Chapter 164 - 164 James Su’s Regrets….A Heart Never Forgets

Forgive me, forgive this fool. Sorry that I acted so cruel. I love you and I will love only you. Take my hand and let's start anew. ----Gabrielle Yana Concepcion

James can't take it anymore…. He can't take it anymore seeing his Lily in somebody's arms and she was very happy with him. ​​

James can't take it anymore…. He can't take it anymore seeing his Lily in somebody's arms and she was very happy with him. As he stood up to approach Lily, Suzy suddenly showed up at his side. "James, Sofia has been drug as well as Rita and Aira. I have already informed the manager of the hotel what happened to our daughter and her friends. I demand a thorough investigation. We need to be compensated to the humiliation we just received" Suzy informed him but James gave her a cold shoulder. 

"I don't care for what are your plans, Suzy, all I want to do right now is to know about Lily. I want to know why she didn't show up in front of me, I regret that I choose you rather her and my daughter Luna. Now I realized that you just used me to climb in the socialite circle but the truth is you didn't even care for me nor to my daughter Luna. I've been blinded by your flowery talks. I need to talk to Lily and I need to know what happened" James informed Suzy whose face is now paled as a paper. 

James glared at Suzy as he brushed off the hand that holds his shoulder, "I still need to go to Lily….the woman I married for love and not for l.u.s.t. You, Suzy Su, is the woman I married because of l.u.s.t and not for love" James words exploded to Suzy's ears and it was heard by Theo and Rica. 

Unknown to them two little pairs of eyes were watching and the evil grin was seen to their face. "Handsome brother, I think it's time for our so-called grandfather have his torture," Dawn said to the boy beside her who is also watching James walking towards their grandfather Lawrence and to their grandmother Lily. But just before James can stand in front of them Lawrence stood up and ask Lily for a dance that Lily gladly accepted. James froze to where he was standing, he looks like a crazy old fool at the side watching Lily dancing with someone. Luna saw it, "If you want, you can go there and dance with him. He is still your father Luna" Dimitri said and gave his support to his sister, Luna smiled to him and went to James side. 

"Will you dance with me Old Man?" Luna said to James as she taps his shoulder. James came back from his trance when he felt that someone pats his shoulder, and when he saw Luna asking if they can dance together he nods his head. Then the song Daddy's Angel was heard as Luna and James dance. Lawrence and Lily saw it and give way to the father and daughter, Lily saw the eyes of James that he was in tears. She can feel the regrets of James to what happened to their family….to Luna and Louie's relationship. 

"Don't cry Mr. James Su, Be happy because I just got married and I've finally found the man of my dreams" Luna said as she smiled to him. James stared at Luna as he wished that time would stop so that they can still dance for more. Then another song was heard, James and Luna continued to dance, the song Daddy dance with me by Krystal Keith was heard. "I am sorry Moon….Sorry for everything. I regret the day that I brought Suzy and Sofia to our home" James confessed to Luna. 

"Shh, we can't bring back the time anymore Mr. James Su. There are reasons why this all happened and those reasons gave us lessons that forevermore engrave to our hearts and minds" Luna said to him. James smiled faintly; "I wished I was the one who handed you to the man you marry, I wish you can still call me Dad or Father," James told her as he sighed deeply. As the song ended James requested another dance and Luna gratefully accepted, the song I Love Her First was heard. The father-daughter dances great fully and it was witnessed by Suzy, "James never dance with Sofia when she married Louie before" Suzy said and it is loud that her friends heard well enough. 

After the dance, Luna holds James' hands and she walks with him back to his assigned table. "You take a rest Old Man, We will talk in private and settle everything in the coming weeks," Luna said and bowed at him and smiled to the people that he was with at his table. Suzy was very angry as she clenched her fist, she wants to strangle Luna right there and then for she could feel her mockery upon her. James smiled and he felt he was quite contented that his Moon…. His daughter talked to him. As James heard the song I Love the Way you Love me by Boyzone, he remembers his old days with Lily but when he glances at Lily…to his Lily. Lily was dancing again with Duke Lawrence and it seemed that the song has a new owner at Lily's heart. 

Then he saw Luna came to the couple as and whispered something to them, then Luna looks at him and smiled as she gave him a nod. "I think Luna wants you to go there James" Theo told him as he can read the gestures of Luna. James stood up again and walk to where Lily is but Suzy grabs his hand as she wants to stop him. 

"Don't try to stop me, Suzy, you and your daughter have done enough. Don't ruin the special night of my daughter to My Lily" James said in a very stern and cold voice. Suzy was frightened because this is the first time Kames gave her a glaring look and the voice as cold as an iceberg, James' quickly went to Luna. 

Then the song "The Heart Never Forgets by Le Ann Rimes was heard as James and Lily dances. Lawrence and Luna were just at the side and watch them, Elder Lucas and Eva Cheung also went to their side to see what is happening. "Why does that bastard dances with your mother?" Elder Lucas asks the two, "Let them be Lucas, James is quite tame right now for I know he regrets what happened in the past. And as the song says, the heart never forgets especially if the wound is not yet fully healed" Eva Cheung explained to her husband. 

Lucas: "It's that okay with you Lawrence?" 

Lawrence: "Yes Father, I know Lily will never be blinded by him again."

Lily and James were dancing, Lily was not looking at James' face but he was staring at her. He wants to memorize again the facial features of his ex-wife. He wants to remember her face, her scent, and everything she has now. It seemed that he was in a dream that he doesn't want to wake up. 

James: "Lily, I'm sorry. I made a mistake and now I'm living with the consequences. I regret it…. I regret everything, I do."

Lily: "One stupid mistake that changes everything. And James doesn't live life with regrets now that you've known that I and your daughter are alive. "

James: "I regret the way we ended Lily, but I will never regret what we had but I am willing to prove to you that you are still in my heart."

Lily chuckled as she looks up at James to see him straight from his eyes, but you are too late James. You have already lost us, me and Luna. Just like Louie…she already lose Luna because of what he was also blinded by a woman and didn't trust Luna. Just like you James…you didn't trust me at all but your secretary… trusted Suzy more. 

As Lily finished her words the music stops and she breaks to James clasp, she walks away from him and went to Lawrence. "Are you done My Lily?" Duke Lawrence asks Lily full of concern. Lily nods her head and smiled at him. Lucas and Eva were just staring at James that looks like frozen where he was standing, Lucas approaches him and taps his should to brought him back to his senses. James bowed his head slightly and gave the Elder Cheung an indistinct smile and walks away from him. But before he can escape from him, "You've earned what you have just sowed James. You took away the smile on my daughter's face. Don't try to ruin her heart again James. I won't allow it anymore" Elder Lucas said to him; it may be a piece of advice or a threat but still for James, it is a stabbing knife to his heart. 

James just look at him as Elder Lucas walks away from him. "I love Lily, I love her so much, I am just a fool that I've listened and trusted a wrong woman," he said to himself as he walks away from the venue; he didn't even take a glance to Suzy who is waiting for him at their assigned table.