Chapter 96 - 96 Sofia I'm sorry but I want a DIVORCE……

"Whoever it was….. I hope you won't regret it, don't do the same mistake just like I did for My Luna." Louie said to Yuan. "I know what song I will be singing at the Charity gala….. Yuan please look for this link at YouTube ( the title of the song is MINE by Rey and Kaye; it may be a duet song but I will sing it by myself as I want Luna to hear what is really in my heart and soul. The words of that song are what I felt for her." Yuan took the paper and then type the link on his phone as they all listen to the song. "Please do request Ms. Audrey if we can perform a total of 3 songs…. But that will be my first song for my wife….. To my Luna" he added.

Yuan just nodded as he can see how desperate Louie was; Ethan, Kim, and Harry just shook their head for disbelief…..Their friend who was married to Sofia Su is now in dilemma. They all knew that he married Sofia…. But for 5 years they never have a child and Louie doesn't even bother about that idea.​​

Harry: "Louie….. I have a question for you, and I hope you will answer me truthfully."

Louie: "What is it, Harry?"

Harry: "You are married to Sofia for 5 years…. How come you still don't have kids to her? And now that you got a piece of news about having a child to Luna and it is not only one but a twin... you seem more delighted about it."

Louie: "I just have s*x with Sofia on our wedding night…. That's the first and the last….. After that….. I can't even dare to do it again to her. Actually, on our wedding night, it is Luna that I imagine m.a.k.i.n.g. .l.o.v.e and not her."

Ethan: "Louie….on your wedding day you are almost drunk that time, you mean for 5 years except for the wedding never make love to your wife?"

Louie: "To Sofia? Yes, I never have s*x with her after that's because I miss Luna's scent…. Her touch and her kiss…. And for your other question Harry….. Yes…. I much more delighted and excited knowing that Luna and I have kids. Sadly, I neglected her dreams to support everything about me…. About our marriage, and yet, I couldn't no…. I didn't appreciate her."

"Oh, Luna….. My Luna….. I always think of you my Moon…. The way you looked, the way you smile and laughed…. The silent moments…. Your gazes…. I dreamt of it for 5 years... I know it's too late… I messed up... but it's because about you and it's always about you….. You are the one who holds my heart and my soul" Louie said to himself as he started to watch the video of the two cute babies on his laptop; he still watching the video sent by the twins. "I will not just acknowledge our children Luna… I will fight for my rights on them" he added.

Louie: "If only I have hugged her tighter and longer the last time I was with My Luna... this may not be the outcome….. If Only she could hear me now…. I will let her know how much I miss her so much. Yuan….. I know I was blind to see... I was a fool to ever let her go from my grasp. Now that I realized that Luna is the one for me but its too late….. she may have found someone else….. but still I want to prove to My Wife… to My Luna that I LOVE HER SO MUCH."

Yuan: "But it's too late…. You will never know what you have until you lose it, and once you lost it, you can never get it back. And even if you will try to get nor catch it it will not be yours."

Ethan; "Love is a risk, Louie…. Either you risk it all right now because you want to fight for her nor regret it all over again."


Su Residence

Suzy Su: "James, Is Louie still not answering your calls and messages? It's been a week since he didn't visit nor paid any attention to his wife…. To our daughter?"

James: "What can I do Suzy? It seems that he is very serious about the divorce."

Suzy Su: "Your daughter is not in good shape right now James….. I am very worried about her. And didn't the secretary of the Valine's and Vender's said that Sofia can't divorce Louie."

James: "Yes…. That's the condition that we have signed. And if Sofia will sign the divorce papers with Louie our company will be all transferred to them and I don't want that to happen."

Suzy Su: "Please do call Louie…. Ask him….. No beg him to visit Sofia…. She is killing herself by not eating anything."

