Chapter 243 - 243 BEST FRIENDS (Edward, Lily and Allen reunion)

They met after many years, cherished memories, relieving madness, and opened up new as well as old talks…. They were again reunited with the same craziness, with the same bond, with the same love for one another, with the same funny names calling out each other. They were none other than the old mates the Best Friends Forever. ---- Martina _bhaya

Then suddenly someone from behind embraces Edward, Edward caught off guard as the person suddenly locks his both hands in from of him and squeezes him very tightly. "Hello Lover Boy," said the voice who embraces Edward from the back. "WTF!" Edward sighs inwardly to himself. Edward let go of the hug and was about to punch the man who hugged him but suddenly "Allen!!! Allen my best friend!" Lily shouted as she ran towards the person behind Edward and she gave the person a tight bear hug. Allen hugs Lily tightly, "My Flower! I miss you so much, where's Moon?" says Allen.​​

"Allen?! Allen Pearson?" Edward suddenly blurted out who is shock upon seeing his long lost best friend. 

Leah and Marcus: "Allen! Allen Pearson who is also known as Lady A in the fashion industry!"

Elder Lucas Cheung: "Allen My Boy!"

Eva Cheung: "My long lost prodigal daughter from other mothers! I miss you"

They all give a big group hug to Allen, who has been squish at the center upon seeing him. Edward who is still shocked to see his long lost best friend who is now not handsome anymore but he looks like a lotus flower that has been bloomed in mid-summer afternoon. 

Allen let go from Lily's hug and looked at Edward, "Hello Lover Boy, how are you and your family?" he said.

Edward suddenly gave Allen a hug that surprised both him and Lily, "I am sorry bro, I'm sorry. I was fooled by Mia by telling me that you and Lily are having an affair, that Lily cheated on me, she also fooled me about Louie's identity, she also helps Suzy to ruin Lily's life and she also hurt our Moon" Edward whispered to Allen as if he was complaining about it. He just whispered it all to his friend so that Louie wouldn't hear and so that he wouldn't be even more confused and he won't be shocked that he is not a true Chen.

Louie frowned at what his father had said to his friend that he needs to whisper it unto him and it seems that he was hiding something from him, he did not know and had never seen this man in his whole life. He thinks this person is very important in the life of Luna's father and mother.

The great bosses smiled as they watch the reunion of the three friends, but Duke Lawrence was emitting a dangerous aura.... he is jealous of the way both men address his wife as "My Flower" because for him Lily was only his flower. Duke Rainer taps Duke Lawrence's on his shoulder and said "Hey, give them the benefit of the doubt. They just met now after a very long year and you knew that Edward was also Lily's friend before they become lovers, especially Allen and Lily they have a bond as Allen Pearson is Luna's godfather. Lily is yours and only yours so you must not feel threatened about the two men with her. And Allen is gay." Both Prince Timothy and Prince Stephen shook their heads and let off a soft chuckle while their wives just giggled.

Allen let go of Edward's hug, "Hey, don't hug me like my husband might get jealous if he sees us" Allen said as he raised his right brow. "Husband?!" Edward shockingly asked him. Allen laughs out loud, "Edward, I am gay... I just found out that I am interested in men a few months before our graduation at the University. That's why I was surprised when you said that Lily and I are having an affair a few days before our graduation. So now I know who's the culprit behind those stories and news that circulated way back in our school "Allen told him.

"Let's not talk about it this time, we are all tired from a long flight. Allen, I have someone I want you to meet but I have to warn you that this man is mine and we are now getting married" said Lily while she drags Allen towards where the great bosses are standing. Edward just shook his head and followed them, while Louie and his friends also did the same. 

As Lily drags Allen towards the great bosses, the sullen face of Duke Lawrence was already faded especially when he saw her smiles at him. "My Loves, I want you to meet someone special in my heart. He is also Luna's godfather." Lily informed Duke Lawrence. 

