"There are three constants in life... change, choice, and principles." - Stephen R. Covey

"Luna once came to us for security. She wants to secure safety from your sons' emotional and mental torture, she wants to vent out everything in the form of crying. She wants someone to talk with and listens to her unspoken words. I was assigned to her and our deacon before who is now a priest, his name was Fr. Jasper. Sister Lourdes knew who you are and Louie Chen....her husband. We all want her to stay here at the Convent and help her, but still, she wants to save their marriage." Sister Margaret informs Mia once more. ​​

"Luna used to stay here, she always runs and hides here when Louie gets angry with her. She didn't even tell them about Louie mistreating her nor I used to hurt her." Mia told herself and she thought that she just whispered it, but Sister Margaret heard her. Sister Margaret just smiled at her, when they arrived at her bedroom a servant was already there to help Sister Margaret, "Leona, This is Madam Mia, she is Ms. Luna's former mother - in - law. As of the moment, we will take care of her here at the Convent. You should always help her in any case if she can't do somethings just like a normal person can, as you can see that her left leg was amputated and she can't do some chores." Sister Margaret informs Leona who is a servant at the Convent. Leona nods her head and she started to unpack Mia's things and put it in the closet, she didn't talk and even look at her, it made Mia so uneasy for she didn't know how to approach Leona who seems very aloof to people. 

Leona silently fixing Mia's things and she could feel the gaze of Mia, "Don't expect me to be friendly towards you Madam, you used to hurt and maltreated Big Sister Luna before. I will retaliate once you do the same with me even though Big Sister Luna doesn't like us to intervene on the things that you, your son, and even your chosen daughter in law have done to our Moon." Leona suddenly speaks up, and the tone of her voice was icy. Mia was astounded upon hearing it. She didn't know how to react but still, she looks at the petite teenage girl in front of her, "Don't worry, I am a changed person already. I regret everything that I have done with Luna back then, and if I could bring back the time and change everything...I will do it." Mia told Leona who is still busy preparing her bed. 

"Everyone in your house thinks that you knew Big Sister Luna from inside and out. She hides her problems, heartaches, and even the pain behind her smile, those smiles that you will never have an idea that she is crying in silence. Behind her smile is a world of pain and hurt that your son deeply engraves unto her. Everyone thinks that they know her, but you really have no idea that every time she runs here and asks for seclusion, she always thinks of the people she left at the hell house of your son. The people whom she truly treasured and treated as a family of her own. She knew that your husband will hurt them once he found out that Big Sister Luna run and hide somewhere." Leona informs Mia as she finishes preparing her bed. 

Mia didn't know about what she had just said, but she remembers that they once accuse Luna of having an affair and always leave the house to meet her lover. She didn't know that she is looking for security here at the Covenant. Leona was right, she and her son didn't know Luna as a whole person for they're both blinded by the false accusation and information that both Sofia and Suzy told them about her. 

"Everything is settled Madam, if you need anything please press the button near the lampshade. If ever I can't come here, there will be another person who will accommodate your needs. But if I may remind you, we are not servants that you can easily give your order around just like you do at your house, everyone here works and make themselves busy. They don't mind their disability for them to be pitied by others or a hindrance for them to not work at all rather they make themselves productive to become a much better person. Today and tomorrow will be your free time or until what Sister Lourdes will tell you, I still have other things to do, the water and cup are also at the bedside table. Make yourself comfortable here Madam." Leona informs her in a stern voice. After that Leona left dumbfounded Mia, Mia just shook her head, she can't complain about she is also like that when Luna tries to reach out to her, she was very cold towards Luna who is very warm and friendly to everyone. 

As Mia's eyes look around, her eyes set on a painting on the wall beside the window. A painting that she once saw in Luna's bedroom when she once visited the Villa 7. The painting of a Blue and Lavander Stargazers, the flower that Lily Cheung likes, the flower that she despised because it was her love rivals' favorite and Edward always sent these flowers to her even when they are already married. 

Mia tried to push the wheelchair towards the table facing the window, she knew that there are some books, paper, and pencils in the drawers. And her instinct is right, there is also a sketchbook with pastel colors inside. "Is this Luna's room before? Did she once slept here?" Mia said to herself for she could see a resemblance of Luna's personality inside the room.

Unknown to Mia, Sister Lourdes is already looking...observing her. Mia didn't even notice the arrival of the directress of the Convent for she was very engrossed in looking at the things inside the drawer. "It was Luna's idea," Sister Lourdes tells her that made Mia startled. Mia immediately closed the drawer and look at the woman in her sixties who came inside and close the door of the room. 

Mia: "Good Day Sister, I am MIa Chui."

Sister Lourdes smiled at her, "I am Sr. Lourdes, the directress of this Convent. I knew who you are Madam Mia Chen." Sister Lourdes replied to her. Mia shook her head, "I am a divorcee now Sister, I am not a Chen anymore. I don't have a place to stay that's why I got an idea if I could stay here until I recuperate and until I could be on my own" Mia explained to the Senior nun. 

Sister walks towards the bed and sat there as she listens to Mia's explanation. "You could stay here as long as you like Madam and this room will be yours not unless you want to go," Sister Lourdes told her. 

Mia: "Thank you, Sister."

Sister Lourdes smiled, "The things at the drawers that you have just seen was Luna's idea. She told me and Sister Margaret that, if we want to reach out and to know the feelings of those we adopt here at the Convent we must let them draw something. Through drawings, they will let out their emotions, any kind of emotions will be sent out through their fingers, just like a song or in music. The unspoken words of a person can easily be unraveled through those things" Sister Lourdes explained. "That's why all room here has art materials every month in their drawers. Luna has already contacted some suppliers to supply us with all of those, she even put up some art and music room here so that those people who want to learn a more professional way of drawing could study there. Some art teachers will teach those who are interested." Sister Lourdes added.

"Luna has a big heart, she didn't stop supporting the Convent even though she is not here at City A anymore. We all knew that she is at the City of Wise and she had some business there, she told us if she could find the time, she will drop by so that everyone will see her kids." Sister Lourdes told Mia. 

Mia is just silent listening to the Senior nun, but she could feel that the Senior nun wants to see her reaction about letting her know that, they knew that Luna is still alive for five years then. That, they are also aware of what happened to her and to her son. 

"Yes, Sister Lourdes, Luna had a big heart, Lily, her mother is very good at teaching Luna to be kind and generous. And to treat everyone as a family" Mia suddenly blurted out and her tears suddenly flowed to her eyes. 


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Love lots from me and a bear hug from me to you. Mwah