Chapter 182 - 182 Family Feast (Guests and their Gifts)

No family is perfect . . . we argue we fight. We even stop talking to each other at times, but in the end, the family is FAMILY. .. Love will always be there. ----Unknown Author

James Su didn't come home after he checks out at Mystic Hotel. He went to one of his friends' and he seeks his help with the gifts he will be bringing at the Family Feast. James prepared gifts for Lily, Luna, and the twins. He also has gifts for his former in-laws and to Luna's husband. James still has some money left that Suzy didn't know, he got a separate bank account and a card so that in case of emergencies like this he can use it. ​​

James didn't know what does the twins' likes, but he still got them some gifts like for Dawn he bought stuffed toys in different colors, for Winter he bought the latest helicopter remote control toy. He still remembers that Luna likes cream puffs to serve every Christmas Day and his wife Lily likes to eat Sylvannas and Roasted Chicken. James knew where he can buy those foods and he also went there to get those foods. James also bought some dream catchers for he knew it was one of Luna's likes, she likes to collect dream catchers, he bought the finest cigar and lavender tea for his former in-laws and a Swiss army knife for Francois. As he packs everything inside his car, he got a call from Suzy. He answered his phone in an irritated manner, he was getting ready to go to Villa 8 and he had no plans of spending the whole Christmas Day at his house with Suzy and Sofia. 

James: "What is it that you want? I am busy, make it fast!"

Suzy: "James where are you? Sofia and I just got home. She was still a shock and her tears didn't stop from falling to her face. Are you not coming home? It's Christmas Day and I wish we could celebrate it just like before."

James: "You take care of your daughter, bring her to the hospital if things got worsened. I am not coming home for I need to visit my daughter Luna and her family. I also need to see my wife and that is not you but Lily."

Suzy just went silent upon hearing James's statements, she can't imagine that this is happening to her and her family. Before she could react and give her response, the line went end, she can't imagine that James will not be celebrating Christmas with them. She loves and adores James so much, but why is it that in an instant everything went wrong. "Is this my karma for all the things that I have done to Lily? I just fight for what I know is right back then? Is it wrong to fall in love?" Suzy asks herself as her tears flow to her eyes, she sobs for the heartache she has just earned today from James. Suzy tried to patch things up with Rica but her best friend gave her a cold shoulder, even to Andrew who is James' friend. She knew that it is Sofia's fault why are their daughter suffered because of Sofia's schemes. She can't blame them if they have grudges to her daughter, but it is Christmas and nobody from them and even her husband remembered to greet her. Suzy stood up and went to the kitchen, there are no servants at their Mansion for they gave them a vacation for Christmas and Butler So just submitted his resignation a week ago for he went back to the Cheung's Estate. 

Suzy remembered Theo's words a while ago… "James texted me last night, he wants a divorce. He wants me to draft the agreement and gave it to you on the 27th day of this month. He also demands that you and Sofia must get out from the Mansion for the Su Mansion belongs to Luna, He wants you and Sofia out before the year ends. Suzy, I know you love James so much, you are obsessed on him that's why you did so many things just to snatched him and destroy his family; I just didn't say anything to Rica about this when she told me that what you feel for James is true love. Suzy, true love is about flaw; allowing someone to see that you want and need them in your life, and trusting them not to hurt you. Don't ever be someone's alternative, their second option and you are always James' second option."

Theo was angry with his wife's best friend but what can he do...whatever has been done a night before has already been done, he can't bring back the past even if he wished for it. Rica didn't argue with her husband when Theo said those hurtful words to Suzy for she was too angry with Sofia. "It's Christmas Day Theo...Let's go home, Dereck will fetch his parents at their home and they will come to our house. We have to leave now to prepare for their arrival, and Suzy I am sorry if we can't drop you off to your place. Andrew has already left also and they are planning for his daughter and his assistants' wedding this week. We can hail a cab for you both, again I am sorry" Rica said, and then the four of them left Suzy and Sofia who is still at dazed. 


