Chapter 103 - 103 Louie’s secrets unravel to his friends

The first time I saw you, my heart beats so fast and whispered "You are the one" ---- Anonymous

Chen Residence​​

Louie is busy rehearsing the songs he will sing at the charity gala with Ethan and Kim; Harry is typing something on the laptop that Louie provided to him as he searches for more information about Sofia and Suzy Su's schemes 5 years ago. In the corner, Yuan is just staring at Louie….. "Louie said that he never touch Sofia? Does he never have s.e.x with Sofia? Is he crazy? I know all about his escapades with Sofia, he has no right to tell me nor us that he didn't do such things like that?" Yuan said to himself.

When Louie looks up to find who is staring at him he found out that Yuan is at daze to him so intently, as if he was scrutinizing him so deeply. "Yuan, what's the problem?" Louie asks his friend, Ethan and Kim also look to Yuan in unison as Louie asks a question to their friend.

Yuan: "You have just said that you never touch Sofia….. I mean you only have s*x with her during your wedding night, but as I recalled…. You always have been intimate with Sofia right after your wedding to Luna….. So why pretend Louie? Why do you have to pretend to be a clean ex-husband to us?"

Ethan: "What do you want to prove Yuan?"

Louie who is staring at Yuan, what he said was the truth….he just went home to Luna if he misses her scent, touch, and kisses. Luna is submissive to his and action with her. Yuan knows everything because after he has his deeds released to Luna, he always calls him to take care of Luna's needs and wants; they grow fond of each other as brothers and sisters.

Yuan: "Louie, Luna loved you so passionately, she let you see her in her most vulnerable state, on her exposed, and helpless form. She never expected you to hurt her or take advantage of her but after what you did on her during Sofia's birthday celebration just a month after your wedding, she thinks that she was wrong. But still, she let you get so close to herself. That's why she let you see parts of her soul and heart that no one has ever seen before."

Louie: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry if I lied about that part, maybe because I'm so frustrated right now. Frustrated that I can't even have the courage to ask even her friends about her….. I didn't have a piece of her picture with me."

Harry: 'What!? You are telling us that you love your ex-wife and yet you don't have any single remembrance of her?! I mean even a single piece of picture Louie?"

Ethan: "Actually Harry the only remembrance that we have is the image of Luna to our brain. It may sound crazy but we can see it through Ms. Autumns' features it's just that Luna is more naïve, timid but pretty."

Harry: "You are crazy Ethan…..If a man likes nor love a woman, at least a picture of her or even a piece of her items is in your hands as a remembrance for you to keep. You know why? Because it is the only thing that can bring you back together as a friend or acquaintances."

Kim: "Louie, just a question….. For 5 years you have been married to Sofia…. And you both do exercise what a married couple does, why is it that Sofia is still not pregnant?"

Louie: "I don't know….. Really…. I don't know why she can't get pregnant."

Harry: "Because Sofia has been involved in multiple abortions. Having more than two abortions potentially risks infection after the procedure. Most infections could be easily treated with medicine. Nonetheless, some severe infectious diseases such as the pelvic inflammatory disease could cause damage to reproductive organs if not treated. This can cause infertility or pregnancy outside the w.o.m.b. Regarding w.o.m.b damage, although this case is quite rare with advanced surgery today, the cervix could be damaged and weakened. A weakened cervix due to repeated dilation during the earlier procedures could cause difficulty sustaining a pregnancy later on, potentially leading to a miscarriage."

Kim: "Whoa! What an explanation, but wait, Harry, did Sofia do these things before or after Louie married her?"

Louie: "What?! What do you mean by multiple abortions? She never mentioned to me that she is pregnant."

Harry: "Before and after Kim, three times before they got married and twice after they got married. She never mentioned it to you because you are not the father of the child Louie, every time she came to the hospital and undergo to the procedure she is with someone else…. I don't who it was, I can't tell you that because of the law binding about the patient-doctor privacy."

Everyone was surprised for the news that Harry has just said, "If you want her medical records about those procedures, I can get it for you since you are her husband and you are on the process of divorce" Harry suggested.

All of them were silent upon knowing the truth about Sofia's infidelity towards Louie, "Yuan, can you call Atty. Rebecca Alberts; please tell her to come here" Louie breaks the silence. Yuan wants to question him but he holds himself back, he doesn't want to add fire to the fuming feelings of Louie right now. He just does as he was told to, "Louie, Atty. Alberts will be hereafter an hour, she needs to pick up your suits and mask for the event on the 24th" Yuan informed his friend.

"She has fooled me all along…. She does plan too many schemes just to become the Madam of the Chen household," Louie said just enough for his friends to hear. Ethan and Kim can see the frustrations on Louie's face, Harry, on the other hand, is contacting the City A Hospital for Sofia's medical records; since he promises to his friend that he will let him have a copy of it. Yuan just shook his head as he stares to Louie; "If only you will know my friend…. The gem that you are searching for is already right in front of you" Yuan told to himself.

Yuan walks away from his friends, he sends messages to Luna, Dimitri, and Isabele about the things that are happening at the Chen residence; but the twins' are already downloading the file video of all the conversation that they have just had, the buckle on the belt that the twins' provided to Yuan was equipped with a pin camera, that's why everything that just happens at their fathers' house was recorded and it was automatically sent to the twins' hard drives.

Ethan: "Louie, I think you need to call James Su….. Sofia's father, at least you need to inform him about the things that Sofia is doing."

Louie: "Yeah, I'll do that but after I will have the divorce papers with me…. I will ask him if he could let Sofia sign it."

Yuan: "But Louie as I remember, Sofia is invited to the charity gala as your wife. What you will do if she attends the gala and insists to be beside you? We all know that she is always wants to be by your side."

Louie: "Can you ask Ms. Audrey Belikov about that part? I mean can you ask if Sofia can be seated at her parents' table. I know that there will be a seating arrangement on the said venue."

Yuan: "I'll try Louie, and what about your parents…. They seem to be concern about Sofia's health right now. They won't approve if you'll be seated not next to your wife."

Louie looks up to Yuan, what he said was the truth; his parents look up to Sofia. He didn't know why but his parents like Sofia even though his grandparents force him to marry Luna. They also mock Luna before….. "Just let it be on the day of the charity gala Yuan, maybe I can arrive late or earlier than the time, I just don't want to be seated next to Sofia" Louie informed them.

Yuan: "Louie, if you want we can avail the room that the Vallini and Vendari gave to us. They informed me that they allotted suites for each family, the Chen and Su family. They even allow a room for us as your friends."

Kim: "OMG! They are super rich!"

Yuan: "They just don't want some hassle for the families Kim, if someone from us wants to retire from the party we can rest to suites allotted to us. I'll just need to get the VIN CARDS to Ms. Audrey."

Louie: "Yes we can do that… but don't let my parents knew about this, I mean I can stay at your suites just that don't inform my parents about my whereabouts."

Ethan: "Louie, do your parents already seen Ms. Autumn?"

Louie: "Yes, at the anniversary party but they didn't pay attention to her because of the Bernard Dantes situation."

Yuan: "Louie, Bernard Dantes is also invited at the gala. I think someone invited him as an escort for the night."