Sofia and her friends are inside their room planning something for tomorrow's event after they've seen the scenario of Bernard Dantes embracing a woman and Autumn Vallini seemed to know Director Dantes on the way they interact. 

Rita: "Sofia, is Louie will be your escort for tomorrow's event? Will Yuan will be there also?"​​

Sofia: "Louie and his friends will be attending the event tomorrow, Yuan is the contact person of the Assistant of Lady Autumn, and if Louie will be my escort for tomorrow…..I'm still hoping for a positive outcome."

Aira: "So it means that Dr. Harry Si will also be there?"

Sofia: "That I don't know my darling. Why do you wish to become their dates for tomorrow?"

Rita and Aira nod their head, "You know that I like Yuan Xi, Sofia. I always dreamt of him being my boyfriend someday. And I will do anything and everything for my dream to come to true" Rita told Sofia and Aira. Then Sofia looks at Aira, Sofia knew that Aira has a big crush on Harry Si ever since she introduces her to him; but it seems that the doctor is made of stone, he didn't even take a second glance to her friend that time. "I'm not that desperate Sofia, even though I have a big crush to Dr. Harry Si, I am still waiting for him to realize that I am the woman for him" Aira informed her.

Sofia: "Rita, I can help you with Yuan. But promise me that you are willing to do it."

Rita: "You will help me? Do you have plans? Sofia nods her head and smiled at her, "My plans are just like what I did to Louie before, we can drug Yuan…. I mean we can give him an aphrodisiac drug and you will accompany him this room and you can have him all night long" Sofia told her.

Aira: "But who will you contact for Rita to have S*x first before Yuan?"

Sofa: "No one, Rita will have s*x with Yuan, she will be lost her innocence with Yuan tomorrow. Yuan is a man of his own words and he has his principles in life. If he will wake up with Rita on his arms and he will see that they've made some deeds…. I am sure that he will marry Rita in no time."

Rita: "I like your plans Sofia, but where are we going to find an aphrodisiac drug, Ms. Sofia Su?"

Sofia: "I still have some stocks with me, I'm planning to use it to Louie before so that he can i.m.p.r.e.g.n.a.t.e me but there are some untoward incidents happened, but tomorrow during the party….. I am planning to use it for him."

Aira shook her head as she listened to her friends' conversations, she does like Harry Si but she is not desperate to have him in that way. She still has a commonsense when it comes to relationsh.i.p.s and love. "Don't include me to that kind of fiasco Sofia…Rita…. I don't like that kind of plans, it may backfire to us. I don't like to taste my own medicine in the end" Aira informed them.

Sofia and Rita laugh out loud, "Why Aira? Are you afraid that if you will do this to Harry, he will not be man enough to marry you?" Sofia asks her. 

Aira: "No Sofia, I am afraid to have a love that is a force to one person…. I can still live on my own even I don't have Harry Si on my life."

Sofia becomes silent upon hearing it, Aira's words gave her a stab on her heart…. she indeed did things to Luna just to have Louie to her life. She loves Louie so much that she needs to do some things beyond her principles, but what can she do…..Louie is the man that gave him butterflies on her stomach from the very first day she met him. 

Rita: "Oh Aira! Don't be so pessimist about this kind of matter. Sofia what are your plans?"

Sofia: "All we need to do is get to know someone from the bartender, befriend that bartender and give him/her instructions and pay them with a huge amount and that's it. But you also need to take the drug so that both of you will have the stamina of a bull."

Rita: "Just make it sure that Yuan will seat beside me Sofia, as I will make it sure that Louie will also seat beside you."

Sofia: "Don't worry about your father Rita, he can stay in my parents' room and I will ask Louie if I can stay in his room. Since I am still his wife, we can still share the same room and bed."

Aira: "Aren't you and Louie are divorce already? Do you think Louie will still accommodate you Sofia?"

Sofia: "Louie can't bear to see me cry. Tomorrow I will cry my hearts out in front of him. If I need to make a scene I will do it just for the two of us share a bed, and I will make it sure that he will also be drug by me."

Aira: "You're sick Sofia! Are you not afraid of karma? And come to think of it Luna is out there….we still don't know is she is alive or those images that have been sent to us are fake or legit."

Sofia: "Luna is dead Aira…she is already dead. My mom's contacts said it and they made it sure that they've killed her."

Rita: "What if she is still alive Sofia? What if Aira is right?"

Sofia: "Then I will kill her again. If I need to kill her in front of Louie, Louie is mine and mine alone. If Luna will show her face here tomorrow, I will make it sure that she will not see the next sunrise again."

Aira and Rita felt shivers to their spine upon hearing Sofia's declaration, she is obsessed with Louie. Aira didn't argue anymore to her for she is blinded by her love for Louie. On the other hand, Rita is just observing Sofia, it seems that she wants to back out from their plan against Yuan. "Aira is right, I can't force Yuan to love nor like me," she told to herself. 

"Louie is only mine Aira, Rita. If I can't have Louie in my life no one will, even Bernard Dantes….he is also mine….The woman we just saw a while ago who he embraces will suffer my fury. Bernard and Louie are mines alone, they are my partners and no one will have them" Sofia informed them and she laughs out loud but the evilness on her eyes emits. 

Rita: "You are possessive Sofia. You can't have both men to your life, if it is Louie then he is yours. But if you want the director, then you have to give up Louie."

Sofia: "NO! I won't give them both…both of them are mine and mine alone."

Aira was so irritated on how stubborn Sofia is, "So Sofia, we must be the star of the night tomorrow" Aira told her as she changes their topic. "Yes, I will be wearing the gown that looks like the gown of Belle in Beauty and the Beast. I want Louie and Bernard to be proud of my curves" she replied. 

Rita: "What about you Aira? In my case, I will be wearing the gown like the gown of Ella in the Cinderella movie."

Aira: "I am just wearing a simple gown that the musical character of Christine in Phantom of the Opera. Since the three of us will wear the same designs of masks in different colors."

Rita: "They said that the Vallini's organize this Masquerade Charity Gala because they want to surprise the people of City A."

Sofia: 'There will be an auctioned first before the main event that's what I recalled from what Yuan reported to Louie before, they also said that there some valuable pieces of pieces of jewelry and antiques."

Rita: "But we can't bid Sofia, our finances are freeze remember."

Sofia: "I still have Bernard and Louie. I can still ask their help for me to have those pieces of jewelry."

Aira shook her head, Sofia is a brat that wants to have anything she wants even if she doesn't have money anymore. Rita is looking at Sofia, her friend is still proud of herself, she didn't know that Louie may not be interested in her anymore because they are already divorced and the Director that she is boasting to them; also have someone on his life. 

Sofia: "Don't worry my friends, I will give you some pieces of jewelry tomorrow; just tell me what catches your attention. And Rita, you need to be extremely beautiful tomorrow for Yuan. I will do my best to help you to get him under your skin."

Rita nods her head while Aira chuckled, Sofia gave them an evil grin. But for Aira, she had a feeling that their plans will not succeed, she had a hunch that there will be a great show tomorrow for she can feel the nervousness that she always feels if there is something wrong. "I hope this feeling that I am having will not come true. I am sure that there will be a big surprise to everyone especially the people around Louie and Sofia" Aira told to herself. She can't voice it out to her friends for she knew that they will tell her that she is backing out to the party because of what has happened to their family.