Chapter 127 - 127 Bernard meets the Moon -----AGAIN

Bernard and Stacy arrive at the Mystic Hotel just a minute after the Phantom Mafia sneaks in the VVVIP guests. They were assigned to the double room just beneath the presidential suites, Bernard and Stacy made the proper check-in process and didn't complain to their assigned rooms. 

They went to their room first to check on it and to freshen up; as the two siblings went to the elevator when Katie just saw Bernard's silhouette at the corner of her eyes and she just ignored it for she needs to go to their room. ​​

When the Dantes siblings went inside their room, they are satisfied with what they have, they are not picky as long as their room is secured. "Bro, I will freshen up first okay….I feel sticky all over my body and you know that once I'm inside the bathroom it will take an hour and a half so get used to it since I'm your roommate" Stacy told her brother. Bernard just nods his head, "I will go out for a while. I want to check the place where the charity gala will be held. Text me if you already finish your routine inside the bathroom" he replied and went outside the room.

Bernard went to the venue where the charity gala will be held, the people are very busy preparing and arranging many things for it will happen tomorrow. "Finally we will meet again Luna….. And I hope this time I can have some time alone with you" Bernard told himself. Since Scarlet excuse herself for a while when Amber, Rosela, Isabele, and Luna wants to check the venue; Isabele pesters Amber about information' on how lovemaking can affect a woman while pregnant, Rosela and Luna decided to check the venue. 


Gala Venue

As the two friends walking to the venue, they are greeted by the employees that they met and they smiled back unto them. Unknowingly to them, a pair of purple eyes are looking to them, Bernard already saw them and following to the two ladies from afar. Although he can't hear what they are talking about, it is still enough for him to see Luna. He smiled to himself as he remembered how he teases her when she is teaching Stacy with some math problems.

Rosela: "Autumn, everything is prepared but are you sure that you will sell those paintings you've made at City of Wise and the violin that your mother gave to you?"

Autumn: "Yes, that is also one of the reasons why Louie, his parents, and my so-called father was invited here. I want to see their reactions when they see the paintings and the violin. I already told my mother about my plan of selling the violin and I've told her the reason and she agreed."

Rosela already felt that someone is following them, she alerted Autumn as they stop their footsteps, Bernard bumps to Luna. "Oh! I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to bump unto you" Bernard said apologetically and smiled. Luna smiled on him but Rosela is on alerting phase, "It's okay. No worries, no harm is done" Luna replied.

Rosela: "Who are you and why are you following us?"

Bernard: "Oh, I'm sorry. I am Bernard Dantes; Director Bernard Dantes and I got invited to the Charity Gala to be held tomorrow. My sister and I got a VIP invitation and it said that we have a double room here for free."

Luna: "You are Bernard?!"

Bernard: "Yes, Lady Autumn; I am Bernard Dantes. We've met before. At the annual party of Chen Corporation."

Luna: "Yeah I remember you….. you are Sofia Chen's love interest too."

Bernard chuckles, "I don't think so milady…. I don't love Sofia Su….maybe we are just friends with benefits but she is more in need of those benefits. There is already a lady who took my breath away but I can't reach her."

"My sister and I have a soft spot to the lady I treasured the most in my life, it's just that we have a very complicated love story, but I'm telling you it's not Sofia Su. She's not the woman I treasure and will treasure in my lifetime" Bernard added.

The three of them chats while they are walking and didn't notice that they are already inside the venue. "Autumn, this place is amazing…. The Mystic Hotel employees are truly talented ones…. They've turned this place into a paradise" Rosela uttered. 

Luna felt satisfied to what the outcome of the venue, the ambiance of the venue is like there will be a wedding instead of a gala but still, she was impressed by the Wu triplet's ideas. "Bernard…..I can call you Bernard?" Luna asks the man who is staring at her and it looks like that he is memorizing her face.

Bernard: "Yes milady, you can call me Bernard."

Luna: "Do you have a date for tomorrow's event? I mean, a woman who is not blood-related to you."

Bernard: "I don't have a date tomorrow Lady Autumn, I brought my sister with me here so technically she will be my date for tomorrow. She needs to attend events like this to be familiarized with socialization. My sister is also scouting for a model for her first project. By the way, why did you ask Lady Autumn?"

Luna was silent, she didn't know how will she open the topic about Baroness Lauren, but to her Bernard Dantes is quite familiar to her especially to her heart. It seems that she is not afraid of him, she can let her guard down to him. "Would you like me to give you a date for tomorrow?" Luna blurted out.

Rosela's brows furrowed as she thought that Luna is setting her up to this Bernard Dantes, and Luna already felt it. "I'm not referring to the lady beside me Bernard, I'll set you up to someone else if that is okay with you?" Luna added with a smile.

Bernard laughs from the way Luna acted. "Yes, milady it will be okay if you set me up with a beautiful woman that you know as long as it is not Sofia Su."

Luna: "So you will not get mad at me if you will meet her here at this place after lunch?"

Bernard: 'As long as you will not get shocked and mad me also if I introduce you to my sister Lady Autumn?"

Luna got puzzled but she wants to play the game that Bernard Dantes is playing, and it seems that it won't hurt her. "It will be okay, as long as we will tag along with her when you introduce her to your sister Director Dantes" Rosela butts in for she didn't trust the man who has purple eyes. Bernard nod his head, 'Don't worry Milady, I won't harm your friend. I will protect you all to Sofia Su and her mother."

Luna: "Thanks, so be here at this place after lunch Bernard."

Bernard loves to hear the way Luna mentions his name, he missed it terribly. "If only I dare to express my love for you before, you didn't suffer in the hands of Louie Chen and Sofia. If only I took the advice of my sister to confess to you everything, I didn't regret this time" Bernard said to himself.

Luna: 'But you know what Bernard….you look so familiar to me. I mean I think we have met before."

Bernard was surprised, "Do you remember me now?"

Rosela: "Autumn, didn't the Director said that you two meet last time at a certain party?"

Luna: "Yeah, but I think we have met before that…. It seems that his smile, his laugh, and the way he chuckles is quite familiar to me. It looks like I have this feeling that he is my long lost brother."

Bernard laughs out loudly, "Am I that old? I'm just 4 years older than you are Lady Autumn as I observe your facial features."

Then a song was heard, Bernard Dantes ringtone to his phone was the song of Bruno Mars, "Count on Me" and it was his assigned ringtone to his sister Stacy and LUNA. Luna heard the song and stared at him with a very confusing look, "Excuse me Milady, I'll just answer this…my sister is calling me."

Bernard walks away and answered his phone, Luna is still staring to him while Rosela is staring at Luna. "Is there something wrong Luna?" Rosela asks her worriedly. "Bernard Dantes ringtone is quite familiar, I can't remember to whom I dedicate that song. I knew that song but I have dedicated it to two persons close to me before I got married to Louie" Luna informed her.

Bernard came back to them as he finished speaking to his sister Stacy. "Lady Autumn, milady; I have to go back to my room now because my sister is looking for me. So I'll see you after lunch here at this place?"

Luna: "yes, and can I have your number so that I can call you if we are already here."

Bernard agreed and he gave Luna his number but he insisted to get hers also, he also asks for Rosela's number and since Luna trusted him Rosela gave her number also; "Just message me if you will come here so that I will hasten to be here" Bernard told them.

Unknowingly to the three of them, a pair of 6 eyes is watching them. The very jealous Louie Chen and his two friends who are not yet busy Ethan and Kim. Louie is very furious to see Bernard Dantes talking to Autumn and for seeing that Autumn lets her guard down to the man.