah….. They like to have babies to our family. I'm just worried about Yuan's safety….. Alexei might not harm him but their parents will go ballistic if they found out that they have done an extreme exercise before marriage."

Francois; "Don't worry My Queen, Alexei told us that he will talk to Yuan tomorrow. It seems that the drug that the twins gave them is quite strong."

Luna: "My King... Thank you for everything that you are doing to my kids."

Francois (chuckled as he Luna's face using his backhand): "My Queen…. They are our kids….. They are our children."

Luna's tears fell on her face as she heard the words of Francois….. She already knew that Francois already treats and accept her kids as he owns. That's the number one reason why she fell in love with this man. He never looks at her past rather he accepts her as a whole person. Luna embraces Francois as she can't contain her happiness….. Francois chuckled for a while... "It seems that My Queen is seducing me," he told to Luna teasingly. Then the music suddenly changes…. The next music that has been being played is titled "Crazy in Love' By Beyoncé but in a beat used in the movie "Fifty Shades of Grey".

"My King…. What if I want to seduce you tonight will you be seduced by y doings?" Luna asks Francois as she looks at his eyes as she licks her lips because it is very dry now. "Then My Queen, you have done a very dangerous move…. Because I've been into deep fantasies' of having you in my bed" Francois replied as he cupped Luna's face and kiss her very deeply and passionately.

Outside Luna's room, one of the servants already put signage at Luna's room a note "DO NOT DISTURB". The servants already knew that there will be another intense work out that is going too happened. They may not eat any aphrodisiac drug but still, they already have a premonition of what is happening inside their Ms. Luna's room.