Chapter 101 - 101 Unraveling the Secrets of the Moon

"Mom, Welcome Back" Luna greeted her mother. Lily was silent as her tears are flowing to her face she rushes towards Luna….."My Daughter is Alive…My Luna is Alive" she blurted out before she fainted.

Luna: "Mom!!!!"​​

Francois who is with Luna's side all the time immediately catches Lily Cheung as she fainted in front of them. Amber and Alexei rush over Lily as she fainted on the arms of Francois; Francois carried her bridal style and laid her on the sofa; while Luna sat beside her mother. Eva and Lucas were guided by Isabele and Rosela to seat on the other sofa as they all look at Lily's pale face. "Alexei, Amber, please check on her" Luna asks her friends; Francois is also beside his queen as he consoles her.

Alexei: "Don't worry Luna, she will be okay."

Amber: "Grandpa Lee could you please get the blood pressure monitor at the gym, thank you very much."

Old Butler Lee nodded and went to the gym to get the BP Monitor, Housekeeper Lee, on the other hand, prepared a calming tea for the guests. Eva and Lucas Cheung are still at muddle to the woman beside their daughter, Dimitri is observing the two Elders and he went to their side. "We will explain to you after the mother of the Moon wakes up, we will tell you everything you need to know" Dimitri informed them and smiled. Eva and Lucas nodded their heads for confirmation.

Everyone is busy attending the Cheung family, they didn't realize that the twins, Audrey, Sheik Jamil, and Sapphire is already inside the mansion and they witness the commotion a while ago. "Mom, we're here" Dawn shouted to get the attention of everyone but her eyes were focused on the two Elders while Winter's eyes are focus on the woman laying on the sofa…the woman who looks like their mom but a bit old.

"Sapphire! Jamil! Why didn't you guys inform us that you are arriving today?" Ryder said in surprise and went immediately to Sapphire and kiss her forehead. "We want to surprise you all but we are the ones who got surprised by them" Sapphire replied and points to the Elders. "Enlightenment please!" Jamil told the people around them and he went to Luna and hugged her while he nods his head as a greeting to Francois.

Luna: "Bunnies, I want you guys to give courtesy to the Elders; they are my grandparents….and they are your great grandparents."

The twins look at each other and look back at their mother asking for more clarification about the new people inside their house. Luna smiled and looks at Dimitri asking to save her, "Bunnies come over here and I'll tell you a great story about the Moon unraveling a piece of her secret" Dimitri said to the twins as they both walk to Dimitris' place.

Dimitri told the bunnies the relationship of the Elders to their mother and who is the woman laying on the sofa. He told them that their Aunts (the Wu triplets) are the persons who have been the reason for such a reunion like these and they are just waiting for their Mom's mother to wake up so that they can tell them the story of the Moon and the bunnies.

On the other side of the chairs the other Knights, ladies of the court, and the Wu triplets are talking to each other. The Wu triplets are so surprised to see Dimitri knows how to handle explaining to the twins about the happenings that they are experiencing right now.

Jessica: "Dimitri knows how to explain everything to the twins in child's way of understanding"

Marco: "He does….the twins look up to him as one of their mentors in psychological aspects."

Xavier: "Dimitri is the one who encourages Luna to let herself out of the shell when Ryder and Duke Lawrence found her, She is close to both of them but Dimitri is Luna's rock."

Cassie: "I thought Francois is Luna's rock?"

Scarlet: "No, Dimitri is Luna's rock, my brother is Luna's Eternity…Francois is her life beside the twins."

Lily gradually became conscious, and the first thing she sought was her daughter, "Mom, I am here" Luna said to her; "My Moon…. You are alive…. You are alive" Lily replied but still sobs.

Luna and Francois help her mother to sit up from the sofa, the elders are still staring to Dimitri who is still talking to the twins, 'Lucas those little kids; are they Luna's child with Louie?" Eva whispered to her husband, "I think so my love, the little boy….he looks like Louie" Lucas whispered back.

Lily gradually became conscious, and the first thing she sought was her daughter, "Mom, I am here" Luna said to her; "My Moon…. You are alive…. You are alive" Lily replied but still sobs.

