You lose yourself trying to hold on to someone who doesn't care about losing you ----

Autumn and Rosela watch as the pair of the lost love birds reunite together, but when Luna saw the woman beside Bernard she recognizes her. "Stacy Mae Dantes" Luna suddenly uttered. ​​

Rosela: "Who's Stacy Mae Dantes Luna?"

Luna: "The woman beside Bernard is Stacy Mae Dantes… the kid I used to tutor when I was in college before I married Louie."

Rosela: "Do you think she is Bernard Dantes's wife?"

Luna: "No…..she is the sister of Bernard Dantes….Now I remember! That's why Bernard Dantes is so familiar to me…. We've met before…he treated me like his sister before."

Rosela: "I think we have to make our presence to them to be known Luna…. So that Lauren will not have panda eyes for tomorrow's event." Luna nods her head but halted for a minute, "I hope Stacy will not mention my name, I hope she won't recognize me, or else our plans will be burned out" Luna informed Rosela.

Rosela: "Don't worry Luna, I've already had a plan so just act normally."

Autumn together with Rosela approaches them, Stacy was surprised to see them especially Luna. Bernard who is still hugging Lauren looks up and saw Luna and Rosela.

"Lady Autumn, Milady. I'm sorry for the scene that you have just witnessed. It's just that my little kitten was surprised to see me" Bernard greeted them and explain to them the situation.

Stacy who is daze to see the woman she misses so much. "You are the Moon!" Stacy said in a high tone. Bernard chuckled, "Sister, I've told you she looks like exactly the Moon we used to know" Bernard replied.

Luna: "I think we have to introduce ourselves to you."

Stacy nods her head, "Yes, because I didn't know that my brother is already having a little kitten to his life. Because what I knew is that I am his little puppy and Luna who is my tutor before is his little Moon. Who are you, ladies? I'm sorry if I'm a little bit rude."

They all laugh, but before that Autumn courtside to Lauren; "Baroness Lauren, do you like my surprised?" Lauren was astounded, Bernard can't believe himself that the two knew each other. 

Rosela: "I think the lady who calls herself little puppy deserves to know who we are Moon."

Luna: "Oh, I am sorry. I am Autumn Jade Vallini Vendari."

Rosela: "I am Rosela di Lucchesi."

Lauren: "I am Lauren Lemark."

Luna & Rosela: "Baroness Lauren Lemark."

Bernard: "And this is Stacy Mae Dantes, my little sister."

Stacy: "Then kindly explain to me why you call her your little kitten? No offense to you Baroness Lauren, you are beautiful, s.e.xy and you look intelligent but my brother seems to forget to tell me that I'm going to have a sister-in-law?"

Bernard and the three ladies laugh as they heard how Stacy complained and stomps her feet. But Lauren was amazing to see how straight forward Bernard's sister. 

Luna: "So Lauren, do you like my surprise?"

Bernard: "How come you know each other?"

Rosela: "Wait! I think we have to go to a more private place because there are beagles around."

Luna knew what Rosela meant, and at the corner of her eyes, she saw Sofia and her friends watching them with their hawk eyes. "I think we should go to a more private place for us to have privacy" Luna informed them. Bernard and Stacy agreed, all of them went to a private room where they've meet Francois who is already waiting for them. Pearl already reported to him about Luna's plans for Lauren's heart problem.


At the garden

Before Sofia could approach Bernard and Lauren she saw Autumn walking towards them. And what surprises her is that they knew each other, especially Bernard. Bernard gave Autumn his real smile….and it seems that they knew each other for a long time, and Stacy seems to like her also especially the woman under Bernerd's arms. 

Sofia: "That's Autumn Vallini, how come she knew Bernard?"

Aira: "Do they know each other? Have they met before?"

Sofia: "How would I know? Even if that Autumn Vallini is Luna, it can't be that they've met before."

Rita: "I think we are busted, they already knew that we are watching them."

Aira: "They are leaving Sofia! We have to follow them! We have to know if they are plotting against us…against you and Louie. Maybe that Bernard Dantes and Autumn Vallini planned everything about what happened to you and Louie."

