Every soul has a twin, a reflection of themselves. No matter where they are or how far away, they will always find each other. This is love... This is destiny. ---- Unknown Author

Kim Tang walks away from the crowd when he can't it anymore to hear whatever sentiments that Louie and Ethan are talking about, especially Louie, for him Louie is so pathetic and stubborn regarding Luna and about his own plans regarding the twins. He walks and far away from the two, he knew that Louie's brain is not functioning well as of the moment, Louie can't accept defeat....he can't accept the facts that Luna will not be his and also the twins. ​​

Kim was just walking when suddenly, "Are you lost baby boy?" Pearl's voice suddenly rang to his ears. Kim search where the voice came from, and there at the farther right he saw the goddess on his heart. The known Angel of death or Darkness of the HADES was walking towards him with Ares, Artemis, and Hermes, it seems that they are guarding her against all sorts of flies who will try to fly around her. Kim smiled at her, "Are you lost baby boy" Pearl asks him once again as she looks at him straight to his eyes. Kim shook his head, "No I am not, its' just that I don't want to hear the sentiments of Ethan and Louie, my head and ears are already hurting for the reasons or alibis that they have especially Louie' Kim complained and informs at the people around him. 

"Come with us then, you will enjoy our company," says Ares whose eyes were teasingly looking at Pearl. Kim smiled but shook his head, "Thanks for the invitation, I would love to but I'm quite having jet lag right now. Maybe tomorrow if time permits, I would like to spend some time with you," he answered Ares with a sad tone. 

"Come with us, I insist. Don't worry baby boy, they won't hurt you....they will have my wrath once they hurt you in front of me" says Pearl that fluttered Kim's heart and a smile to his face. Kim looks at Pearl who is now staring at him, she gave him an assurance smile, took his left hand by her right hand, and drags him as they all walk out from the greenhouse. 

As their group walks away they didn't notice that Sheik Jamil and Ryder together with their respective fiancés have seen them as Pearl drags Kim away from the place. "Will Mr. Kim Tang will be okay with the rest of the boys? Aren't they going to bully the poor boy?" Sapphire asks Ryder. "I don't think so Sweetheart, Pearl is with them. Even though Pearl hasn't given her verdict toward Mr. Kim Tang's proposal, she is still not hurt the poor boy and she will not let the boys hurt him also....not unless they will feel that Mr. Kim Tang will be a threat to them." Ryder replied to his fiancée queries'. "Do you think Pearl will open her heart to Mr. Kim Tang this time?" Audrey asks the three people around her, "Let's see what will happen in the end Cara Mia, Mr. Kim Tang will be lucky if he can enter the cold heart of Angel of Death" Sheik Jamil answered his fiancée. 

As the group of Pearl and the rest of the right-hand guys together with Kim Tang vanish from their sight, the twins' immerge to where Luna and Francois are and they both stretch their little arms to their parents as they want them to be carried, Francois carried Dawn while Winter was carried by Dimitri. "Young Man, your mom will not carry anyone of you from now on, she is pregnant with new little bunnies that you wish for" Dimitri reminds Winter with a very worried face. "And you Young Lady, you must not strain yourself with works and such. You are pregnant and you have to take care of yourself" Scarlet's voice beams inside the entire greenhouse and it laughed both Luna and Francois as they both said, "YES MOM."


"Don't say you love me

You don't even know me

Then give me some time

Don't go there, baby

Not before I'm ready

Don't say your heart's in a hurry

It's not like we're gonna get married

Give me, give me some time" (youtube.com/watch?v=ZCFlT_FYnEE)


Pearl, three right-hand guys, and Kim went to the training room, they want to show Kim what is the thing that they are doing if ever Pearl will accept him. For them, Pearl is their little sister that has a fragile heart, and they will kill anyone who will hurt her again. She has been in a relationship that brought trauma to her, that's why Eros is very protective of her for his old friend was the one who hurt the poor Pearl. 

"Where are we?" Kim nervously asks as he saw the exercise equipment inside the training room, some of the equipment is used by boxers, weight lifters and there are also knives....different kinds and sizes of knives and there are also guns. "We are in our paradise Mr. Kim Tang, this is my favorite place here at the main Palace. This is where I can vent out my feelings and this is where we train" replied Pearl. 

Ares: "We are showing you this place, for you to think twice regarding your feelings towards our Angel of Death."

Artemis: "You see baby boy, Pearl is not an ordinary woman that you can toy nor play with and when you are not that satisfied anymore you will dump her like trash."

Hermes: "We also want to show you that once you two become a couple, you will accompany her here for her daily workouts, and if she needs to have a sparring partner, it is you who will do it."

"Hey! You are scaring the poor baby boy. It is good enough that Eros and Soteira are not here but please don't scare him. Mr. Kim Tang, although they are telling you the truth please don't get scared. They will not kill or torture now not unless I will accept you as my lover that's the time that they can kill and torture to the core" Pearl explained to Kim who is now pale as the paper upon seeing everything. But still, in his heart, it is a challenge he needs to bear, for if he really loves Pearl he MUST accept her wholeheartedly. 

"I love you Pearl, I am willing to be part of your world and whatever requirements that you, your friends, and your HADES Family requires for me to get it just to be with you. I am willing to give it to you. Even if you ask me to sacrifice my friendship with Louie, you are more important to me now." Kim informs them. 

Kim's words brought a surprise to the four of them, but Pearl was brought to her sense when she saw a teary-eyed Kim Tang. "Mr. Kim Tang, I'm not an ordinary woman. My hands are already tainted with blood, I can kill you, I can torture both your friends Louie and Ethan and kill them slowly, and I have killed so many people already. I have flaws that a man can't imagine that a woman like me could do it nor have it. I have a very strong personality and even these brothers that I have can't imagine that I can do it. I have trust issues and it is only Eros could tame me. Are you still willing to pursue me? I have a tattoo, and you may not be my first in some aspects. Are you still interested in me? Will you still woo me after you will get some pieces of information' about my past?" Pearl told him bits of pieces of information of her to him.

Ares, Artemis, and Hermes were stupefied upon hearing Pearls' words, they can't imagine that she is spitting out some small information about her and her past. Kim sigh and nods his head, "Past is past Pearl, what important is what lies in the future....our future if you will ask me. I know I have no right to say the words 'I LOVE YOU' to you as of the moment but it's just that, I want you to know my feelings for you." Kim replied to her. "Just like the song 'Like I'm Gonna Lose You by Meghan Trainor and John Legend' I am going to love you and take care of you as long as I love. I can't promise what lies in tomorrow but I want to grasp you in my hand and I don't want to lose you for you are the reason for me to change." Kim added. 

Pearl didn't know if she will hug the guy or cry but his words brought a sting to her heart, Artemis knew that Pearl was taken aback by Kim's words. The temperature inside the training room became cold as Ares and Hermes eyed Kim as he confesses his feelings to their Angel of Death. 


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Love lots from me and a bear hug from me to you. Mwah