'Grandma, don't cry….you are so beautiful to cry after seeing my mom" Dawn speaks up as she runs toward Lily. Lily was dumbfounded as the little girl sat on her l.a.p, "Pretty sister, and don't scare grandma like that she might fret upon seeing us" Winter told his sister as he walks beside his mother and Francois.

Lily who was puzzled upon seeing the twins, she looks to her parents and looks back to the twins. "Luna, are they my grandchildren?" Lily asks her daughter. "Yes, Mom…they are my children," Luna told to her mother.

"I think this is the proper time to tell you the story of the Moon, Ma'am" Dimitri b.u.t.t in as he sat down. The Cheung nodded as they want to know who they are and why is Luna called "Autumn". Dimitri recalled and retold the story of Luna's life 5 years ago, The Wu triplets and their assistant also told the Elder Cheung all the schemes and torments that Luna went through during the 9-month marriage; Dimitri also introduce everyone around them, the HADES ORGANIZATION and the plans towards the Chen and Su families. Lucas was furious upon hearing the story…. He didn't know that Louie can do that to his granddaughter, Lily was a daze as she can't imagine that her husband James can easily kick Luna out to his life that easily. Eva was the only silent person, she is absorbing all the information that they have just heard.

Luna: "Louie doesn't know the identities of the twins' I mean he didn't meet the twins yet."

Lucas: "He has no right for the twins' Luna."

Lily: "Luna, what's the surname that the twins are using? Is it Chen?"

Luna smiled, she knows that for the Cheung clan; the surname is very important especially to the male heirs. "They are using the surname Vallini Mom, the surname of my adoptive father" she informed her mother.

"Then is it okay with your husband?" Lily asks her while her mother points to Francois, Luna chuckled and looks up to Francois who is blushing crimson red. "Wait! Are the new husband of our Moon?!" Lucas questioned Francois.

"Grandpapa, he is our prince; my mom's King" the voice of a little girl was heard as she runs towards the Elder Cheung and sat on his l.a.p. "Don't worry Grandpapa, he won't hurt our mom…. Because if he does, he will be executed by grandpa Luke" Winter b.u.t.t into the conversation.

Eva: "Luna the kids are so beautiful….they look just like you and ….."

Luna: "And Louie….. yes grandma I know that…. We all know that, but the twins' they already acknowledge Francois as their father and not Louie. They know the story behind their existence."

Lily: "Does your father knows about this? I mean, does James Su know about the existence of the twins' and you being alive."

Luna shook her head, "The Wu triplets and their assistants are the only people beside you three who knew about my identity and also the twins. Oh before I forgot, also Yuan Xi, Louie's assistant knew about us; but don't worry mom he won't tell Louie. I want revenge mom…. For all the things I've been through, now I want more revenge for all the things that Suzy and James Su did to you. Please don't hinder it, mom."

Lucas: "Thus everyone here, I mean are you involve in the revenge plot of my granddaughter to ex-husband and her so-called father?"

Everyone nods their heads and the Cheung's look at each other when they saw the answer they needed for confirmation; "Don't worry Grandpapa, everyone who is in here….they all protect mom especially My Prince" Dawn explained to Lucas.

Luna: "Grandfather, Dawn's terms of endearment to Francois is My Prince, but he is My King."

"Oh, I see…. You young man" Lucas said as he points his finger to Francois, "You must take care of my granddaughter….. You must not hurt her just like the Chen boy did to her. Promise that to us, if a single tear will flow to the eyes of our Moon, you better hide because I promise you that you can see how beastly I could be just for her." Lucas said to Francois and it is heard by everyone, he threatens the Viscount and Francois nods his head for agreement; if he could just tell the old man that it is Luna who always makes him cry.

After Lucas Cheung said his piece, Old Housekeeper Lee interrupted them; she told them that the meal is already prepared and its time for them to eat. But before they all went to the dining hall, Dimitri didn't forget to introduce the Balania siblings who have just arrived. The Wu triplets, Luke and Ray and even the Cheung's greeted them.