Chapter 119 - 119 Baroness meets Viscount Francois and family

Everything happens for a reason. Maybe you don't see the reason right now, but when it is finally revealed it will blow you away ---- Anonymous

December 22nd, Mystic Hotel​​

Two days before the event, the royal families together with the other members of the HADES ORGANIZATION arrive at Mystic Hotel. They were greeted by Luke and Raymond, as the two good looking assistants of the Wu triplets ushered them at the front office to get their VIN CARD.

Dimitri told everyone especially Francois and Luna that Lauren is at Mystic Hotel; for whatever reason why did she come to City A is still unknown to the HADES ORGANIZATION. But they already manage to put some bugs to her room in case she plans to hurt them especially Luna and the twins.

Scarlet: "I don't trust that woman Dimitri. I just don't want to see her nor smell her scent."

Amber: "Dimitri, have you already informed the Wu triplets about Lauren's identity? Dimitri nods his head, "Pearl volunteer herself to stalk Lauren so we don't have to worry about her movements" he told them. Then suddenly they've met someone that they never imagine to see even to their wildest dream.

"Francois! My Love!" Lauren shouted who saw them at the front office while she and Kate were going to the restaurant to eat their breakfast. She was very happy to see Francois but her eyes were focused on the woman beside the Viscount. Francois didn't even glance at her but instead, he held Luna's hands as he intertwined it unto his hands. Lauren and Kate approach them for she wants Francois to notice her but; Scarlet is the first to react, "What My Love?! You are not related nor in relationship with my brother Lauren so don't call him like that!" Scarlet shouted. "FYI Ms. Lauren….. The Viscount is already married so you better SCRAM!" Amber said to her in a stern voice.

Lauren stops right in front of Francois from the moment she heard the word "already married" and she stared at the woman beside Francois. "Who is she Francois?" she asks the Viscount as she points to Luna. She is can't believe that the man she wants is already married….she can't accept it.

"This is my Eternity, Lauren. She is my WIFE, my LIFE, and my QUEEN." Francois introduces Luna to her but still, his eyes were on Luna's face; Lauren felt that she is like a plague to Francois's eyes. But slowly Francois faces her, "Lauren, I am married….. And please don't call me any term of endearment because I don't want my wife to think that I am cheating on her. I Love her so much and no one can break us apart." Francois's declaration to her is like a stabbing of knives to her heart. Kate is silent behind her, but she is grinning because of Lauren lost again in the world of LOVE.

Lauren: "No! You can't be married, Francois…. Does Viscount Christian and Duchess Anastasia knew about this?"

"They gave their blessing to them 5 years ago Lauren, they just got married last December 20 and our father Duke Lawrence Vallini and the parents of the Vendari's have seen it. They also knew Francois's wife inside and out" Dimitri informed her but the deathly glare was seen to his eyes.

Ryder who is holding the hands of the twins' wants to strangle Lauren's neck. "How come this woman's face is so thick that she can't understand that Francois is already married?" Ryder said to himself. The twins' are just observing their parents on how they interact with the lady who calls their father "My Love" and since Dawn is the jealous type especially when it comes to Francois suddenly shouted…."Daddy! Can you carry me, please! My feet hurt!" Luna got the meaning of her daughters suddenly outburst and Francois chuckled, he already knew that Dawn is already telling Lauren to back off because he is already taken. Francois scooped the little girl on his arms and looks straight to Lauren's eyes and gave her the most shocking news that Lauren didn't expect to hear.

Francois: "Lauren, I want you to meet my family, I already have a twin and I don't want them to feel that I have another woman beside their mother. I want to show them that I am faithful to their mother….to my WIFE."

Luna can feel the atmosphere and the tension that they are into, "My King, would you mind if I talk to Lauren for a while. I think she deserves to know who am I and everything about me. If you want we can invite her to our penthouse so that we can have a private conversation. Would that be great Baroness?" she informed them. Lauren just nods her head and Kate was surprised and now she respects the wife of the Viscount and on how calm the Countess Vendari that she was facing right now.

