Chapter 276 - 276 Sometimes Love just ain't Enough

You never know how much you love someone. Until you watch them love someone else. ---- Unknown Author

City A Hospital​​

Suzy embraces Sofia who is crying and she can't take it, she can't take to her heart to see her daughter crying and defeated by Luna. She was once defeated by Lily when they were young when Lily catches the attention of James Su, and when she saw how James cried secretly when he found out about Lily's "accident" and when James almost dumped her after Luna was born. She can't take it that all her plans, for her and her daughter seemed gone to waste. Louie divorce her daughter and James are nowhere to be found, and even her so-called friends before cut their ties with her because of what Sofia has done with their daughters. 

Sofia is still crying when the representative went in again to their room, "Good Day Ms. Suzy and Ms. Sofia. Your bills are all settled and we don't know who pays for it, the one who paid for your bills also want us to give you this house key. The person who handed it to us said that you two are no longer accepted at the Su Residence. There is already a grab car waiting for you two, you better pack up and leave this hospital," says the hospital representative. The hospital representative didn't even let Suzy nor Sofia utter a single word for they can't take to breathe the air inside the room, Sofia's wounds still stink like rotten flesh. 

"Mom... (Sobs), who do you think to help us settle the bills? Do you think it is Louie who helps us behind his Grandparents? Or is it Dad who can't resist helping us and why is it that we can't go home to our house?" Sofia asks her mother who is a daze for the statement of the representative a while ago about they can't go home at the Su Residence. 

"Sofia, I don't who help us, but whoever it was we should thank him or her for the help that we get. Let's go and pack and go home to the place that the car will bring us, then I'll call your father and ask for an explanation" Suzy told her daughter where she is controlling herself not to cry a single tear for she this gut feeling that her worst nightmare might come true... the nightmare that James will divorce her and walk away from her life. 

As both mother and daughter pack some of their clothes that have been donated/given by the doctors and nurses who took care of them. Suzy forgets to ask for Dr. Jermaine Sigh and Dr. Yuri Lim if Sofia still needs to see them for follow up check-ups and if there are other medicines that her daughter needs to take. As they waited for the doctors the song has been played and it seems that it has a hidden message to Suzy's heart, the song Sometimes Love Just Ain't Enough by Patty Smyth & Don Henley was heard in the entire room. Sofia was listening to the song very intently while her eyes were close, while Suzy was dumbfounded for she has some thoughts about the message of the song towards her. Yes, she loves James so much but even though they are intimately attached when he was in a relationship with Lily back then, he didn't even utter the words "I LOVE YOU" on his own but he will just say those words when she reminds him about it. 

Just as the Song ended, the two doctors entered the room. "Madam, there will be no follow up check-ups for now. But you have to give these medicines to your daughter to keep her calm (Dr. Jermaine Sigh gave two boxes of clonazepam and amisulpride), if Ms. Sofia doesn't feel anything you can come back here after New Years Day or after she finished the medicines" says Dr. Jermaine Sigh. But for Dr. Yuri Lim those medicines are will give her tremendous mental torture, and it is an order coming from the higher bosses of the HADES. 

As the mother and daughter leave the hospital, Nurse Gloria Pitt escorted them to the grab car that is waiting for them. "The one who paid for your bills said that this car will bring you to your new home," she reminded the two ladies who just boarded the car. As the door closes, the driver is very cold towards them, he didn't turn on the air conditioner for the awful smell of Sofia's body still emits inside the car. He just opened the car windows so that he can breathe fresher air, "I am sorry Ma'am, the air conditioner of the car doesn't work and we still need to have a cool wind from the outside" the driver told them as he starts the engine. Suzy and Sofia didn't argue anymore for he is the only one who knew the place of their new home, "Maybe later I can scold James on how incompetent the people around him" Suzy said to herself. 

As the car drives going to the suburbs, the driver turns on his radio and played a song, the song Waiting In Vain by MYMP ( was played. "Do you have to do that Mr. Driver?" Sofia irritably asks the driver for she doesn't like the lyrics of the song for it directly stabbed her heart. 

"Miss, sorry but I have to do this for I am so sleepy to the driver this long. If you don't like my rules in my car drive, I'll just stop here and you two can look for another grab car" the driver answered Sofia with the same tone. Suzy already felt the tension and she nudges Sofia on her waist and reprimands her daughter, "I'm sorry sir, my daughter just came from the hospital and she is still not on her right mind. You can continue your work," says Suzy and glared at Sofia who is staring at her with furrowed brows. 

"Not now Sofia! don't argue with anyone for we still don't have any power or control over what is happening to us. We can just settle these things for now and be quiet until New Years' Day, at home we can call your father and ask for his explanation regarding the issue of kicking us at the Su Residence. After that, we can plan already the things we will do to Luna, her kids, and Lily" Suzy told Sofia and she doesn't care if the driver heard her. What she knew is that the driver is just an employee and not a person who is involved in the Phantom.

"These two evil witches don't care if others could hear their evil plans towards Boss Harry's lady friend. I hope you two will still see the living daylights in the coming days." the car driver said to himself as he focuses on his driving.

The mother and daughter didn't have the idea that their words have been recorded and directly sent to the I.T department at the Main Palace at the City of Wise. And as the evil grin of the one who manages the entire group sends shivers to the spine of the people around him. 

"Mom, I want Luna to feel and experience what I have experience at the Charity Gala that they organized. I want her to be drug and we will over her to the highest bidder that will taste her body for a night" Sofia informs her mother and gave an evil laugh. Suzy nods her head but she has some doubts for Luna has strong backing from too many people and it will be hard for them to do it, especially now that James and Louie will interfere with their plans. 


Dear Readers, 

Love lots from me and a bear hug from me to you. Mwah