Chapter 224 - 224 Art of Letting Go....Forgiveness is the answer (2)

The relationship you have with yourself is the most complicated one because you can't walk away from you. You have to forgive every mistake and deal with every flaw. You have to find a way to love you even when you are disgusted with you. ---- Unknown Author

"And I don't take NO for an answer Edward Chen. Allen will be there also, we need a lot of catching up" says Lily who is now giving a pouting lip and an eye that looks so pitiful. "Yes, I'll join you all there, I will force Louie to come with me. But I am sure that he will come because Luna and the children are there." Edward answered. "And Lily don't give me that kind of look anymore, you, Marcus, and Leah knew that it was one of my weaknesses especially when it comes from you. Duke Lawrence don't you ever fall to this kind of trap of hers for she will always use that on you" Edward informs Duke Lawrence that all of the men around them gave a laugh on it. "She is always using that on me too" Lucas Cheung butts in. ​​

Then suddenly a song was heard....again. The song At the Beginning by Richard Marx and Donna Lewis from the movie Anastasia, "Hey! Aren't that song was Marcus and Leah's theme song as childhood lovers?" Edward asks Lily and the Elder Cheungs' who witnessed the love story of the Wu couples. Leah blushes as red as tomatoes while Marcus bowed his head and shook it. "The twins" Lily and Duke Lawrence said in unison. 

Duke Lawrence: "Our grandchildren are very adorable but full of tricks. You will think that they are innocent but they are not, they are a little devils disguise in an angel's face. And since you are all new in our family, be careful because they already knew everything about you but you don't know them. Even your darkest secrets are not safe with them." (Duke Lawrence gave a wink to Elder Lucas Cheung after he said that and it did not escape the sharp eyes of his wife Eva Cheung).

"What!?" Elder Lucas suddenly blurted out, "Don't worry Dad, your secrets are safe with the twins. Just make it sure that you will do all the twins' requests "says Duke Lawrence." Do you have dark secrets? Hmm Lily I'll talk to the twins later. "Eva Cheung told everyone but there is a hint of laughter on her eyes.

Everyone laughed out loud as soon as they heard the bantering of the couple, "Edward, my husband and I want to talk with you. He wants to know and talk to the man who once loves me. Is that okay with you?" Lily asks Edward. Edward nodded for confirmation while the others were just staring at them, "Dad, Mom... Lawrence will not eat Edward alive. We must talk about Luna, the twins, and him so that there will be closure if what had happened in the past." The Cheung Elders nodded and the Wu couple gave a thumbs up to Edward. 

Duke Lawrence: "We must have some privacy for this topic, will you follow us to my study room. Nikolai, please send a message to Eros that I need to have a word to Viscount Francois and Lady Luna, tell them to go to my study room."

Nikolia bowed his head and do as what Duke Lawrence ordered him what to do. Ivan and Irwin also followed him so that they will not witness any bantering and lovey-dovey of that certain group. After that Edward, Duke Lawrence, and Lily started to walk away and went to the study room, while the Wu and Cheung couple was joined by the great bosses and their wives to talk about some business matters and also about their sons and the Wu couple daughters. 


Study Room

"Please take your seat at the couch, Edward Chen, lighten up yourself I won't hurt you," Duke Lawrence told Edward who is now nervous being alone with him and Lily. Lily giggled upon seeing his former flame very nervous in the presence of her new flame. 

"Edward don't be too nervous, let's just talk. Catching up to what has been a loss for us as friends" said Lily. Edward nodded and gave a deep sigh, he smiled at them "I am so happy to see you again Lily, I am sorry for all the heartaches that I have caused you and I am sorry in behalf of Louie....for hurting and tormenting Luna when they are still married" Edward told to both Lily and Duke Lawrence. 

"I accept your apology Edward, and I know you want to know the reason why I stopped the interrogation a while ago and everyone knows you are the suffer," Lily told him as she rested her head to Duke Lawrence's right shoulder. Edward nodded while he stares at the couple. 

"I don't want you to be hurt again Edward, I don't want you to suffer both physically, mentally, and most especially through emotionally. I know that you have suffered enough when we broke up without closure in the past, Allen told me everything for I ask him to be your shadow. I know that you have hurt yourself a couple of times back then and I am the one who is always with you at the hospital that time but I just don't show myself to you because I might not control myself to give you a hug nor a kiss. We started as friends and we will end up as friends Edward, and we are still friends. I made you and Allen be Luna's godfather although Allen doesn't like the idea it was my request to him and to my parents and James can't do anything about it." Lily confessed to Edward. 

Lily: "Edward, I know you'll be okay and that eventually everything will work out. I know that what's meant for us to happen, I know and I can felt it that time that we will be in a certain relationship even if it is not being a husband and wife. But I just need a minute or two to pull myself together that time after I caught you red-handed, that's why I hide behind the shadows to taking care of you and loving you from afar and Allen could witnessed on that; because sometimes the shit life throws at me that time and gets heavy, so I need to do some small and last-minute efforts to be with you even from afar, that's all."

"Edward I forgive you not because you deserve it, I know you didn't intentionally do it to hurt me. I forgive you not because it has stopped what caused that hurt. I forgive you for myself and for my future with Lawrence. I choose to move on and accept who you are because you are still my friend….actually, you are my guy best friend" Lily added. Duke Lawrence being a supportive fiancée/husband of Lily was just listening to his future partner and observing Edward who is at daze as of the moment. "Edward, in forgiveness….you do not change the past but you can sure do change the future. You can do it and if you need the help of the people who treasured you the most you can ask for their help and I know they will help you. If you need the help of my wife and mine we will both help you." Lily smiled upon hearing the words of his husband. 

"Thank you, Lily....Thank you for forgiving all my mistakes in the past and thank you for understanding all my flaws. I will not hinder your relationship with Duke Lawrence, but Duke Lawrence please do take good care of Lily, never make her cry and hurt her because even though I am just a simple businessman, I will take her away from you and hide her so that you will never see her again the moment she will run to me and make some complaints about you hurting her" Edward said to the couple. 


Duke Lawrence smiled "You have my word Edward, and you know what I am much afraid of our grandchildren and Luna' wrath if I made our Lily cry. Even the Knights and my sons will not help me if those three will torture me if I made our Lily cry."

Lily: "Lawrence Joaquin Vallini you will be Edward Chen's friend and business associate, whatever happens, don't be cruel to my best friend as he didn't do anything to hurt me in the past. We are just a victim of a certain woman's greediness in love and attention."

Duke Lawrence: "Yes My Lily, I will remember that and Edward Chen will be part of the business group of HADES. We will just talk to the other great bosses to the Knights and to our sons about the contract. But still Edward you make amends to the twins' for they are still the last decision about those contracts, they are much more business-oriented than us grown-ups." And with that Duke Lawrence and Edward Chen shook their hands and made themselves more comfortable with each other.

Edward: "Duke Lawrence question, I know that Lily and Luna are very intelligent and talented but what did you feed to Luna when she was still pregnant with the twins' for them to become geniuses at that age?"

Duke Lawrence: "For what I remember...Luna likes Viscount Francois's scent, Ryder's silliness, Scarlets' poetry, and Dimitri's cooking. I think we better ask those people involved for I myself ask that the same questions to the great bosses and their wives for five years."

Then they heard a knocked at the door when it was opened, Luna and Viscount Francois both went inside with a smile on their faces. "The twins' played some kind of prank on your interrogation Dad and I hope it didn't feed vinegar to Daddy Edward" Luna suddenly said to them and it gave a surprised to Edward to hear Luna calling him Daddy Edward.