Chapter 168 - 168 Sofia and friends retribution….Drug effects to their body

Presidential Suites

"Louie, I just want to inform you that Luna is already married to Viscount Francois, you don't have any chances of winning her back" Edward reminds his son. "Dad I know that, but at least I can have a second chance to be with her....with my kids' lives. I may not be her husband but I can show her how much I love her, I will also let her feel that I care for her and our twins. I will ask her and Viscount if we could be friends, even if I can't win her back as my wife….maybe I can be her friend" Louie informed his parents. ​​

Edward and Mia look at each other, the pain in the heart of their son is really visible to them. They can also feel the pain especially when they saw Louie in tears watching Luna from afar. 

Then suddenly Louie got a message from an unregistered number. But when he read the message he got the surprise when he read where it came from…it came from M&Z. M&Z the hackers who provided the pictures of Luna and the twins. Louie smiled as he read out loud the message.

"Keep this in your mind; Love is not all about the spark. It is all about the commitment to love the person every day even if it's boring and sad. Fight, not only in the best situations but especially in the worst. Love is all about accepting the imperfections and flaws of that person you love."

Mia and Edward were listening to their son as he read the message, "Who is M&Z?" Mia asks him. "They are the hackers who provided me the images and videos of Luna and the kids. Luna was still Autumn as she introduces herself to me" Louie said, he saves the said quotes to his phone just to keep him reminded about his feelings towards Luna.


Su Family Room

When husband and wife were already inside the room they both saw their daughter with her friends who are panting terribly. Andrew was worried about seeing her daughter in that kind of state, the men who help them a while ago laid the 3 women in the bed in the room assigned to James and since it has 3 beds each girl occupies each bed. Each one is tightly tied in the bed for they are emitting the heat on their body because of the drug they have just take before the party stated. 

"I think we need to go to the hospital, these kids can't make it anymore. The antidote for this is a man" Andrew said as he can't touch the forehead of her daughter. "Did you try giving them a cold bath?" Theo asks him. 

Andrew: "No, I am afraid that my daughter will not bear my touch. She is like in delirium right now."

Rica: "We can't bring them to the hospital also, the reporters are outside. They already got a copy of the conversation of our daughters about framing up Yuan and Louie. Their reputation will be at risk."

Suzy: "I think the drinks that they served to the girls are spiked."

Theo: "I don't think so Suzy, remember the conversation they just played a while ago. Our daughters plot about drugging Louie, Yuan, and Dr. Harry and they also said to the conversation that they will also drink the aphrodisiac drug so that they will have the same effect."

Rica: "But my dear husband, Aira oppose the said idea. Then how come she is also having the same symptoms as Sofia and Rita?"

"Sofia spike Aira's drink, she wants Aira and Harry to end up in bed also that's why she did that to her. I am sorry Rica…Theo" Suzy confessed to the two as they look at her.

Theo: "We can't do anything right now even we vent our anger to you and Sofia, Suzy. But I hope my daughter will be fine after this or I swear to God Suzy I will sue you and Sofia or I'll just hire someone to kill you both!"

James is just there listening to their conversations, it seemed that he was numb after listening to Suzy's confessions about Aira and Rita being drugged by Sofia. 

As the three women seemed heating up more and more, Rica couldn't stand it anymore as she stood up and went out of the room and went to the lobby to ask for help. She needs to call a doctor to help her daughter. Even though she saw Harry at the lobby, she didn't bother him at all; not just because he was with his date but because of what happened during the gala. She can't take the humiliation that her family has just come across because of Rita and Sofia's schemes towards him, Yuan and Louie.

"You are one of the parents of the three ladies who have suffered from hyperventilation?" Amber who has seen her, Amber rush to her as she can see the distress on her face. Rica's face turned red because of coyness. "You are Princess Amber Manzini, you are Luna's friend" Rica uttered as she wants to dig a hole and hide from it.

Harry can also sense the distress on her and furrowed his brows. He already knew the scheme of the three that's why they retaliate to them. "Why are you here? What happened?" Amber asks her again (she is pretending to be concern about the three). "My daughter and her friends are not feeling well, their body emits heat like they are having a fever and there are already some sticky transparent fluid flows to their private part. We can't give them a cold bath, because when we touch them it seemed that they are like monsters who are hungry to eat their meal" Rica explained everything to her and Harry. 

Harry chuckled "that serves them right," he said to himself. "Dr. Harry Si, I know my daughter likes you so much and she is also heard too that conversation. But she opposes that idea. Please help us…help me with my daughter" Rica pleads on Harry.

Harry looks at her, he was holding Amber's hand as they are escaping from the party. He wants to bring Amber in a more private place where they can have a private talk about themselves as he also plans to woo her. "I am sorry Ma'am but I am Off Duty right now. My date who is also a doctor is Off Duty if you want you can ask the front desk about their resident doctor. They can help you in that matter" Harry informed her and he drags Amber away from her. Rica was shocked and she was at daze at the silhouettes of the two as they both walk away from her, she can believe that Harry Si ignored her. 

From afar, Harry smiled as he shook his head. "Why are you having that evil smile, Dr. Harry Si?" Amber asks him. "My men are cruel this time, they mix the stamina booster herbs that the twins gave to them which came from your garden in the City of Wise with the drug that we have, I didn't know that the effect will be that crucial for what his fiancee jas just asked" Harry confessed to her and Amber has a big O shape on her lips, "So the twins gave some herbs to you and you let your people play with the three women…you are so heartless Dr. Si," Amber said as she smiled. 

"My men know who will be their lady boss is, she is right here beside me. They will not let anything happen to me especially that I have already met my match and she was also a doctor and she is one of the lady bosses of HADES" Harry said to Amber as he looks at her face.


Back to Rica

As Rica went to the front desk and ask for the resident doctor, the front desk representative helped her and called the resident doctor who is on duty. Rica drags the doctor as soon as she saw him, she b.r.i.e.f.s him about what is happening to her daughter and her daughters' friends. 

When they reach the room, the smell of the fluids that flows to the private part of the three can be smelled inside the room; it seemed that it is in the whole room, their body is already fl.u.s.tered and their body also perspire but it seemed very sticky. The m.o.a.ns could be heard into the whole room. 

James, Theo, and Andrew where all outside the balcony for they didn't want to see their daughters in that kind of condition. Suzy was inside the bathroom as she prepares the tub with cold water. She will give them a cold bath for she can't take the sounds of their m.o.a.ns. 

The doctor who came with Rica was a middle-aged man, at first sight, he can already tell that the three were a drug. "The drug that they took is very potent, did they took it with alcohol or just plain water," he asks Rica. Rica shook her head for she doesn't know, Suzy came out from the bathroom said that the tub is already filled with cold water.

"I can't help you with this, but having a cold bath, the cold water could relax their muscles. You must submerge them unto it. You must ask some housekeepers who are women. As I can see it the drug they took is seeking a male touch. I can't help you in this case" the doctor informed them as he hurried himself to get out of the room.

"Oh My! Boss Samantha is right, those women are drugged. They've drugged themselves just to get a man. I'm a doctor but still, I am human and a man, the touch they will give a man can also give arousal to the poor guy." The doctor said to himself as he walks away from the room.

Rica and Suzy look at each other; "It's on us now Suzy. Let's carry them to the bathroom, we can do it" Rica said to Suzy. As they carried each one of them, Suzy and Rica put Sofia first in the tub who is submerged in cold water, they also carried Rita and Aira but since the tub fits only one they put the two onto the shower room wherein they open the shower and put in the maximum cold shower.