Dimitri was already inside the hidden room of the torture room everyone arrives, he was already there and witnessed the scene between the five right-hand guys, Pearl and the Phantoms killing machines. He was happy to see that his trusted men have finally met someone who could tame them. On Dimitri's right hand he was holding two pairs of dice that he was playing while watching the scenario at the torture room, these dice are the ones who will tell the future of the person they will torture. He wants to torture Louie Chen, he wants to put some scars on his face and body. The punches that James gave to him is not enough for all the torments that he gave to Luna. Luna can still play the violin but just for one song and not like before that she can do some recitals. 

He also saw Francois and his sister who are eavesdropping towards their people, "Francois loves my sister and my sister...Luna has finally found the one---her the one. I will make sure that no one could ever break them apart. If I need to kill the person who will try to ruin their relationship... I will bring chaos to the lives of that certain person" Dimitri thought of himself. ​​

Dimitri was brought to his senses when the rest of their group has finally arrived inside the room, Louie and his friends were also brought blindfolded by some of the HADES men. They are not struggling but they have beads of sweat on their foreheads. Louie and his friends were seated in a chair which facing the rest of the HADES bosses and their partners, Dimitri went out from the secret room as soon as the blindfolds of Louie and his friends were taken off by Ryder. Dimitri gave some pair of dice to Ryder and Francois as they will also be the ones to give a sentence to the three men. 

When Ryder took off the blindfolds, Louie and his friends were shocked to see what is on the tables just in front of them. Ethan's eyes stared at table number three where the different torturing types of equipment were laid there, even though their hands were not tied but it seemed that there is a lump on his throat as he can't imagine if he can still walk nor lives after this so-called tradition that they are going through. 

"I would like to brief you about what will happen today to your lives, the three of you will undergo our tradition called Last Man Standing. It is given to the people whom we don't trust especially when it comes to their intentions towards the members of HADES family, for Yuan and Harry's situation they will not be participating in this matter for my sister Luna already vouched for their character to me and to the rest of the great bosses of HADES" Dimitri informed the three friends whose faces were already pale. 

"We will roll the dice that we have, each dice will tell us what we will do to all of you. My dice will tell us on which table we will pick for your torture, Francois's dice will tell us on which item on those tables we will use for you, and lastly on Dimitri's dice…it will tell us who among the five right-hand guys will give you the torture" Ryder said in a cold tone. 

"Ryder don't scare them! If you continue like this they might wet their pants" Amber told Ryder as she stared at the three men who are currently sitting in front of them, Ryder looks at Amber as he winks at her and smiled. "Your brother is trying to scare the wits of the three men, I hope they will not wet their pants when they will see the exotic and street foods that they will eat when they have table number one" Rosela whispered to Luna's ear. Luna giggled, "Louie doesn't like to eat such foods like that, that's why I ask Eros and Soteira to cook those foods and I want him to eat those kinds of foods. He was born with a silver spoon that's why he was not used in eating those kinds of food that I like to eat" Luna informed Rosela. 

Francois: "Shall we start? Who among the three of you wants to go first?"

Ethan saw Rosela who is staring at him with an evil smile, "I'll go...I want to be the first one who will participate in your tradition" Ethan volunteered himself as he looks at Rosela. Everyone looks at him with fascination and for having a strong will to be the first prey of their tradition. 

"Are you sure Mr. Ethan Li? Are you strong enough to do anything just to pass our tradition?" Rosela asks him, "I am ready to whatever circ.u.mstances I'll be facing just to prove to you and your HADES family that my intentions for you are true and I want everyone to know that I am ready to face all the challenges that your people want to do to me" Ethan informed Rosela. "Even death?" Xavier butts in. 

"I will now read everything that you have done to our Moon, or you want to confess it so that the torture we will give to you will lighten up?" Scarlet told Ethan as she stared at him with a deathly aura. Ethan gazes at her as his eyebrows furrow in confusion, but he recalled something, he recalled that he was used by Sofia to hurt Luna. Ethan was silent as he thinks of the past. 

"Scarlet, let me read the reports about him. I want to read it in front of him" Rosela blurted out as she gave Ethan a deathly glare. Scarlet handed the doc.u.ments to Rosela when she approaches her, "Now Mr. Ethan Li....how will I start? Hmm..." Rosela pauses for a while and sighs deeply. "Ethan Li is the only son of Mr. John Li and Janice Yi, you are the COO of Chen's Corporation and you have a degree in Business Management like Louie Chen and Kim Tang. You have been in a relationship with some models and actresses that once been a part of your company for commercials. Among the four friends of Louie Chen, you and Yuan are well versed in the relationship between our Moon and Louie Chen."

Ethan closes his eyes as he recalled something, and he knows that it is included in the report that Rosela will read in front of everyone, he already buried those memories...the bad memories that he has done towards Luna. Rosela looks at him and observes his body language, "Let us continue; during the University days you help Sofia in ruining Luna's reputation so that her scholarship will not be granted. You and your friends except for Yuan and Harry together with Sofia and her friends ruined the paintings of Luna so that she could not sell it at the museum, you told the owner that Luna's paintings are forged and the real painter was Sofia and not Luna." Rosela suddenly paused as her brows furrow to the next report that she has seen, "What the... you did this to Luna!? How could you drugged Luna just to have a signature for the collaboration between Louie Chen's company and the Grahms company and if it is not for Yuan the old man who is the CEO / PRESIDENT of that company might have already molested Luna?!" Rosela said as she controls her anger. 

"That was Sofia's idea, I opposed the idea for I don't want to hurt Luna because I knew that marrying Louie is already a hell life for her. I didn't drug her and Yuan knows that it is Sofia who drugged her and gave her as a gift to that Old Man when we got the news that Yuan already brought Luna to the hospital. When the Old Man arrived at the assigned room that Sofia booked for him and Luna, Yuan has already got Luna and brought her to the hospital" Ethan explained his part as he can see the killing intent to all the people around them. 

"Do you know anything about this Louie Chen?!" Rosela asks Louie but still, her eyes didn't leave Ethan's face. "Yes... It was our plan but Ethan, Kim, and I opposed unto it. We didn't know that Sofia continued our plan against Luna at that time. Sofia called Luna and told her that I need to see her in one of the hotels that were owned by the Cheung's, Sofia didn't know that I assigned Yuan to look after Luna for I have the hunch that Sofia will do something bad to her. Then as the report that you have....if Yuan didn't arrive in a nick of time...my wife might be molested by some man" Louie defended Ethan. 

"I want to torture you until you beg that I will kill you instantly" Natasha whispered but Eros and Hermes heard it. They also want to torture this guy very slowly, they want to drug him and feed him to all the She-man that they knew so that he will know the feeling of being a drug. 

"Yuan kindly enlighten us about this report," Amber said to Yuan who is now staring at the faces of his friends. Yuan recalled and retold the whole story to all of them, he also told them that the drug that Sofia gave to Luna that time was the same drug that she has taken last night at the Charity Gala. When Yuan brought Luna to the hospital, he booked a VVVIP room for her and he already reported to Louie about her condition. He also told Louie about the antidote and it is Louie who stayed at Luna's side from the entire evening. 

"I think the report is enough... let's begin the torture" Dimitri's stern voice was heard. Dimitri rolled the dice and the names of Eros and Ares were shown when it stops. Then Ryder rolled the second one and the result was tabled 1 and 3, then Francois's dice result was Vodka and floggers.