Chapter 98 - 98 The Cheungs....Our Moon is Back

Cheung Estate; City A

Eva and Lucas Cheung received a message from Butler So and immediately summons their daughter Lily Cheung Su, they were teary-eyed as they read the divorce letter of Louie to Sofia. ​​

Lily: "Dad….. is this true that My daughter is still alive?!"

Lucas: "I don't know Lily…. We need to confirm it first."

Eva: "How will you do that Lucas? It's been 5 years since you cut ties with the Chen's and to the Su's."

Lucas: "I don't know….. but at least we have a lead now that our Moon is alive. If we need to kidnap Louie and James just to give us information about my granddaughter, we will do that."

Lily: "Dad…. We must hasten the things we will do right now…. We can't say what Suzy can do to Luna. We all knew that she is the reason why I suddenly left Luna in James' care."

Lily was very worried about Luna this time…. She recalled when Luna was just 12 years old; that's the time that she got a report that James cheated her and he had a daughter with Suzy Choi….. his Secretary…. She was very devastated at that time especially when she received the photos and videos of them having intimate doings. She can't forgive James at that time... but the worst of all is when James choose Suzy when she confronted them. And what she didn't expect is that they both plotted the kidnapping and killing her that year. That's the reason why Luna was left at James' care; she was sold to human trafficking by her kidnappers and she endured it for 7 years. She was just found by her parents when they visit Switzerland and they saw her there, all along her parents knew that she died in a car accident just like what James told them. That's the time that she learned that Luna got married to the Chen's, on the day that she was ready to see her daughter…. The awful news came to them…. The news of Luna's death.

Lily: "Dad….if Luna is alive…. We must take good care of all the pieces of news… I don't want to lose my daughter again."

Eva: "Lucas….can you try to get in touch with the Wu's. I remembered that Luna's best friends are Wu triplets."

Lily: "Dad…. Don't call them… let's just pay them a visit to their boutique. And maybe we can ask them to design a gown and suit for the charity gala. We are invited to a charity gala on the 24th."

Lucas: "Lily… you knew that everybody here at City A knew that you are already dead…. We have to protect you from that Ex-husband of your and his vicious wife and daughter right now."

Lily: "Dad they can't hurt me again….. don't worry about that…. I just have this feeling that I need to go to that place."

Eva: "Lucas….. we have tons of bodyguards with us… let's give Lily a chance this time….. maybe through the Wu triplets, we can have a piece of news about Luna.

Lucas: "Okay…. Get dress and I'll prepare our ride."

Lily was very happy upon hearing her father's words. She went to her room and prepare herself. She recalled the things that she and Luna used to do every time they are dressing up. They used to sing songs and dance to their tune. She remembered the last song they've shared together…. It was the song she treasured most of all the songs that they sung together.


Luna: "Mom….. don't worry… all your problems will be solved in no time….. just turn to me cause I also turn to you."

Lily: "Moon….. is it a song?"

Luna: "Oh yes my dear mother….. would you like to hear it?"

Lily: "Yes… will you do an acapella for it."

Luna smiled and sing the song I Turn To You by Christina Aguilera. Luna sings it by the heart as she holds her mothers' hands. Lily can't help to hold on her tears at that time….. she knew that she was her daughter's best friend and she was hers….

Luna; "I love you so much, Mom."

Lily: "I love you too my Moon"


I Turn To You

Christina Aguilera

When I'm lost, in the rain, in your eyes

I know I'll find the light to light my way.

When I'm scared, losing ground when my world is going crazy,

You can turn it all around yes

And when I'm down you're there pushing me to the top.

You're always there givin' me all you've got.

For a shield from the storm, for a friend for a love to keep me safe and warm, I turn to you.

For the strength to be strong, for the will to carry on,

For everything you do for everything true, I turn to you, yes.

When I lose the will to win I just reach for you and I can reach the sky again.

I can do anything, 'cause your love is so amazing,

Cause your love inspires me. And when I need a friend you're always on my side,

Givin' my faith to get me through the night.

For a shield (for a shield)

For a friend, for a love to keep me safe and warm.

I turn to you. (I turn to you)

For the strength (for the strength)

To be strong for the will to carry on.

For everything you do I turn to you.

(oh yeah oh)

For the arms to be my shelter through all the rain.

For truth that will never change.

For someone to lean on.

For the one who I can run to

Oh yeah

(so do you oh yeah)

For a shield from the storm, for a friend, for a love to keep me safe and warm

(to keep me safe and warm, yeah)

I turn to you (I turn to you)

For the strength (for the strength yea)

To be strong, for the will to carry on.

For everything you do (everything you do)

For everything you do

For everything true

I turn to you.

Lily didn't realize that she was already singing the song and at that kind of state, her mother Eva Cheung saw her. "Mom, I miss Luna… I miss my daughter so much. I hope she is not mad at me for all the things that happened to her." Lily said to her mother as she cries in front of her. Eva smiled to her daughter; "Lily…. Our Moon is a very kindhearted person… she will understand you especially when you will explain to her everything" Eva replied to her daughter.

Lucas entered Lily's room and saw that his wife and daughter are in a very serious conversation. "Are we still going to the Wu company?" Lucas interrupted them, both mother and daughter nodded. "I'll just change my clothes Dad. You and mom can wait for me in the living room" Lily told her parents.


Su Residence

James is still inside his study room….still looking at Luna's picture. "If I could just turn back the time My Daughter….. I won't do the things I've done to you and your mother." James sighs…. His wife loves him so much….if he didn't believe the words of Suzy before he will not hurt his wife…. He will not scheme and cheat on her. He also regrets the this he has done to them…. His in-laws the Cheung's cut all ties to him the moment when they got the news about Luna's death. They even pulled out their shares to his company, they also didn't know where Luna was buried. Samantha disclosed everything, for the Wu family they are the reasons for Luna's sufferings and heartaches.

"I should help Louie… I will help him to find out if Ms. Autumn Vallini and Luna are the same people…. And if that is true, as I saw at the video that she gave birth to a twin…. I will be the happiest grandfather" James said to himself…. He talks to himself like a crazy person. "All my properties and money….. I will not let Suzy and Sofia have it….. I will write another will and I'll state there that daughter Luna….. will be my sole heir" James added as he called Butler So to be his witnessed as he took out a pen and paper and he starts to write his new testament. He even got a camera and filmed himself for his conditions, Butler So stared at him as he can't believe what is happening to his master. "Now you have regrets in life Master James…. The regrets that you can't retrieve the lost gems that once you have in your grasp" Butler So said to himself.


Sofia's Room

Suzy was staring at her daughter's face, she pitied her daughter for all the things that are happening right now. "If only I could confirm about Luna's death right now I will do it but how? All the men that I paid to kill her are all dead…. And their whole family were annihilated by someone" Suzy said to herself.

"I know if the Moon is Back….Louie will not be yours Sofia…. Especially right now that all your secrets about your affair to Bernard Dantes are already known to the public…. And to Louie... He will surely divorce you" Suzy said to her sleeping daughter.