The couple is talking at the study room when Sofia entered the room without knocking, she has heard their conversation and her tears are already flowing to her face. She knew that Louie will still insist on the divorce and even though she will not sign it…. Her life will be a living hell…. She will not be treated as a wife of Louie and she will not live at the Chen Villa anymore. Louie already sent back all her things at their family Villa. All the things that she has brought inside the Villa were sent back….. The other things that were bought by Louie's money were donated at the charity gala of the Valine's and Vender's.

Sofia: "Mom…. Dad….. Where is Louie? Does Louie also received a video about Luna?"

Suzy and James startled as Sofia came in and ask a question about Louie. Suzy looks at her daughter with a pity; Sofia's face was ruined by the scar caused by one of the bodyguards of Autumn Vallini. They can't even do any plastic surgery on it or even reconstruct it. The knife that the bodyguard used has a poison that was a mix to her blood, and if anesthesia was injected to Sofia it will cause her a shock and may bring her into the worst situation.

James: "Sweetie…. Louie is at your Villa… He is busy preparing for the collaboration of the companies between his company and the foreign company from Italy."

Suzy Su: "Why don't you sit down the first sweetie…. And we will call Louie now and ask him to join us for lunch."

Sofia followed what her mother says. "Mom… Louie may not like me anymore… I am already ugly…. He may not love me anymore" She told her mother as she sobs while touching her scar on her left cheeks. James and Suzy look at each other and they slowly look at her. James sighs deeply as he shook his head. "If only Sofia didn't hurt the Vallini's and Vendari's… she will not suffer these consequences" he told to himself.

Suzy dialed Louie's number but it didn't connect, "James can you try calling Louie, it seems that my call can't connect through his phone? She told to her husband. James also tried to call Louie but just like Suzy it didn't connect and it seems that their numbers and even their home phone number are blocked to Louie's phone. "Mom….Dad….. you can use my phone… maybe it will connect if you use this one" Sofia blurted out.


The message was heard over and over again. Sofia began to cry…. "Mom…. Dad…. Louie doesn't love me anymore…. He is divorcing me….. he wants to have Luna back to his life….. the ghost of Luna….. Mom I Can't live my life without Louie….. I WILL KILL MYSELF, Mom!!!!!" Sofia burst herself out to her parents; James closes his fist out of anger to Louie. Suzy rushes towards Sofia and hugs her, she consoles her daughter as she speaks the words "Sweetie…. Don't say that…. Louie is just pressured about work. And he is also pressured by seeing the ghost of Luna… the woman we saw at the anniversary party is not Luna…. Luna is dead….. remember" Suzy said to her daughter as she looks at James.

Suzy Su: "James….. Do Something…. If Louie doesn't want to talk no see us….. why not you go to the Vallini's and Vendari's…. ask their help about the situation."

James; 'Suzy… I can't do that…. It's not easy to have an appointment with them…. Their secretary is the only means of communication with them."

Sofia; "Dad….. do you have a way to find out Ms. Autumn Vallini's cellphone number? Please, dad…. Look for a way for us to have it."

Then suddenly Sofia got a message to her phone, it was an email letter of Louie to her and when she began to read it her hands that are holding the phone begun to tremble, her face paled and she was crying so hard this time. Suzy panicked when she saw the pale face of her daughter, out from motherly instinct she grabs Sofia's phone and read the contents of the message. She can't believe it….. the moment she looked at her daughter again Sofia looks back at her and fainted.

SOFIA!!!!! James and Suzy shouted. James called Butler So….. and he asks him to call their family doctor to ask her to come to their Villa. Butler saw the scene wherein Sofia was carried by her father as they all went to her room. Butler So happened to see the cellphone which is laying on the floor and took it, he read what is in the content of the message. "Ms. Luna... Little Ms. Moon is ALIVE... I Must inform the Cheung Elders and Ms. Lily Cheung about this….. they will be delighted about this news" Butler So said to himself and immediately called the Cheung family….. his Ms. Luna's maternal grandparents and her mother.