Chapter 311 - 311 Three Mighty Men of HADES

"Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten." — David Ogden Stiers

Duke Lawrence Vallini, Prince Timothy di Lucchesi, and Viscount Christian Vendari were the well-known know mighty men of HADES. They are the sons of the founders of HADES at the City of Wise, and even though they are from the royal families, they are known as the Prince of Darkness for they have a cold and stoned heart when they are still a bachelor. But when they got to know the women of their lives, they seemed to change especially when they got married and have kids. ​​

As the three walks towards the center, they didn't bow but instead, they stomp their feet as a sign for everyone in HADES to be in silence as they will proceed to the vow. Prince Timothy was the first one to speak "Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye, and love is a condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own. To the married couples, Isabele and Yuan; Harry and Amber; I give my vow to the two of you that no matter what happens always fix all or any arguments with a nice conversation over a cup of coffee. Don't let anyone interfere with your marriage, even though you have let the monster in you is already shown shortly. Be a lighthouse to each one of you." Prince Timothy says and he walks towards them and gave an infinity couples bracelet. 

Then it was Viscount Christians' turn, "Isabele and Amber, You two are the most precious gifts to your father's life and the HADES life. You two were the first two females to be born just months apart, as the whole HADES know, you two are a year older than Scarlet, and Rosela, and two years from our dear Jade. There are so many bumps and obstacles in your marriage that you may encounter, there is no perfect marriage. You may have said some very hurtful things to each other. May always cried, apologized, and begged for forgiveness. You will learn from your wrongdoings, but because of that one seven-letter word, You may have been guilty of breaking your own wedding vows. Dear, sweet daughters of HADES, remember this: when you choose to seal your devotion to your husbands with a vow, think about what you're saying. Take time to write your own vows. Vows you can actually keep and stay faithful to. I'll make this short, so may God guide you, two newlyweds, on your wedding day, and may your marriage be one that's full of NO REGRETS." then Viscount Christian walks towards them and gave a necklace with a dreamcatcher pendant to Isabele and Amber while to Yuan and Harry he gave an infinity bracelet made of a special yarn. 

Viscount Christian and Prince Timothy stand beside Duke Lawrence after they gave their gifts to the two couples. Duke Lawrence smiled as he saw how happy Isabele and Amber, for him, if ever Jade was still alive she will be much more delighted seeing the two of her friends getting married. Duke Lawrence sigh, "This may be the biggest day of your entire life. What will you say to seal the deal? You have made a promise to each other to love and cherish as husband and be with each other forever. Isabele and Amber were like a daughter to me, they are the ones' who was the first to be my side at my lowest point when Jade left us because of her sickness. Then Luna arrived in my life and it gave me another chance to be a father once again, so after Scarlet got close to was Amber and Isabele who got attached with our Moon especially after she got birth to the twins. Isabele seemed to become their second mother while Amber and Scarlet taught Luna many things and Rosela... Rosela was the one who taught Luna to have a stoned heart. 

Yuan and Isabele; I know you two didn't fall in love with each other. but you two walked into love, with your eyes wide open, choosing to take every step along the way. I do believe in fate and destiny and the love between you two is the right combination for what I am saying right now, but I also believe you are only fated to do the things that we'd choose anyway. Maybe the kiss that was made has some magical spark that leads both of you to become one. Remember also that you don't love someone for their looks, or their clothes, or their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear, for the best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more. That plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. Every heart sings a song, incomplete until another heart whispers back. Those who wish to sing always find a song. At the touch of a lover, everyone becomes a poet." Duke Lawrence states his words with so much affection for the love story of Isabele and Yuan was reported to him by Pearl and the five right-hand guys. 

Everyone was very engrossed by listening to the vows and they didn't realize that Winter was already playing the piano and the music was the song Looking through the eyes of love ( It was Jade's favorite song, Jade used to play it with a flute and she made a promised that she will play it when the two will get married in the future. 

When Isabele and Amber heard the song, their tears can't stop to flow from their eyes, they felt that Jade's presence was with them at that moment. This was just like Jade promised to them, and Luna knew about it for they once told her that there is one particular song that they want to hear if they got married. 

Duke Lawrence and the rest of the Great Bosses actually planned this one and they ask Winter to play it on piano for they knew that Luna may get emotional if she plays it. Isabele and Amber didn't expect it, especially when they saw Winter playing it professionally. 

"Harry and Amber" Duke Lawrence called the other newlyweds, "There will be dozens of people who will take your breath away, but the one who reminds you to breathe is the one you should keep. It's so amazing when someone comes to your life and you expect nothing out of it, but suddenly, there, right in front of you, is everything you ever need. Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength while loving someone deeply gives you courage. And I know the whirlwind love story that the two of you have is unique. You two are the victims of Moons' magic and as well as the rest of the Knights and even I, myself was a victim also...but it was a nice kind of magic and I love the outcome to be victimized by her magic. Love is a promise; love is a souvenir. Once given never forgotten, never let it disappear, for what the Buddhists say, if you meet somebody and your hands shake, your knees go weak, that's not the one. When you meet your 'soul mate' you'll feel calm. No anxiety, no agitation." Duke Lawrence ended up with his words and as he walks to them and offered his gift. 

Duke Lawrence gave the flute of Jade to Isabele, and to Amber, he gave the tiara made of blue diamonds. "Jade wrote on her diary that this will be her gift to you two once you get married. Isabele, you are the one who taught Jade how to play the flute while you Amber... you are the one who designed the tiara. She just wants to give to you a piece of her memoirs, she wants you two to remember how happy she was when you shared your talents with her. Isabele please play the flute once again and Amber, draw once more." Duke Lawrence tells them. 

It was shocking for the Knights when they heard it especially Alexei and Marco. The two Ladies of the Court also made a vowed like that...just like what happened to their parents. Dimitri and Ryder on the other hand control their emotions for they knew about that vow and they two also made a certain vowed when Jade died. 

But Luna changes it, especially when Dimitri and Ryder learned about Luna's past. Now they vowed to protect Luna from any harm and they will still want to mark down Louie for what he did to Luna. They are just not making any moves as of the moment, for they want to torture him more especially Sofia and Suzy Su. 

The Wu triplets are also sobbing, they become emotional for what they have heard, they never imagine that the playful Isabele and fierce Amber had a hidden talent, for them the pain of losing someone important to your life was very painful. They have had an experience that five years ago when they learned that Luna died in a tragic way. It is a blessing that she was alive, but still, they can't forgive Sofia, Suzy, James, and most especially Louie.


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Love lots from me and a bear hug from me to you. Mwah