Duke Lawrence looked at the man Lily dragged, "My Loves, this is Allen Pearson and he is a well-known fashion designer. He is one of my best friends, Edward, Allen, and I are used to being bandmates in elementary days, and in junior high, we become more close to each other. He is Luna's godfather. "

Duke Lawrence smiled and offered his hand to the man named Allen Pearson, Allen looks very intently to the Duke's eyes and accepts his hand and they both shake their hands. "Nice meeting you Sir Allen Pearson, I am Duke Lawrence Joaquin Vallini. I am the FUTURE HUSBAND of Lily Cheung and I am Luna's adoptive father," he informed Allen in a very stern voice. "Hey! Lighten up Duke Lawrence, they are childhood friends and we already knew that he is gay and you already consummated your relationship with Lily. So don't be jealous like a bull." Duchess Anastasia teasingly said to Duke Lawrence and it brought everyone to laugh. Duke Lawrence blushed as he reminisced what happened at the Mystic Hotel. 

Allen laughs very genuinely, "Don't worry Duke Lawrence. I am not interested in Lily but rather I'm much more interested in you and to the other men around you" Allen informs him while he points to the other great bosses, but suddenly he felt a sudden pain on his right calf. When he looks to his right calf, he saw Lily pinching him there very hard. "Lily! That hurts!" he grunts out loudly.

"He is mine," Lily told him as she clings unto Duke Lawrence's right arm and pouts her lips. "I have to warn you, Duke Lawrence, Lily is like a kid and she is always a kid in the heart. So please do take a mental note on her mood swings for she also has some tricks." Allen informs Duke Lawrence and Allen still receives a smack from Lily. 

"Let's go now, Edward, you, Louie, and his friends will ride with ride together with Lawrence, Lily, and Allen," says Prince Stephen.

"While Elder Cheung's, Marcus and Leah will ride with us, then Old Lee couple and Butler So will ride with Duke Rainer," says Countess Grace. 

As they all boarded the assigned vehicles of the great bosses, while the rest of the cars was boarded by the men and women of HADES and some of the servants that the Cheung's brought with them. 

Inside the car where Louie and his friends were boarded, they are just watching as Duke Lawrence and Lily become lovey-dovey while his father and the man known as Allen were just talking to each other and it seems that they are in their world. 


"Ah Aunt Lily, could you and Duke Lawrence stop being lovey-dovey. You have three single men inside the car, and it seemed that Uncle Edward is not also concerned about what our hearts are feeling right now" Kim pleaded to Lily. Lily and Duke Lawrence looks at them and laugh out loud. Allen smiled as he heard Lily's laugh, "She is now carefree again Edward, I hope this time she will not cry again" Allen whispered to Edward. 

"That's true, Allen I have so many things to tell you. We have so many things that we need to catch-up, and I hope you can forgive me for all the things that I have done in the past." Edward told him in a very low tone voice. 

Allen smiled at him and nodded, "Duke Lawrence, thank you for the accommodation that you have given to me during my flight here. The business class flight is very exquisite and I like it" says Allen to Duke Lawrence as he looks at the two couples. 

"It's Luna's idea, she said that you are one of the best people that she treasured the most but she just used my name so that you will get the best seat to your flight." Duke Lawrence informs him.

"I think I need to know everything now, I didn't have much idea about Luna's life after I left City A when she got married to that jerk who hurt her heart" Allen said as he clenched his fist. "Cough, cough, cough," Louie suddenly coughs so hard upon hearing those words, Allen looks at him and furrowed his brows. "Allen, I want you to meet Louie, he is my son and he is the jerk who hurt Luna's heart. He is the one who Luna marries but after nine months they got a divorce. Don't worry we will beat him up later and he will not retaliate" Edward informs him. Louie's face paled as soon as he heard his father's words. 

"Edward, don't be like that. Allen if you want to have a talk with Louie you can do it, but we still need to take rest after we arrive at the house and Luna will be arriving this afternoon." says Lily. Allen nods his head but he still looks at Louie who is now silent and bows his head.