Chapter 273 - 273 Collaborations and Demands

Don't call old songs ugly. Their lyrics are more meaningful than some songs nowadays. ---- Unknown Author

"Louie, have you forget what Severus Snape said to one of the Harry Potter movies? He said that Harry Potter you must learn how to control his emotions. Discipline your mind. Don't worry, the five right-hand guys and Pearl are very well trained in things like that so be at ease Louie Chen." Luna informs him.​​

Dimitri and Jamil chuckled as Luna mocks Louie with her some words of wisdom from movies. The group who are left were all seated in an area where there are prepared drinks, but there is one special drink that has the name of Luna. "My Queen, our mom, Duchess Anastasia asks the chef from our house to prepare a Taro milk tea, chocolate revel bars, and some chocolate chip macadamia cookies. Mom knows that you have cravings on those foods for she heard that you kept on pestering Marco yesterday for him to prepare that food for you" Francois announces and Luna blushes while Louie took a mental note on the names of the food. 

As they all took their seats, Francois assisted Luna to her seat then after that Francois took his seat on Luna's right side while on Luna's left where Dimitri took his seat and as the Moon seated Louie was assigned to sit right in front of Luna. The snacks are very mouthwatering fruits, pastries, cookies, pies, and some appetizers with their favorite drinks. Louie, Ethan, and Kim were amused to see that they also prepared their favorite foods. 

"Bon Appétit, I hope Mr. Louie Chen and his two other friends will going to like the taste of the foods serve to them" Princess Rosela's voice was heard. Rosela was seated beside Nikolai and General Xavier but to make it worse, Ethan was just like Louie, Ethan was seated right in front of Nikolai. 

As everyone ate their food in silence, Dimitri took the chance to break the deafening silence and atmosphere in their group. "Mr. Louie Chen, the collaboration between Infinity Jewelry Corporation and Blue Moon Fashion Industries will continue with your company. We can sign the deal here since you and your father are already here. Since Mr. Ethan Li and Mr. Kim Tang are also here as your business associate they could witness the signing of the contract as witnesses. You can also study the terms and add some demands on it if you three like it, and on our part, we have Harry Si, Mr. Allen who is our Mom's friend, and the Wu triplets as the third party witness who is not related to us HADES." says Dimitri while he prepares the buffalo wings for his wife Scarlet. 

When Dimitri finishes his words, out of nowhere there are three good-looking ladies walk behind them and gave them the sample draft of the doc.u.ments about the collaboration of the three companies. 

"Thank you, Eunice, Ayesha, and Hope. Please do take a seat from the vacant tables and join us for snacks." Amber told them as soon as she has seen the three messengers of news walks in. Ethan and Kim were startled to see the black beauty of the three ladies while Louie... Louie's eyes were still stuck to Luna's face as he draws and memorizes Luna's face on his brain. Unknown to Ethan and Kim the eyes of the HADES men were all on them as the eyes of Ethan and Kim followed the three beauties on their way to their table. 

Marco coughs as he wants to get the attention of the two, "Ethan! Kim! Don't be so perverted. The way you gaze on those three lovely ladies it seems that your eyes are already ripping their clothes," Cassie said unto them straightforwardly. Ethan and Kim cough as it seems that they were choked on their saliva, "Sorry, We are just mesmerized to see that your HADES family have so many good looking men and women. They are all gorgeous, stunning, beautiful, and s.e.xy for the women, and for the men, their looks are what the women can ask for a man to be their lover of a husband" Kim explains. 

"Our men and women should be like that to be qualified to be a member of the HADES family. We are in the fashion and jewelry business, and even we have the underground which they are all doing some missions we still have some requirements. It is only changed when Luna came to be a part of the HADES family." Ryder speaks up while he observes Louie who is still taking some stolen glances to Luna.

Upon hearing Luna's name, Louie seemed brought back from his senses, he reacted as soon as he heard his ex-wife's' name mentioned by Ryder. "Luna? What does Luna have done to change some rules to your family?" Louie asks Ryder as he looks at him. Ryder smiled and looks directly at Louie's eyes, "Luna's number one rule to us was that No one must be left behind. She made sure that our father Duke Lawrence will take both sides of the story and do some thorough investigation before punishing nor torturing someone especially if one of the HADES people failed a mission that was given unto them. Second, Luna doesn't like to treat our people as servants but rather a family, we will all eat at the same time at the same table and it should be not in silence but rather there will be a conversation about ones' life of the day." Ryder explained thoroughly.

"And...." just as Ryder explains more he was cut off by... "Luna always made it sure that if they can't let nor express their feelings nor their words to someone they must put it in a song. For her, the unspoken words could be brought up by a song. Luna also made it sure that all occasions especially birthday's must be celebrated with the whole family, gifts are not compulsory but a greeting and a simple family feast are highly appreciated" Jessica's voice was heard by everyone as their looks at her in unison. 

"She also made it sure that, every Christmas and New Year everyone will receive a gift from her. It can be a simple drawing of your portrait nor something that she cooks nor baked. She also made it sure that every time you get sick she will take care of you rather than someone else." Samantha added. Then..."Luna also made it sure that all of you in HADES will have a monthly supply of vitamins to boost your endurance, vitality and your health will not be weak" Cassie's voice was also heard. 

Luna giggled as soon as she heard Jessica's words, "You guys know me inside out, Hhhmmm is careful with My King, will surely kidnap and interrogate the three of you about what are the other things that he still didn't know about me," Luna teasingly said as she looks at Francois and touches his face. 

Alexei: "Don't Worry Moon, I will hide Cassie to your King."

Xavier: "Oh No! Francois! Off-limits to my Samantha!"

Marco: "Jessica Wu! You are grounded! You will not walk around the whole place without me!"

The voices of the three powerful Knights were heard as their voices brought laughter to everybody as they protect their fiancées' towards Francois. Louie and his friends chuckled while Harry who is quiet sends a message to Louie's phone. 

Louie's phone vibrated in his pocket, he took it and read the contents of Harry's message. Louie chuckled as soon as he read the message of Harry but for him, it stabs his heart for the content of Harry's message is true. As reads it again: 

(Harry's message)


Why are you not stating some facts about Luna's personality, nor her character being a person? You as her ex-husband before must have something to say for you became a part of her. Why is it that Wu triplets' even if they closed their eyes they knew everything about the Moon, I mean every inch of her....they knew it. Is it because they are childhood friends? But as you have said, you love her so much and yet you've never ever had any single detailed knowledge about her. What kind of husband are to the Moon before? I think even as a friend to Luna... You are not QUALIFIED enough.

Harry stared at Louie as he read what's on his phone, then Louie started to type and send some words to Harry. Harry's phone vibrated and Louie's explanation was sent to him.


"I know that I have so many things that I didn't know about her. All I know that time was that Luna loves me so much and one of her fears was that if we see again in the future....she will never feel the same feelings for me five years ago. And I am willing to wait for her forgiveness."


Ethan and Kim already sense the conversation between Louie and Harry but they didn't intend to go in between them for they both knew that Harry once like Luna. 


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Love lots from me and a bear hug from me to you. Mwah