Chapter 229 - 229 Sofia's rants, threats, and evil plans

"Aarrgh James where are you?! Why at this time I cannot contact you? Why did you leave me and your daughter in times like this?!" Suzy yelled... Then suddenly she heard her daughter's voice "Mom" Sofia called her attention. In a slow-motion, she faces her daughter and she was shocked to see her, Sofia was wearing a s.e.xy red Santa Claus outfit and her face was with heavy makeup. " Darling what's wrong? Why are you wearing that outfit?" she asks her daughter while pointing on her. 

Sofia looked crazy when she faced her mother, "Mom we must get ready now. Louie is coming and he will be angry that everything is not ready yet. Where is Dad? Why are there no servants preparing the foods and the venue? I called Aira and Rita on their cell phones but they don't answer it, they need to be here too because I have a gift for them" said Sofia who looks crazy because she was staring at Suzy puzzled. Suzy just shook her head at what her daughter and for what she has said because she knew that Sofia will be going to have a breakdown if she will see that there is no one left inside their house beside them.​​

"Ahm Sofia Darling, I will just order some foods for us to have something to eat. The servants ask for a vacation leave and that's why they are not here and your Dad just has an emergency business meeting and he just went there for a while" Suzy said to her daughter. "I will order your favorite foods, but you have to change your clothes to a more appropriate one and please take off your makeup, remember Louie doesn't like you to wear heavy makeup," Suzy told her daughter Sofia.

Sofia looks at her puzzled and it seems that she didn't hear what Suzy has said to her about Louie, "What about Louie, and Mom? Where is he? Did he look for me? Did he call you this morning just to ask where I am? Does he forget that today is also a very special day for us because Luna has already signed the divorce agreement and she is no longer his wife? We must have a double celebration Mom, Louie will be my husband in due time." Sofia said in a very sad tone of voice

Suzy cried at what she heard from her daughter, she knew that Sofia could not accept her separation and divorce from Louie, she could not accept that Luna is still alive and she is more beautiful, gorgeous, s.e.xy and alluring than her, and especially she could not accept that Louie had a child with Luna. She also has the hunch that her daughter thinks that Luna is now ready to take Louie back with her, and Luna will use her kid just to win Louie back to her.

"Mom, am I beautiful? I am more alluring and gorgeous than Autumn Vallini? Do you think Louie will love me more? Louie said we will fix all our problems, especially which I am very jealous of the woman named Autumn Vallini that looks like Luna. Louie will not fall to that bitch Mom, Louie will not fall from her trap for Louie vowed to me that he will only love me" Sofia complained to her mother. Suzy felt sorry for what her daughter said, Suzy could not say that she should not rely on Louie anymore about Sofia's situation because her Louie had abandoned and had forgotten her daughter from the moment he saw Autumn Vallini or better known as Luna Su.

Suzy came back from her senses when she heard Sofia laugh so loudly. She laughs like a crazy maniac and it brought tears on her face, she looked like a clown because of her smudge makeup. "Is my daughter gone crazy?" Suzy said to herself as she watched her daughter, she immediately approached Sofia and hugged her tightly. As she did so, Sofia started to cry and they both fell to the floor.

"Louie Mom left me, he doesn't want me anymore. Even Bernard doesn't like me anymore, they hate me the same because of what I did, I just did that because I love them so much, especially Louie. Mom, I love Louie so much, I can't afford to lose him in my life. I know I'm selfish but what can I do? Louie revolves around my world, which Autumn Vallini is to blame Mom, why did she have to look like Luna! Because of her....because of that Autumn Vallini, Louie became cold to me, and because of her Louie doesn't want me anymore and she is the reason why Louie divorced me! Louie is my husband Mom! I will fight back for those who want my husband, for those women who want to climb on his bed. I will kill her, Mom! I will kill Autumn Vallini! "Sofia said angrily to her mother.

Suzy embraces her daughter and strokes her hair. She tried to coax her daughters' rant but she didn't give any comment to whatever she had voice out, she didn't want to add more salt on her wounds to have her heart broken more into pieces.

When Sofia bursts into tears Suzy just lets her pour all her feelings out of her c.h.e.s.t, but when she suddenly stops she suddenly let go from Suzy's hug and faced her. "Mom, let's make a plan. Let's plan how we will kill Autumn Vallini, as well as TO your rival to Dad's heart, whose name is Lily Cheung. Didn't you and Mommy Mia kill that Luna's mother so many years ago just to have Dad's attention and heart?" Sofia suddenly blurted out. 

Suzy sighed deeply as she gazes to her daughter, "Oh Sofia....Sofia Darling, let's rest for a while and you can stay here in my room and wait for my call if the food delivery has already arrived" Suzy told her daughter. Suzy was now scared for what her daughter is acting up, Suzy was scared that all her plans for her daughter turned into hell. "Sofia I'm sorry...I didn't know that all my plans would reach this point. I'm afraid you can't handle your separation with Louie. I hope you are not crazy about what is happening Sofia. I know too much love will kill you or you can kill someone but I hope you still have a proper state of mind" Suzy said to herself as she Sofia's face. 

"Sofia take a rest for a while okay, Mommy will be going down for a moment and I will see if the food has already arrived," Suzy told her daughter Sofia again. Sofia looks at her and nods her head, "Mom, please call Louie....Please call him for me....It's Christmas Day and yet he is not around me just like the old times. I need to hear his voice and see him. I want my Christmas Day to be special" Sofia pleaded to her mother. 

Suzy: "Sofia....sometimes when the people you love and care for the hurt you the most, it is better to stay quiet for a while because if your love wasn't enough for them...Do you think your words will still matter unto them?"

Sofia: "Mom I will die if Louie will leave me...I will kill myself if Louie will not come back to me. I am not threatening you, Mom... I am warning you and it is a promise. Till death do we us part Mom? Tell him that I will kill myself once he will not see me tonight"

Suzy was astounded upon hearing her daughters' words "Sofia don't say those words! don't say anything about killing yourself! how will you kill those bitches if you will give up your life that easily right now! You must be strong....stay strong so that we can achieve everything."



Villa 8: Twins room

"How dare she threaten our mother?!" Dawn's voice echoes inside the twins' room. "Hush pretty sister, the evil witch will not be successful harming our mother for we will do the first move" Winter answered her sister in a very cold tone of voice. As Winter records the conversation between Suzy and Sofia, Dawn is now listing all plans for their counter-attack to them. After Winter saves all the video that they got from the CCTV of the Su Residence, he immediately sends it to their grandfather Duke Lawrence, Uncles Dimitri, Ryder, Alexei, and Jamil and also to their father Viscount Francois. "We will make your life a living hell Sofia Chen, and for you Suzy Su you will pay everything that you have done to our grandmother and for ruining the relationship between her and her old flames," Winter said very loudly that Dawn gave an evil grin when she heard her twin brothers' words. 

Dawn: "I think we must send some delectable foods at their residence my dear brother. I think they need it right now. What do you think?"

Winter smiled and gave an evil grin "Sure pretty sister."