Chapter 222 - 222 The Great Bosses meets Lily Cheung’s Past (12)


Lily: "Lawrence my love, let us just stop everything now. James is just a waste of time for all of us, he seemed not that regretful for what he has done to me and our daughter Luna. As for Edward... He is still a good friend for me, he might have done something bad to me but it was not his intention to do some do things. But for my ex-husband, ever since we started he was just keep cheating on me." ​​

Duke Lawrence looks at hid soon to be wife with so much affection, the other great bosses and their wives also heard Lily and they are all proud of her. 

Lucas Cheung: "Why? Am not yet satisfied with the outcome of this, James didn't suffer yet enough. I want him to suffer more."

Lily: "Dad, I'm tired. I'm tired to hear James' words telling us that he loves me so much but still why he chose to hurt hurt Luna. For him to see me and Luna with a happy and complete family is enough suffering that he will witness for the rest of his life. He may have Suzy who loves him so much, and Sofia whom we don't know if she is still in the proper state of mind. That's all he had, but me... I have Lawrence as my husband, Luna is with us with the twins' and the upcoming twins on her tummy, I have two new good looking sons with gorgeous wives and most of all I have sons from another parent (these are the Knights and the Ladies of the Court). What could I ask for Dad? I have a new big family that I always dreamed of, and having them makes me complete as a person."

Duchess Anastasia: "That makes sense, I'm so proud of you Lily, but remember this you also have the men and women of HADES that will be your sons and daughters too. They will protect you at all cause."

Viscount Christian: "And you have us, we will be your new brothers and our wives will be your sisters."

Countess Grace: "And no men in our HADES family will bully you, we as their wives are the ones who could bully them."

Eva Cheung: "That's good to hear, Lucas... Our daughter is right, for James and Suzy to see Lily happy and has a complete family is way too much torture rather than what we are doing right now. For them to see how Luna and her husband are happy with their children....our great-grandchildren who are very intelligent and adorable, I know that for James it will be his greatest regret that he believes and he chooses Suzy rather than our daughter and his daughter."

James and Edward who is listening to Eve Cheung's words bowed their heads. Even if they repent now they can do nothing, things that should not have happened have already happened. They both choose the path they should not take. Edward and James knew they had made a mistake in choosing the women they married. Lily was right, even if they repented, it was too late. 

Suddenly Edward remembered a special message of Paulo Coelho that his best friend Allen once told him, it was his last fruitful words to him when they cut ties as friends when he found out what his son Louie has done to Luna. "That is why it is so important to let certain things go. To release them. To cut loose. People need to understand that no one is playing marked cards; sometimes we win and sometimes we lose. Don't expect to get anything back, don't expect recognition for your efforts, and don't expect your genius to be discovered or your love to be understood. Complete the circle. Not out of pride, inability, or arrogance, but simply because whatever it is no longer fits in your life. Close the door, change the record, clean the house, and get rid of the dust. Stop being who you were and become who you are. -Paulo Coelho"

Lily knew that her mother is a very silent person, she will only voice out her thoughts is she needs to let you know that you are being fooled or you are now learning. She remembered that her mother once told her that "If you love someone, you never seek to break them. Love mends and forgives, restores, protects, encourages, supports, inspires, and most especially comforts. Sometimes the most effective way to dissolve something is to accept it and move on with your life" these are her mother's words when she was crying out with her heart's content when she caught Edward and Mia in his room having s.e.x. 

Prince Stephen: "Ivan gave James Su a shot of Klonopin or Rivotril so that he will be at peace for he already has a shock because of the dolls."

James: "Why did you want to put me to sleep! No! we are not done yet! Lily, please listen to me, I never thought Suzy will do awful things with you and Luna. I never thought that her obsession with me will put you in grave danger. I am sorry!"

Edward: "Shut up James! If Lily can't and didn't forgive us is her choice and we both deserve it. People changed James, you know why?! Because they were too nice. They've been betrayed and we both betrayed her, we even replaced, forgotten, and hurt her....we are the people whom she loved and trust the most, we are the ones who have hurt her and we are not supposed to ask for things that even time can't tell when will be the wounds will be healed completely."

Edward bought time by telling James those words, and with that Ivan injected the Rivotril on his left shoulder, and it made James dizzy as he was put to sleep. Nikolai and Irwin already knew what will do to James as they bought carried him to a prepared room. Ivan unties Edwards' hands to set him free and Ivan gave him an ice pack for his wrist. "Go see your wife, she needs you the most. I already ask one of my men to take care of her left leg. We are not sorry for what we have done to her for it is the mark we gave to her for what she has done to Lily and Luna. We are not lenient to people who bullied the people we care and love the most" Duke Lawrence informs Edward as he stares at him. 

Edward: "I understand, I know that what happened to Mia is not enough for her to pay the debts she has to both Lily and Luna. I also know that even my son, Louie doesn't deserve any second chances with Luna and don't worry about the twins' I'll do my very best for my parents not to intervene with them. I just have two requests from you Duke Lawrence."

Duke Lawrence: "What are those requests, Edward Chen?"

Edward: "One, please love and take good care of Lily. She is still a special person for me. She still occupies my heart, soul, and mind. Second, I wish the twins could call me grandfather even it is an act of respect and I wish I could hug them."

Duke Lawrence: "For the first one, you don't have to tell that to me because Lily is my present and future. I will be her lifetime partner, and for the second one, I'll let Luna and the twins know about it. The twins already have their own decision, whatever the outcome of it we have to accept it."

Edward nodded his head but still, he was frustrated to get an answered that is not positive and Lily knew about that kind of looks of him. Lily squeeze Lawrence's hand and smiled, "Edward, your second request about the twins' consider it to be done. I'll talk to them and explain to them everything so don't worry. But I hope you will wait for the right time they will call you grandfather for they knew that your son who is their father has never once cared for their mother" says Lily. 

Edward nodded and gave a faint smile to Lily, "I can't take care of Mia as of the moment. I don't know what feelings I have for her right now and I hope you understand. I never once considered her as my wife but rather she was just a partner who gave birth to a the heir of the Chen's but still I don't love her that much" Edward explained himself to everyone. 

The great bosses stared at him, Elder Cheungs and the Wu couple looks at him with pity, Marcus walks up to Edwards' side as he taps his shoulder and said: "Let's grab a bite and a drink bro, let's think of some ways on how you woo the twins' I know you love children and you are longing for grandchildren for a long time." Edward nodded and smiled for what Marcus has stated, "I'll join you two" Lucas Cheung also said and gave Lily a wink. the three men walk away while Eva Cheung and Leah Wu followed them as the two women shook their head. 

Duke Lawrence: "My Lily, the wink your father just gave to you looks scarier than the looks that the Ladies of the Court gave to the Knights" 

Lily giggled and said "Lawrence my love, our father is not that scarier but our mother is much scarier especially when she became silent. "Actually when women became silent it is much scarier than we talk too much dear Lawrence, so if Lily became silent you must think of why or what have you done or else WORLD WAR 3 will happen" Duchess Anastasia informs him.

Viscount Christian: "What my wife has just said is true, so we men of HADES must be careful with our wives, especially if they all teamed up....even if our men and women will help us we still can't win their power."

Prince Timothy: "Lesson to learn for this is that....we must always listen to our wives' wishes and wants."