When they are ready to follow Luna, a group of men suddenly appeared in front of them, they blocked their paths so that they can't follow the Lady Boss that the Phantom Mafia's boss ordered them to take good care. Sofia and her friends shudder when a big muscled men block their way and told them not to bother their Ms. Autumn.

When they are ready to follow Luna, a group of men suddenly appeared in front of them, they blocked their paths so that they can't follow the Lady Boss that the Phantom Mafia's boss ordered them to take good care. Sofia and her friends shudder when a big muscled men block their way and told them not to bother their Ms. Autumn.


Private room, Mystic Hotel Restaurant

Inside the private room of a restaurant Francois is already waiting for them, the foods are ready to be served. When they came inside Bernard and Stacy saw a man sitting in a corner spot who is patiently waiting for someone. When Francois saw that her wife came inside he stood up and gave her a tight embrace and kisses her forehead.

Luna smiled, "This is my husband, Viscount Francois Andrei Vendari, My King I want you to meet; Stacy Mae Dantes, sister of Director Bernard Dantes and He is Director Bernard Dantes (Luna points her forefinger to the two persons as she introduces them to her husband)."

"I see, please do take your seats," Francois said and he ordered the wait staff to serve their foods. Rosela could feel that the atmosphere inside the room is a little bit colder than usual. "Francois, please don't be angry with Bernard….It is my choice to leave him in the first place" Lauren suddenly confesses to them.

Francois and Luna suddenly laugh, "Oh, Lauren don't be so defensive…'s just that Bernard Dantes is also madly in love with you but, you deny it," Luna told her.

"Oh, That's true…. He got so drunk when he came from Italy one time, and then he can't focus on his work then…At that time I was so angry with my brother because he always used that s.l.u.t, Sofia Chen, to be his artist. I hate that Sofia Chen so much." Stacy suddenly voices out what is on her mind. Bernard blushes and can't argue with his sister anymore. He indeed likes Lauren Lemark, a royalty who he treasured and love but it is Sofia who breaks them apart. 

Luna: "Bernard, is Sofia the reason why you and Lauren break apart?"

Bernard: "How did you know?"

Francois: "We have our ways Director Bernard, it's just that we got the result about it yesterday."

Lauren: "That's why you told me a while ago that you have a surprise to me?"

Bernard: "And Lauren will be my date for tomorrow's event?"

"Oh Yes! That's the magic of the Moon" Rosela is the one who answered the queries of the two reunited love birds.

Francois: "So the two of you, do you like my Queen's surprise?"

Lauren and Bernard nod their heads as Bernard intertwined his hand to Lauren. "Hey! That's not fair! Brother, you have a date, what about me?" Stacy complained. Everyone laughs as she furrows her brows, "Don't worry little puppy, I 'll see what we can do for you to have a date tomorrow" Rosela told her.

Stacy: "Thank you Ms. Rosela, I'm not too picky; I just want someone who can persevere to my craziness."

Francois: "I have the right man for you, don't worry you will meet him tomorrow."

Stacy clapped her hands and Luna gave Francois a confusing look but Rosela already guesses who that man Francois is referring to Stacy is. Luna looks at Rosela and gave her an asking look. "Ares….Autumn, it's Ares" Rosela told Luna. 

"Ares? Why Ares?" Luna asks Rosela. "Because Ares is trained to have very deep perseverance and tolerance against crazy people. That's why he can tolerate Artemis" Francois explained to Luna."Are you sure Ares will be fine with her?" Luna asks Francois again. Francois laughs and kisses Luna's lips in front of them. "My Queen, trust me" Luna nods her head. 

Then Bernard clears his throat, "Lady Autumn can I ask you a question?" Luna nods her head. "Never mind, its just that….I want to inform you that whatever happened to you in the past…. I will protect your secrets." Bernard informed them. Francois and Rosela got alarmed, Lauren was confused and Stacy's eyes glisten.

Stacy: "We will protect until the end, don't worry. Your secrets are safe with us….. My tutor…my mentor….