Chapter 149 - 149 Duke Lawrence and his new found love Lily

(A/N: there will be a m.a.t.u.r.e content on this chapter)

As the people at Penthouse 1 were very busy, Duke Lawrence and Lily were locked to his room. It seemed that someone locks them up from the outside, to who it was the Duke doesn't know for he was worried to the woman in front of him. ​​

"Why is it so hot in here?" Lily asks the Duke who is taking off her clothes slowly, Duke Lawrence's eyes widen as he saw the woman in front of him starts to get n.a.k.e.d. "Eros and Artemis what did you fed us?" Duke Lawrence said to himself but he still breathes calmly as he wants to restraints the heat on his body. 

"Lady Lily, I think the food that we have just eaten is spiked with some drugs, if you could endure the heat on your body please do it. If you want I can help you to take a bath so that it will lessen a bit" he informed Luna's mother. Lily nods her head but still, she keeps undressing until her u.n.d.e.r.g.a.r.m.e.n.ts were the only thing she was wearing.

"Oh, God! Please help me, she still has the curves and her white pearly skin looks tempting" Duke Lawrence said to his mind as he gulps his saliva and he wets his lips, he was still a man and it has been so many years that he was celibate. 

"Wait here for a while I'll go inside the bathroom and fix the tub" he again informs Lily. "I hope our skin will not touch to each other or I can't restrain myself anymore," he tells his self; but before he went inside the bathroom he took off his shoes and socks so that it will not get wet. 

But just before the Duke could run towards the bathroom, his room was filled with the song ( of "I'm Yours/Perfect Two (Jason Mraz, Auburn Mashup Cover); Lily was startled but the Duke already knew who are the real culprits are and for what they are experiencing right now. The time Lily was startled she jumps towards the Duke then embrace him. "Please help me, I can't endure it anymore Lawrence" Lily informed him. 

"Are you sure Milady? Don't worry whatever happens today I'll take responsibility to you" Duke Lawrence said and he kisses her straight to her lips. They look like hungry wolves that have not been fed for how many days. Duke Lawrence takes off his clothes while kissing Lily to her lips and after all his clothes were already scattered on the floor, he grabs her to his embrace and starts to devour her neck and his hand travels to Lily's b.r.e.a.s.t. Lawrence leaves some bite marks at her neck.

Lily gasps as she can feel an electrifying current just has flown to her body, Lawrence took off her bra and sucks her right then kneads her left b.r.e.a.s.t, while Lily's hands are grasping the Duke's hair as she let out her m.o.a.ns. Duke Lawrence scoops Lily to face him in front and he laid her into the bed as his hands seem to have its brain as it glides to the hem of Lily's u.n.d.e.r.w.e.a.r and he took it off. Lily's face was red like a tomato when he did that, Lawrence also took off his boxers. 

The sight in front of Lawrence was very enticing to his eyes. As he leans over her, "You smell so good My Lily" he said in a low tone of voice. Lily giggled as she can feel the heat on both of their bodies. Lawrence once again kisses her on the lips as his hands travel all over her body and may be due to hormones, Lily's legs were automatically spread wide as she invites the Duke for their union. Lawrence seemed gets an approval from her as she also like him to be with her.

Lawrence position himself as his little brother was now very excited and he slowly thrust to Lily, he doesn't want her to get hurt. Lily let out a gasp as he thrust him, Lily felt a sudden ripping kind of a thing on her core; Lawrence can't believe that she is too tight but still he was happy. He will take responsibility for her and he will talk to Luna regarding this, as he made some plans to his mind. "You're so tight My Lily" he whispered. "Just tell me if you are hurt" he added. "I like it, just do it My Love" Lily whispered back to Lawrence. For the Duke, it is an approval sign for him to own her body and soul.

Outside the room of Duke Lawrence, the Vendari, Manzini, and Voronov couples, or shall we say the members of the great bosses were all celebrating. Now the head founder of HADES ORGANIZATION has finally get laid after how many years. They can hear the m.o.a.ns of the two newly couple inside the room.

"It's a good thing that you put some sleeping pills to the tea of the Cheung Elders, Anastasia. Now we don't have a problem explaining to them these e.r.o.t.i.c sounds from the inside" Countess Grace Manzini said to her friend. 

Countess Grace laughs "We must thank whoever spike the food served to the Duke and Lily. It's been so many years since Lawrence shut the doors and windows of his heart. I know that he likes Luna's mother by the way he looks at her."

Countess Helen Rose Voronov: "Do you know who the culprits are?"

Prince Stephen: "The twins my cupcake. The twins spike the mini cakes they've sent over. They ask Eros and Artemis to deliver it and they ordered them to watch both of their grandparents to eat it."

Duke Rainer: "You knew about it?"

Prince Stephen: "At first no, but the way the two mighty bodyguards communicating through their eyes I got what is the hidden message on it."

Viscount Christian: "That was the time that Stephen contacted us and ask for our help to take care of the Cheung Elders."

Countess Grace: "Then we should give the twins a gift as they also help our dear daughter's to find a man for their lives."

"Not only our daughter's but they also help their mother for our son's to have a wonderful ladies to their lives" Countess Helen Rose said to the other great bosses. 

Duke Rainer: "But ladies we need to put some music here, for I can't endure the sounds coming out from their room. It seems that we are giving them a grade to their intimate excercise."

Everyone laughs for Duke Rainer's words but what he said was true. True enough that they can feel how intimate their excercise was, "I just hope that Ms. Lily will have some strength left for tomorrow's event" Anastasia said as she shook her head.

"We must pray that Lawrence will not mark her on her neck or in any expose skin or else we can't hide it under a conceler or any makeup" Countess Grace voice up her thoughts. 

Prince Stephen: "Lawrence have a stamina of a bull. We must also pray that Ms. Lily could endure his strength and we also hope she could stand up straight for tomorrow."

Viscount Christian: "Our Luna will get a shock of her life if she will find out that her mother and the Duke end up as a lovey dovey pair."

Anastasia: "Do you think the Cheung Elders will approve Lawrence for their daughter?"

Duke Rainer: "Let's pray for that, But I think they will approve Lawrence for their daughter for we will help them avengece to ger former husband James Su. I know Lawrence will make their life a living hell.

Prince Stephen: "We will not be lenient to that James Su, Suzy and Sofia Su."

Viscount Christian: "And to the family and friends of the mother - daughter tandem."

Countess helen Rose: "They will taste their very own dose of medicine and we will torture them mentally and emotionally."

Anastasia: "Yes, because they also hurt and tormented our Moon."

Countess Grace: "Leave the Chen Family to me. I will be the one who will torture Louie Chen's parents."

Everybody nods their head as they all walk away from Duke Lawrence's room and they proceed to the kitchen for them to eat their meal. Duke Rainer didn't forget to put some disco music that the twins' once gave to them. It is for their distraction and for their peace of mind. They also knew that they become accomplices for the twins' plan to be cupid to their grandfather. They all prepared a scrumptious meal and ate it with all their hearts as they talked about their plans on how to torture the people who have hurt Luna and Lily. For the great bosses, the mental and emotional tortures that their sons and daughters gave to those people are not sufficient for them. They need to give those people a mark for other people who will know that they have offended the daughters and sons of HADES.