Chapter 313 - 313 The Past...Edward's Greatest Secret

"Louie was not your son!" Elder Lucas and Eva Cheung said in unison. Allen was not anymore surprised upon hearing it. "Wait! how come Louie was not your son? Didn't you and Mia have s*x that time and after a month she declared to the whole University that you get her pregnant?!" Marcus asks Edward.

Elder Lucas: "Does Lily knew anything about this? Why didn't you clarify nor say anything about this in the past? Edward, you are a fool to let go of Lily at that time!"​​

Eva: "Does Louie know that he is not your flesh and blood? Do your parents know about this fact? They will skin Mia alive if they will get this kind of information"

Edward looks at them then to Allen, he let out a deep sigh for he didn't know where to begin his explanation to the people who were very close to him and Lily. 

Marcus: "I don't think that this is the proper place to talk about that, I mean we are in the middle of a wedding and Louie is just a few feet away from us. MAybe we can have a serious conversation about this after the wedding and if Louie is not around. But still, we need LIly to be present when we all took our seat and have a nice conversation about this, is that okay with you Edward?"

The people around Edward at that time nod their head for what Marcus has just said was true, they don't want to spoil the event for they all knew that Elder Lucas and his wife Eva will be furious especially to their former friends...the Elder Chens' for they are the ones' who insisted that Lily should give up on Edward and just make a pact that the children of each family will be arrange for the marriage. 

"Thank you" Edward uttered to Marcus who save him at that moment, the questions of the Elder Cheungs' makes him think of what really transpires from his past. The past that he deeply buried in his heart and mind for it was the very reason why he lost Lily, also on why he broke his promise to her and also on why his friendship with Allen and Lily greatly affected especially when he married Mia. 

Eva took a glance at Edward to whom she treated as a son in law, she took pity on him for the secret that he was hiding for a long time will be revealed to them. She wants to hug him and console him that everything will be alright, and she wants to tell him that their house is and will always be open for him if he needs a family to lean on. 

Marcus and Leah got some pieces of information from him because they were present when the Great Bosses tortured James, Mia, and Edward. That was also the time that they've got the information that Edward was infertile and can't produce an heir to the Chen family. It was also a huge blow to Lily that time for she didn't know that Edward suffered emotionally upon knowing that Mia was pregnant and his parents were happy to receive the news. Lily and Edward were still and always be best friends just like their relationship with Allen Peterson. 

"Edward, son, can you tell me the real story behind your past with, Mia. What really happened that day...let's talk about it like mother and son" Eva tells him for she can't control herself to know more of the information. "You are just like a son to me Edward, and I demand to know what lies behind on those eyes and smile of yours. Maybe this time I could help you get rid of Mia. I know it is already too late for you and Lily. But still, you can found someone who can treasure and love you for real." Eva Cheung added. 

Edward smiled at Eva and Lucas Cheung, he treated them as his second parents. And even though he and Lily didn't end up as a couple they still gave him a warm embrace every time he visits them especially when Luna was already under their protection. "Yes Mom, I will tell you everything. I am sorry if I hide it from you and Elder Lucas, I am just afraid that my parents might become a criminal because of Mia." Edward explains to the two Cheung Elders. 

Eva smiled and nods her head, while Elder Lucas just glances at him and sigh out of frustration. He knew that Edward felt pressured back then because of his friend Rafael Chen, he knew how important for the Chen family the topic of having an heir or heiress. And giving them an heir was very precious especially that Edward was the only son of Rafael and Clara Chen, and knowing their character and personality... if they got the news about the twins, they would do anything and everything in their power for the twins' to hold the surname of the Chen clan.

Lucas and Eva look at each other and shook their heads, "I know my parents will be planning on how they encourage Luna to marry Louie again" Edward suddenly told them. "Especially if the news about the twins' already reached them. The phone call that I just received last time, indicates that they already knew that Luna was still alive. They might get rid of Sofia in a few days after they confirm Luna's identity and I know that they will talk to you Mom," Edward added as he looks at Eva and Lucas Cheung. 

"But Luna was happily married to Viscount Francois, they can't do anything with her and to the twins," says Leah who already imagines the worst scenario that may come when they come back to City A. "But to their thinking, since Louie is my son, he has the blood and flesh of the Chen's, they will ask for custody or if ever the change of surname from what the twins' have now to a for letter word surname. I know my parents Leah, they will fight up to the last drop of their blood. They will make it sure that the surname Chen will continue up to years to come." Edward explained furthermore.

"You are right Edward, we need to plan on how we will stop the schemes and plans that your parents are plotting right now. I know too well your fathers' character. He is a silent and sleeping giant, but he can move mountains in just a snap of his fingers." says Elder Lucas. 

"I'll take care of your mother Edward, all we need to know first...what are their plans. I have this hunch that they will ask us to meet them. I have this feeling that they want Luna and Louie to get married once again and they will use the things that we used to Luna back then. I must tell Lawrence about this matter, the adoption process of the twins' to become a Vendari must be done before we come back to City A." Eva Cheung's cold voice was heard by them. 

"The Great Bosses will not allow that to happen, Edward, you must worry. As we all can see, Luna and Viscount Francois really love each other and the twins' treat the Viscount as their father and the men around Luna will not hesitate to do some drastic measure once they felt that her life is was in danger, and even the twins' life if it is in jeopardy they might give chaos to our country" Marcus didn't hesitate the facts the runs on his mind. 

"I know that, and I won't allow my parents to ruin the beautiful family of Luna and even Lily's love life right now. I can stay single for my whole life as long as Lily is my friend and I could also pamper the twins for Luna already treat me as her father and the twins' treats me as their grandfather. I won't allow my parents to fight for what they thought was right for so many years." Edward informs them. 

"I will help you with your parents, and in the first place...they already disowned you as their son but me and your mother Eva didn't do that, it is you who stop visiting us after Luna's death as we all know. But we forgive you, Edward. You don't have anything to do about that, it is Louie's own doing and now he regrets everything. He will regret it for the rest of his life" Elder Lucas said and they all look at Louie's side that keeps on recording a video of Luna from afar. 


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