Chapter 173 - 173 The Invitation for the Family Feast

You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending. ---- C.S. LEWIS

James, Theo, and Andrew are all at the balcony drinking brandy and smoking, they don't have the heart to see their daughters having a hard time enduring the pain of what they have done. Suzy and Rica are both busy attending to the needs of the three who are still under the influence of the drug. "My daughter Luna is inviting me to their family feast tomorrow. She also said I should invite you too, I mean our families are also invited" he informed the other two men. ​​

"What did you gave as an answer?" Theo asks him. James took a deep breath and as he let it out, Andrew spoke "You don't want to bring Suzy and Sofia, do you?" James nods his head, "Suzy and Sofia already gave a hard time to Lily and Luna. I don't want to tarnish a great Christmas event to them, and I want to have time alone with my family" James explained his side.

Theo and Andrew look at him with pity, they knew that James played a big role in what happened to Luna and they are also involved in it. "James, your family right now are Suzy and Sofia, it is not Lily and Luna. Theo and I were also surprised to see that they are both alive but still, we want to ask for their forgiveness. We all played a big role in what happened to their lives, we want to see them also but I think tomorrow is not the right time" said Andrew. 

Theo who is silently looking from afar when Andrew starts talking has a gulp the remaining brandy on his glass. He pours another and drinks it, "This is our retribution to all of our sins to the mother and daughter. If I could bring back the time I won't allow Aira to be an accomplice in ruining Luna's married life. What we did to Lily that time has just repeated during Luna's marriage to Louie, and you still didn't stop Sofia for ruining Luna. You let history repeat itself" Theo voice out his thoughts. 

James sighed he knows that it was his fault, it was his fault all along. If he did fall to Suzy's traps and scheme this will not happen to him and his family. If he only didn't listen to his colleagues and friends his family will still be complete and he will not agree to the arranged marriage of the Cheung Elders to the Chen's. 

"Luna said that after tomorrow's family feast they will leave for Italy. They will just come back after the New Year for the collaboration of their company to Chen's. I want to go there, with or without Suzy and Sofia. I need to ask for my daughter's forgiveness and most especially for Lily's forgiveness. I know this will be hard on my part for I need to protect both Lily and Luna now from Suzy and Sofia" James has just let his thoughts full of regrets.

"Sometimes you have to make a decision that will break your heart but it will give peace to your mind and soul James, all you need is to have the right decision and take some actions on it," Andrew told his friend. Theo and James look at him, they can still hear the m.o.a.ns of their daughter, even the worried voices of Suzy and Rica, Andrew can't attend to his daughter for he was afraid that once he touches his daughter; she will think that he was Yuan Xi. 

Suzy came out and went to them at the balcony, "We've tied them up again at the bedpost, the cold water from the shower seemed gave them a short feeling of relief but when we dried them up the heat from their bodies strikes up. I think we need to go to the hospital" Suzy begs James. "Who will carry your daughter Suzy? We can't carry any one of them because the touch of a man is what they need right now. That's the antidote that they need, it is Sofia's fault that's why they are suffering from this kind of condition. It's just backfired on them" James answered Suzy in a very cold tone.

Suzy looks at Theo and Andrew, she was asking for a backup but both men just gave him a cold shoulder. She went back to the room wherein the m.o.a.ns intensify more, Rica is calling someone when she looks for her. Rica came back after she called for help from a friend, the fluids from their private part still flow to their legs and the smell of it seemed surrounds the entire room. "I've called for help from some artists that I know. I will let that man have s*x with Aira, Suzy the only antidote for this is a man's touch. If you want you can give Louie a message to help Sofia, I will talk to Andrew about this; the drugs that they have just ingested is very potent and it was only sold at the black market. I found the foil packs at the trash bin a while ago Suzy, it is the same medicine we used to lure James to your bed" Rica informed Suzy.

"What!" James shouted Rica, and Suzy's face paled upon hearing his voice. They didn't know that the three men have already gone inside the room and they heard everything that they had just talked about. "James!" Suzy called him as he stared at her will full of disgust. James took a deep breath, "I will be attending the family feast tomorrow and you will not join me. I forbid you to come with me Suzy, you take care of your daughter. She deserves what is happening to her right now" James flared up as he said those words to his wife.

"Rica, I am sorry but I won't allow any man to tarnish the reputation of Rita. If I need a man to help her in this kind of condition, I will just call someone in my company who have feelings for my daughter and not some random guy from the industry that you knew" Andrew declared his answers.

James walks out for he can't look at Suzy and Sofia, he feels disgusted to her, but he stops for a while and faces his two friends. "Theo…. Andrew….I am sorry for what Sofia has done to your daughters which is her friends. I also didn't know if Sofia is my daughter but still, I ask forgiveness for the schemes Sofia has just planned" James told his friends then he walks out from the room. As he walks out from the room he sends, messages to Louie and Luna.

He message Luna that he was coming to the family feast tomorrow but Suzy and Sofia will not be joining for the reasons of Sofia are still sick, then his message to Louie was not to help Suzy for Sofia's situation at all cause for it will be Sofia's another trump card to him. 

James went to the lobby and ask for another room for he can't take to his stomach to sleep beside Suzy and he didn't want to see her also especially now that he had learned some hidden secrets of Suzy.

Rica on the other hand looks at her husband, her looks are pleading "Theo, s*x is the only antidote to this kind of drug. I am sorry but I don't know any ways to ease the pain of our daughter. I ask Harold, one of the models who have a big crush on our daughter and he was pursuing Aira. I can't ask Dr. Harry Si's help for he already knows the outcome if he will help her" Rica informed Theo.

Theo breathes deeply, "It's your decision Rica, whatever the outcome of that decision that you have just made; make it sure that you will face the consequences of it if Aira is already sober. You can let them use the room that is assigned to us, I will just go to the lobby and ask if there is still a spare room and don't be too vain about rooms for we need to take a rest to face your daughter's wrath tomorrow."

Louie furrows his brow when he receives the message but still, he was happy for his former father in law's sent him the text message. Luna also got the message, she was with Francois when she receives it as they went back to their room. Luna showed her husband, "Just let your father decides for the things like that, he knows what he is doing My Queen" Francois told her, then they both stop as Francois carried her bridal style. Luna rests her head to Francois's shoulder "My King, I hope my biological father can accept the fact that mom is marrying my father, I know that my mom has already moved on but still, they need to know what happened that time" said Luna. Francois kiss Luna's temple, "Let's just wait for the outcome of what will happen tomorrow. Let's take a rest tonight and be happy tomorrow' he replied to Luna.