Villa 7

Louie was very busy wrapping his gifts for his kids, he just got the latest drone for his kids, two chubby Alaskan Malamute, and two identical necklaces with a Moon Pendant. While his mom got 5 different colored big stuffed toys for Dawn and 5 different race car toys for Winter, his mother wants to pamper the twins as she was very excited to see them and celebrate Christmas with them. Edward Chen on the other got a pink violin for Dawn and a black and silver acoustic guitar for Winter. 

On the other hand, Ethan was busy calling someone and asking to deliver a 999 Gardenia and one single pink tulips. He wants to give it to Rosela, he also prepared gifts for Louie's twins. He prepared a Copic Sketch Suitcase with 358 colors and some sketch pads and canvas for both twins, and Kim prepared the most unique gift for Pearl; he bought a set of hunting and tactical knives. Kim didn't forget to buy some gifts for Louie's kids also, he bought the latest model of IPad and iPod for the twins and he didn't forget to upload different genre of kinds of music for he thought that the twins' love music so much for what he had just witnessed last night at the Charity Gala. 

"Do you think Pearl will like my gifts?" Kim asks Ethan. Ethan chuckled, he was watching Kim wrapping his gifts for Pearl. "You are the first guy I've ever met and know that will be giving his girl want to pursue a very unique gift" Ethan commended on how Kim took care of the gifts. 

Kim smirk at Ethan's comments, "My girl is unique, and she is one of a kind. She is not just simple but also mysterious but as I observe, she needs to be protected and taken care of; and I will be protecting and care for her" Kim informed him and Louie heard his words. Louie smiled at how Kim defends his idea of giving knives for Pearl. 

Louie didn't mind his friends anymore, he is still waiting for the deliveries of cream puffs that he ordered last night to the owner of Cafe Elise. He actually begs the owner for his orders and told him that it was for his kids, he told the owner that his kids love cream puffs but in the reality, he somewhat recalled that Luna loves to eat cream puffs. 

"Do you have gifts for my kids?" Louie asks his friends, his friends gave him a thumbs up for they are still busy with the things they are doing for their woman. "Louie, do you think Lily will like this?" Edward who is Louie's father asks him while he was showing a scarf. "Dad?! Does Mom know about this?" 

"Your mom knew even before that Lily has a very special place in my heart. I'll let you know our story someday son" Edward informed Louie. Louie sighed deeply for he didn't have an idea that his parents and Luna's mother knew each other or yet has been in a relationship of so-called "FRIENDS". 

"Louie, did you prepare some gifts for the Cheung Elders?" Mia Chen asks her son. Louie shook his head, he forgot to prepare some gifts for Luna's grandparents and even for her mother. He was very busy preparing gifts for his kids and Luna. 

"I have the finest bottles of wine Louie, I already ask someone from my place to deliver it here. I knew that you will be very busy preparing gifts for your former in-laws and Luna's father the Duke" Ethan informed him. "I also ask someone from my place to deliver here some chocolates from Belgium and New Zealand that I just bought months ago when I have a business trip there, I hope Luna's father will like it" Kim also informed him. 

Louie: "Thanks guys, for your help. I know I don't deserve to be forgiven by Luna and the kids, and it is a good thing that Luna's husband Viscount Francois didn't hesitate to give me a chance to be with my kids and Luna this Christmas Day."

Edward was listening to his son, he could feel his pain. He knew that if they didn't help Suzy and Sofia 5 years ago, he already held in his arms his grandchildren, and his grandchildren will bear his surname. "I hope my parents will not get the news about the twins' existence. They will be devastated if this news reached them" Edward mumbled but Mia heard it. "Edward, I think the Cheung Elders will definitely block the news about the twins because they are also mad at us. They knew that we as Louie's parents help Sofia to ruin Louie's marriage with Luna. I just wish that Luna will also forgive us" Mia blurted out as her tears escape from her eyes and Edward wipes it. 

"I think we better hurry up! It will be an hour before lunchtime. Luna is expecting us to arrive before lunch. The Viscount reminded me that we have to wear a T-shirt for it is just an ordinary family feast" Louie informed them and everyone keeps their movements very fast.