Lauren and Kate comply for the request of Francois's wife, they all went to the penthouse reserve to their whole family. But still, she envied the woman beside Francois, they all look happy and contented. When they entered the room Luna asks Sapphire and Ryder to babysit for the twins, and the rest will accompany her to the outside garden of the penthouse; Luna ordered them that she and Lauren will do all the talking and they will just listen, and they all agreed but Rosela, Scarlet and Marco is on standby for whatever moves that Lauren will do. They have no problem with Kate, Lauren's assistant for she was their mole to the family of the former Baroness. Luna asks Lauren to take her seat on the bench while Luna sat beside Francois.

"I don't think we have met?" Luna started the conversation. Lauren nods her head; that's the truth, she never comes across Luna when she was still at the City of Wise.

Luna: "Let me introduce myself, I am Autumn Jade Vallini Vendari. I am Francois's wife. We have two kids and they are twins', I am an adoptive daughter of Duke Lawrence Joaquin Vallini."

Lauren is staring at Luna, she smiled, "I think you already know who I am Countess" Lauren told her.

Luna: "Yes, I do know you from what they have said to me, but I want to hear it to your mouth. I want to see your eyes if you are willing to tell me your story, a love story between you and my husband, and others. But I hope everything that you will tell right now is true. You see, Baroness… among all of us, I am the only one who considers you with a title because still, you deserve it to be called Baroness."

Lauren was dumbfounded upon hearing Luna's words. Before she starts, she sighed deeply and starts to recall about her story, the love story of her and Francois, of Bernard, on how she is still madly in love with Bernard and still hoping to see him again, and why is she here right now.

Everyone is silent, they never knew the other parts of the story about Bernard Dantes, and they never knew that Lauren suffered while they are living together and how much sacrifices that she went through. "Lauren, don't ever think that I still love you" Francois speaks up. "My love for you died on the day you left me And Autumn is the one who taught me to love and to trust again. She knows my ETERNITY" he added.

Lauren laughs quietly, "I never intended to break you apart with your wife or lover  Francois, maybe that was my first plan but now that I can see that you are happy and contented to the woman you choose….I admit and accept defeat."

Lauren: "I have some questions to your wife Francois, this may sound rude but I just want to know and I hope she will answer my queries."

Luna: "What is it, Baroness?"

Lauren: "Why and how did you fell in love with him?"

Luna: "Why did I fell in love with Francois... let's put it this way, Baroness Lauren. Fall in love with someone who wants you, who waits for you, who understands you even in the madness of the moonlight; someone who is your support, your hope, and your strength. Fall in love with someone who talks with you after an argument. That's my reason why I fell in love with My King."

"Then how did I fell in love with him….. He is ready to kill someone just to induce the pain I am going through during my labor, I mean he brought chaos to the emergency room just to let Alexei be pressured because I am going to give birth. What else….. because even though he is deprived of some sleep, he tends to sing a lullaby to my daughter and he brings out the best in me and lastly he makes me feel like I am the most beautiful woman in the world

Lauren: "Maybe, Francois if I didn't leave you, if I didn't cheat on you I will be in your wife's place.

Luna: 'If you are in love with Francois that time, you won't be interested in someone else. If you are, then you aren't in love with him at all."

Lauren was silent upon hearing Luna, Luna is staring at her "You see Lauren, Men, too, deserves to be spoiled, told they are handsome, told their efforts are appreciated and should be made to feel secure. If he treats you like a queen, the treat him like a king. That's why our love for each other is deep that no one can break us apart. And always trust your instincts. They are messages from the soul" Luna told again to Lauren.

As Luna told her piece Lauren asks for their forgiveness, especially to Francois. She told them not to worry about her presence at the hotel, but Luna invited her to attend the Charity gala. Dimitri, the Knights, and the Ladies of the court and even Jamil knew that Luna has plans that's why she invited Lauren.