Chapter 191 - 191 Family Feast (Open Forum 3)

"Now it's your turn, Louie Chen. What do you want to say? What are the things that you want to prove to us and Luna?" Alexei asks Louie who is still at dazed upon knowing what his mother has done to Luna and her mother. He didn't expect that his mother has conspired to Sofia and Suzy just too ruined Luna and he believes them. 

Louie who has a bruise on his face just looks at Alexei as he gave them an awful look because of a little wound on his cheeks. "What do you want to know? My plans for Luna and my kids or what happened to us 5 years ago?" Louie asks them.​​

"We want to know if you are ready to be tortured by us, we want to know if you are ready to die if we will ask for your life in return for all the torments you have given to our Moon?" Xavier said as he took out his tactical knives. "I taught Pearl how to handle knives, these are the knives that she once used to put a mark on your lovely wife's face" Xavier added as he emits a killing aura towards Louie. 

"Are you ready to die and kill for Luna and the twins Mr. Louie Chen? Dimitri asks while staring at him. Louie's face got paled as he can't process any words to answer their questions. 

"You and Sofia got married five years ago and as I remembered it was September 17. The same month, date, and year when the twins' are born, it is the day the Francois almost killed me and bring chaos to my hospital. That's the first time I saw Francois be distressed for someone and his gunshot wound from his previous mission were opened because he exerts too much effort just to ease the labor pains of Luna" Alexei voice out to Louie his recollection of the past.

"Your name is a taboo in our house, and to everyone who knew your story about our Moon. No one ever asks who you are nor mentions a name Louie especially in front of Luna" Ryder informed him. 

Louie bowed his head for he didn't expect that he stab Luna at her heart and soul. "I fell in love with the girl in a masked when I was forced to attend Valentine's Day party organized by the Wu family. I saw a very elegant and gorgeous lady who played together with Jessica the music Howl's Moving Castle. But we just have some small talk in the garden and she doesn't even fall for my charms that night even though I am flirting with her at that time. Maybe I was wrong that I didn't get her number and real name. She just said that I can call her Lu without an o for I told her she can call me Lou." Louie said in a sad tone.

Louie recalled everything to them, he said his side of the story; from the moment he met Sofia during their University days, the bullying just like what Luna has said a while ago, up to the wedding arrangement between the Elders, the wedding and up to moment Luna left the Villa 7. Louie tells them everything they want to know, he also didn't miss the words Luna wrote in her diary. 

The Knights, Jamil, Ryder, and Dimitri were just silently listening to him; unknown to him they already know about it for they already make the investigation after Luna became close to Francois. For James' side, he was having a hard time absorbing to his mind every word Louie have just said to them.

"Why did you wait for how many months before you let go of my daughter? Why didn't you divorce her and let her live with Wu's after a month of your marriage since you are already living in your Penthouse with Sofia?" James asks him. Louie looks at him, "I guess I am so greedy when it comes to her presence. Every time I am with Sofia, it is her that I missed; I miss her scent and the touch of her skin. Sometimes I came to Villa 7 at the time I know that she was already asleep so that I can c.a.r.e.s.s her face, I can stare for the longest time. I can kiss her although it is a feathery kiss, and most of all I can sleep beside her. All those things I did without her knowing it for because if she knew it I know she will be scared."

"But still you hurt her! You never did care for her even the slightest, you even hurt her at her wrist, and until now the scar is still there and that's the reason why she gave up playing the violin!" Ryder shouted as he stood up because of anger. 

"I was fooled by Sofia, Luna didn't even tell me that Sofia is not the girl in the mask and blue gown," Louie told Ryder.

"What if she told you that she is the girl that you have met at Wu Valentine's Day party would you believe her? Didn't you forget that your mother is also the one who confirmed to you the identity of the girl in the mask us Sofia? You didn't even investigate it because what you feel for Luna is only l.u.s.t and not love. Sofia is the one you love!" Dimitri shouted as he controls himself for not strangling Louie in front of James.

James: "You don't love my daughter Louie….. You just love the things that your grandparents promised you. The inheritance and the position in your company, those are the things that you love and care for; why am I saying these words…because when you can't believe your eyes, you can always trust your heart. Love makes anything possible. And you Louie….you love Sofia for your trusted your eyes and heart, you will not fight for Sofia against Luna. Doesn't your heart ever tells you that you already found the girl that you are looking for and you are living with the wrong one?"

Louie went silent… everybody went to silence upon hearing the statements of James. "You didn't even trust Luna in your nine months of marriage, Mr. Louie Chen. You didn't even try to ask her about her opinions about your marriage before the date comes. What have you did that time…you get yourself drunk and in the morning you found out that you are in the same bed with Sofia both n.a.k.e.d. You trusted Sofia that time when she said that you both make love but in the end, it is not" Alexei said as he took a deep breath to let go his quench to smacking Louie's face. 

Marco: "The day you and Luna meet at the garden during the Valentine's Day Party, she already saw what is in your personality. When she meets you again before the marriage she already saw the sorrow in your smile when you're Elders announces that she is the one you are betrothed with, she already saw the love behind your anger because even though you don't like the idea still you have to her husband because of your love to your grandparents and most of all the reasons behind your silence every time you comes home and locked yourself in your study room at Villa 7. Luna is the one who trusted you with her life, but at the annual party when she got almost drowned that was the time that her feelings for you seemed evaporated into thin air."

"Luna trusted you so much when you told her grandparents….the Cheung Elders that you will take care of her for the rest of your lives, you will learn to love her and protect her from harm. But what did you do Louie, You are the one who has hurt her, never protected and cared for her, and most of all you never showed to her that you have learned to love her. Trust doesn't come with a refill like coffees, juices, or anything. Once it is gone you probably won't get it back, and if you do…it will never be the same. That's why it took five years before Francois propose to Luna…Francois wants Luna to trust him for my sister have built a wall around her because of the things that you do" Dimitri informed Louie. 

"She can forgive you Louie, but don't expect that she will trust you especially when it comes to the twins. Luna will not trust you again I know that, because trust is the hardest thing to repair. And I know that, because it will also the hardest thing I could ask for to Lily" James Su informed them as he looks at Dimitri. 

"Louie Chen, you will participate in our last man standing tradition. If you want to prove yourself about your intentions to the twins and Luna you have to endure it. This will be going to happen tonight, you and your friends except for Yuan and Harry. This tradition of HADES is given to the people that we want to see how worthy you are to gain our trust. Don't play pity during the said event for you will be eliminated at once. Luna will be watching all of us will be watching except for the twins, your parents can't help you with this tradition" Dimitri informed Louie. "Let's go now and give some games and raffle presents to everyone. The twins' loves giving presents to each member of the HADES family" Dimitri added

"Mr. Dragomir, may I have a word with you?" James called him as they all stand up and ready to get outside. "What is it?" Dimitri asks him as he gave a cold stare to James.

"I would like also to participate in that tradition. I would like to prove myself to Lily. It is okay with me if your father will marry her but I just want to prove to her that I regret everything I have done to her" James said as he bends on his knees in front of them. "I'll ask my father about it, for what I know is they have a separate interrogation on you and Louie Chen's parents. It would be great if you brought your family today James but it seemed that Sofia is not in a proper state of mind" Dimitri said and he left first the study room.