Chapter 205 - 205 Last Man Standing (10)

Fall in love with someone who talks with you after a fight. Fall in love with someone who misses you and wants to be with you. Don't fall in love only with a body or with a pretty face, or with the idea of being in love. ---- Unknown Author

"The tactical combat is now ended and Louie Chen lost. You take an hour break to build your strength and stamina for the next two events. Harry and Yuan you can check on your friend, Artemis, Soteira prepare something for Louie Chen, food and drinks; we will take it for now" Dimitri's cold stern voice was heard as he ordered his words to the people present inside the torture room.​​

Harry and Yuan stood up and immediately rush to Louie and they took him and ushered him to sit on the chair, Amber also went to Harry's side to help him while Isabele helps Artemis and Soteira to what food they will get and prepare for Louie. "You need to eat something, you need to regain some strength for the next two events will test your strength, stamina, and endurance and to who is going to be your sparring part I do hope that it will not be Dimitri or Francois on the side of the bosses and to the right-hand guys I do hope it will not be Artemis" Isabele voice out her concern. 

Yuan: "Why My Princess?"

Harry: "Please explain further"

Amber: "The next two events maybe Muay Thai and Hapkido are Dimitri's expertise, Mixed Martial Arts and Jeet Kune Do are Francois's forte, and lastly Jiu-Jitsu, Kajukenbo, Kalaripayattu, and Jujutsu are Artemis sports. Artemis is the Trainor for those martial arts that I have just said any of them who will be your friends' sparring partner is the deadliest. That's why we wish that it's either Marco, Xavier or my brother will fight you is the most lenient of all."

Yuan: "What about Sheik Jamil?"

Isabele: "Oh No! My Peaches, not Jamil.....Jamil is the Devil hiding in an angel's face. Jamil doesn't fight like martial arts.....he kills without batting an eyelid. If you still want to see your friend breathing and not in a vegetable stage....don't wish nor don't request for Jamil. He is different."

Harry checks again on Louie's body, he hissed every time he touches his abs and calf's. "Can you still endure everything?" Yuan asks him. Louie smiled, "This is not enough from the pain that Luna has felt when I beat her up when we are still married" Louie answered him. Louie let out a bitter smile for his friends, he wants to endure everything for Luna and his kids. If Luna wants everything that he has, he is willingly giving it to her. 

"I regret liking Sofia, maybe the feelings I felt for Sofia are not loved but rather it is l.u.s.t because of her appearance. But with feelings for her is exquisite, it is true love because even though Sofia and I were on a date, it is Luna that all I can think of; and I just touch Sofia when we got married. But every time I touch Sofia, it is Luna that I imagine m.a.k.i.n.g. .l.o.v.e with" Louie said in a sad tone. 

"You taught me a great lesson, Louie. You taught me that no matter how great and good a woman you are.... you'll never be good enough for a guy who isn't ready to be a man for her. And you are that kind of man when we are still married" Luna's voice was suddenly heard. "Maybe after this day ends and before we will go back to Italy.....I will give my verdict to all the questions that you have but there is one thing that I assure you, Louie Chen. I won't be your friend, and you will not be the father of my kids because they already have a father and it is Francois" Luna added as she stands up and went out to the torture room. Dimitri and Francois follow her immediately for they already knew that she will be going to breaks down.

The two men who followed Luna were right, outside of the room they saw her as she inhaled and exhaled some air as she controls herself not to cry. Dimitri and Francois approach her and they both taps her shoulder. Luna looks at them and smiled, "I am okay, don't worry" she reminded them. 

"Luna, someday you'll forget the hurt and pain that he has caused you, the reasons why you cried, and the people who caused you pain. You will finally realize that the secret of being free is not revenge, but letting things unfold in their way and own time. After all, what matters is not the first, but the last chapter of your life….your life with the twins, with us, and most especially with Francois and the new life that is forming inside your tummy. It will shows how well you ran the race, so smile, laugh, believe, and forgive him. You have already let out yourself from the shell because you have learned how to love all over again" Dimitri told her and smiled. 

"My Queen, forgive him….forgive Louie and move forward. Forgiveness is the remedy. It doesn't mean you're erasing the past or forgetting what happened. It only means that you're letting go of the resentment and pain, and instead choosing to learn from the incident and move on with your life….our lives as a family. Remember, the less time you spend hating the people who have hurt you, the more time you'll have to love the people who love, cares, and cherish you" Francois told Luna and smiled. 

Dimitri: "Forgive him who caused you pain or harm. Keep in mind that forgiving is not for others. It is for you my dear sister. Forgiving is not forgetting and still, we will mark him and his wife Sofia for the torments that they've given to you and still we have two events to give to him so don't worry."

Francois: "But after the events, you will give your forgiveness and we can all move on with our lives. Forgive because that will set you free from the cage that you are in My Queen."

Luna smiled at the two men in front of her. "Yes My King and My dear brother, I will do as what you have said to me, we also need to go back the day after tomorrow at the City of Wise for Yuan and Isabele's wedding."

"Let's go back inside now. The others might think that you have given up the final two events" Dimitri told them. Luna and Francois nodded their heads, then suddenly Luna speaks up "Will you mark him up for me, Dimitri?" Dimitri who is walking ahead from them stops and chuckled. "What do you want me to do with him, Luna?" 

"Are you sure? You want me to mark him up?" Dimitri asks her as he stared at her sister. Luna looks at him and she thinks for a minute...."DJ if you will be the one who will be his sparring partner in one of the events his mark will be in a cemetery or a tag on his wrist for he will be in the hospital. But if my husband will be the one who will mark him up he might be alive but skinned alive. Hmm, let me see" Luna looks at the two men in front of her. "If you want My Queen, you can ask for Xavier or Marco's help. But for what I can see is, Xavier will surely stab him with his knives by using the human roulette while Marco...Marco will just mince his body meat and he will include it to his Bolognese sauce or the chili con carne that the pets of the twins' love the most" Francois said while he laughs. 

Dimitri: "You're so cruel Brother - in - law!"

Francois and Luna laugh out loud, "I don't want your hand to be dirtied because of him. Let Artemis do the job, Artemis for the next event which is Jiu-Jitsu, and the last event will be Soteira drinking then five bottles of Tequila without the salt and lemon but they have to eat the spicy chicken feet that Amethyst cooked" Luna stated as she clings to Francois. 

Francois: "Then Artemis and Soteira will be his sparring partners, then after this, we will see if he can still stand."

Luna nodded and Dimitri chuckled. "Then after this, we can plan for what we will do Sofia and her minions. Our father is now interrogating James Su, and Louie Chen's parents" says, Luna. 

Dimitri: "And I hope your grandparents are not skinning them alive for I know that Grandfather Lucas wants to kill James Su in a very slow process. And he also asks our father to show off the lovey-dovey thing with our mother."

"That's emotional and mental torture for James Su and Edward Chen" Luna blurted but she giggled.