"The real act of marriage takes place in the heart, not in the ballroom or church or synagogue. It's a choice you make on your wedding day, and over and over again and that choice is reflected in the way you treat your husband."

—Barbara De Angelis​​

When Samantha busy giving orders to Luke and Ray, Jessica called one of the best flower shops at City A; she ordered 99 pcs of blue rose and a single white rose she told them that it should be arranged into a bouquet for wedding and ask Taylor if he can pick it up at the flower shop, Alexei, Dimitri and Jamil were busy giving Francois a makeover. While Isabele went to her room, ransack her closet to find a perfect wedding gown for the Moon, Scarlet, on the other hand, was busy arranging the video and DSLR for their photo opt. Ryder called their father and informs him about their plan. He also informs Francois parents which is very enthusiastic upon hearing his news to them. Sapphire went to see Luna and she asks if she could have time alone to the Elders and her mother for she wants to talk about the business proposal she would like them to know. Then Xavier was left to take Luna in a place where she can't see what they are doing, Xavier is just waiting for Isabele's message on when he and Luna will go to her room.

Luna was surprised to see how busy the people that surround her are. When Amber went to look for them and she whispered something to the twins' they both clapped their hands and in that instant, they bid goodbye to the Elders and her Mom. Then suddenly Sapphire went to look for them and ask if she can spend some time alone with her grandparents and her mom, the Xavier went to her and ask if they can talk to each other heart to heart.


"Bunnies! I have something to tell you" Amber called the twins' as she runs towards them, Luna, her grandparents and Lily were in the middle of teaching the bunnies on how to write calligraphy. Amber smiled at all of them and suddenly bends her head and whispered something to the two kids.

"Change of plans, we will be having a silent wedding today. As in TODAY" Amber whispered to the bunnies, the twins' was confused and gave Amber a puzzled look on their face. "Your so-called father is planning to take your mother away to your prince… so we will be having their wedding today" she whispered again.

The twins' eyes brighten upon hearing the words "WEDDING TODAY" and upon hearing it they both stand up and ask them if they can go now. They bid goodbyes to them and walks out with Amber.

Then after 30 minutes Sapphire and Xavier walks in front of them and ask if she could have a word with her grandparents and to her mother, sapphire told her that she wants to discuss some business matters that concern the Cheung's while Xavier asks her if he could talk to her heart to heart…..meaning he needs to get off something on his c.h.e.s.t.


Sapphire: "Good Day Elders and Ms. Lily, I am sorry if I disturb your quality time with the twins' and to our Moon. But we just got a piece of information that someone is planning to take Luna and the twins' away from us especially to the Viscount."

Lily: "Who is trying to take them away Ms. Sapphire? Does that person plans to hurt them?"

Lucas: "Do I know…. No…. do we know them, young lady?"

Sapphire handed over the text messages of Yuan to Dimitri and she let the Cheung's read it. Lucas was furious, Eva and Lily are now on verge of crying. "The family is planning of something, and I hope you will support us unto this" Sapphire told them.

Lily: "Whatever your plan for my daughter and to my grandchildren is okay with me. I'll support you."

Lucas and Eva also express their support to their plan, "What is your plan young lady?" Eva asks Sapphire. "We are planning for Luna and Viscount Francois to be wed today, all you need to do is walk with her and give her hand to the Count. We need to do this because this is the only way that Louie Chen will not have his rights to Luna especially to the twins' and we also want to prove to you that the intentions of  Viscount Francois to Luna are pure" Sapphire informs them.

Lucas laughs loudly….Eva and Lily look to the Old Patriarch of the Cheung Family with bewilderment; "Lucas, why are you laughing so loudly! You look like an idiot" Eva his wife blurted out. "Oh, My Dear Wife….. I am just happy….. I am happy that my wish to have another bunny will do come true. Young lady…. Tell us what we will do for this wedding of the Moon" Lucas Cheung excitedly declares what is on his mind. Lily and Eva smiled as they shook their heads, "The three of you will only walk with Luna on the aisle that the other people around here are arranging but for the two lovely ladies to our Moon's life we need to gave you a makeover. Come with me and you Old Man will also come with me, my brother will also give you a makeover.


Xavier and Luna

The task given to Xavier is the most difficult one…. He was assigned to talk to Luna so that she won't have the slightest idea that she will be wedded to their friend Francois. Luna knows if he was lying or hiding something from her. He needs to talk to her for a certain topic that will give her a shock so that she won't be having any idea that they are all plotting something to her.

Luna: "What do you want to talk about Xavi?"

Xavier: "I just want to let you know that finally you've found love and you are now shining."

Luna: "What's into you Young General Xavier?"

Xavier: "Luna…..Can you tell me something about Samantha Wu? I mean, what are her likes and dislikes.... her favorites....her other ambitions and the like"

Luna laughs, the fierce, heartless, and ruthless young general is like a lost puppy when talking about one of her best friends. But Luna can feel that he was love-struck to Samantha. "Xavi, just be yourself when you are around her. Try knowing her without the use of me" Luna told him.

Xavier: "Luna come on! Please do tell something so that I will not offend her."

Luna: "Okay, Samantha likes the colors Blue and Black, she wants to be trained on how to fire a gun and she loves to watch doc.u.mentary films. In foods, she is not picky although she can't drink beers. She is allergic is malt. What else… hhmm….she loves Korean foods and she wants to have 4 kids, two Alaskan Malamute, a simple house to live in, and a coffee shop."

Xavier who is listening to her took a mental note for the information she has just said, but on his mind; "Guys what takes you so long… Oh My please text me if the wedding dress is now ready" he said to himself but he needs to pretend to Luna that he is listening to her.


Amber and the twins'

Amber: "Bunnies I am sorry if we have a change of plans."

Dawn: "No worries Aunt Amber, we will still have to continue the wedding on the 24th."

Winter: "We are just assuring that the Prince will be wedded to our mother and no one will snatch her away from us."

Amber: "Thanks for understanding bunnies, so what will be the wedding song for the two of them for this abrupt wedding."

Dawn and Winter look at each other. There is one particular song that they want to dedicate to their mother and their prince. They've typed to their computer and the song was heard to the entire room, Amber who listens to it made her tears fall to her eyes. The song is perfect for the both of them; (youtube.com/watch?v=FULXLzn4Gl0) as the song "Love of my Life" was playing the twins' hands are very fast to make an audio-video presentation of pictures of their mom Luna and Francois pictures. They are preparing this for everyone to see on the 24th but now they want to show it to the family exclusively.


Jamil, Francois and Dimitri

Jamil: "make it sure that your wedding vows to her is very memorable Francois."

Dimitri: "But don't make it too cheesy, a simple one will do."

Francois: I will tell you the truth…. I am nervous…. Very nervous."

Dimitri and Jamil laugh, Audrey went inside the room and handed a red velvet box to Jamil. "This is my present to twins' they've asked my help if I can purchase a couples ring for you and Luna. I didn't let them see it but I will give it to you now so that you will give it to our Moon later" Jamil told Francois. Francois opened the red velvet box and saw a couple of rings; the deign was an infinity ring made of white platinum and with sample diamonds on it, it also has the engraving of their names.

Francois was speechless seeing the rings; Dimitri chuckled as he also handed him anther box, it contains a bracelet made of the most valuable jade is the emerald green imperial jade, a rare translucent to semi-transparent jadeite containing chromium. The design of it was also the infinity sign, "Scarlet designed the bracelet and this is my gift to both of you. "Francois, promise me…no ….promise us that you will take care of Luna. She is the sister that I never had. Make it sure she and the twins' are safe" Dimitri told him.