The mind remembers the words, but the heart remembers how it feels. The mind can forget, but the heart never will ---- JmStorm

Louie knew that he went overboard once again but he can't control himself whenever he was with Luna. It feels like, he is in seventh heaven every time he and Luna were alone nor if Luna is just a few inches away from him. He cherished the minute they had danced, the way he felt her skin, her scent still lingers on his nose, and more especially the way they dance seemed they looked like a married couple for him. He wants to have more time with Luna, to be in his arms, to feel her touch, and most especially to smell her scent. ​​

When Louie escorted Luna back to her seat, Francois immediately stood up and approach them, "Thank you Mr. Louie Chen for bringing back my wife safe and sound" says Francois. Louie smiled at him, "I will not let Luna be hurt once again Viscount, and I assure you that she is safe with me. Thanks for the privilege that you have given to me just now. Luna, Thanks for the dance, I really appreciated it. I will cherish it and will always treasure it in my heart" Louie replied and tells his words to his his Luna. 

'You are welcome Mr. Louie Chen, and don't tire yourself for tomorrow you still have a date with the twins, don't make them wait" Dimitri reminds Louie who is still looking at Luna. Louie who seems to get back to his daydreaming immediately took his eyes off to Luna and look at the glaring eyes of Dimitri, he nods his head and let out a sigh. "I will not forget it Sire, and maybe I will take an early rest for tomorrows' date with the twins. I will bring Ethan with me, for Kim seemed too preoccupied with Pearl" he replied to Dimitri and in unison, they all look to where Kim and Pearl were seating. 

"Take care Louie and goodnight. Thanks for the night spending with us. Thanks also for the dance, and don't let the bed bugs bite" Luna said teasingly unto him as she held Francois' waist. Louie just chuckled as walks away from them feel dejected. 

"You are a tease Luna," Scarlet told Luna as Francois escorted his wife to be seated. Luna giggled, and Francois wipes her sweat on her forehead. "Are you tired, Luna?" Dimitri asks her sister. Luna shook her head, "Nope, but I am tired of listening to all the of Louie. He was asking if we could be friends, but still, my answer is No." Luna told them. 

Scarlet: "He was now regretting the things he had done in the past, especially right now. Luna has been good to him wat back then, but what did he give in return to our Moon. He gave heartaches and torments her to the core."

Francois: "Scar...Luna is good to him way back then because there is love. Luna was in love with him back then, and I know My Queen doesn't regret being good to him for they are husband and wife at that time. Remember, don't regret being good to people because one day they'll wish they still had you. And that was exactly what is happening to Louie right now."

"Maybe that time I was looking nor I thought I had a perfect relationship with him. But I was wrong, from the very moment we signed the marriage contract, I already have doubts but still, my heart tells me to give it a shot. (Luna sighed), It's not about having a perfect relationship my heart says, but my mind tells the other kind of a thing. Then the nightmares happen, but still, I am glad that it happened because if that didn't happen I won't meet all of you. I will not meet My King. Now this time, it's about finding someone who matches us and will go through everything without giving up the relationship" says Luna to the people around her. 

"Someone who matches you well will give you that mutual love, respect, and appreciation. It is teamwork, not just a solo effort or a one-sided love affair. Each couple also gives one another support and motivation. And each of us as partners with the love of our life must be faithful to each other, with no lies and no betrayal." Dimitri added as he winks at Luna. He knew how much Francois loves her, he saw that from the time Luna and Scarlet became so close to each other and from the moment that Luna craves some odd foods. 

Then suddenly the song of John Legend and Meghan Trainor was played (, Everyone laughs for this was their teasing song for Luna and Francois back then. When Scarlet got the hunch that her twin brother had the feeling for Luna and Dimitri already saw the hints, they always both sung this during family events. Luna and Francois were blushing every time they heard this song, and until now they are blushing again. 

"You two are teasing My Queen! Stop it, Dimitri!" Francois told his brother in law as he controls his laughter but he knew that Luna already wants to hide at that very moment. Dimitri and Scarlet burst into laughter, they both love to see Luna blush because of Francois, that scene was seen by the Knights and their fiancees; they actually felt relieved from the moment Louie escorted Luna back to her seat. Ryder and Jamil are already on guard if it takes another moment or time that Louie will still hold Luna in his arms. 

If it weren't for Audrey and Sapphire, Jamil and Ryder might kill Louie right there and then. And if it weren't for Alexei, Marco, and Xavier's girlfriends, the Knights might have stabbed Louie and beaten him into pulp. 

"Don't worry guys, we still have so plenty of time to teach Louie a lesson, just like what Ares, Artemis, and Hermes did to KimTang. We still have a few more days to give a good beating to Louie Chen" Xavier informs them. 

Cassie: "General, don't forget to inform us. We also want to give Louie a beating, we didn't find some time to give it to him back then for what we are planning to do was to beat Sofia and her friends. But now you must tell us when and where so that we can prepare ourselves."

Alexei suddenly looks at Cassie and chuckled, "Cara Mia, I won't let you beat Louie Chen. It's my job to do that, I won't let your hands get dirty because of him. And in case of Sofia, you don't need to do that anymore, for the twins' had already given the vengeance to her. So Cara Mia, all you need to do was to take a rest for once our parents talk about our wedding, the dowry that they will ask is quite unique." Alexei informs them.

Samantha and Jessy look at him with confusion, "What Alexei means is that the dowry will be seen after nine months, and they will now expect that we will have to do it before the wedding. Although Harry and Amber didn't do the deeds, still we don't know for the two right hand guys already do it. So the chances for us is quite slim" Marco explains. 

"Enlighten us more please," says Jessica as she looks at her fiancee Marco. "It means that we need to have"....Marco pause for he didn't know how to explain it furthermore. "It means that you need to produce little bunnies just like what Isabele and Luna have, it is a pressure to all of us, especially me and Jamil for we are already married to our fiancees" Ryder answered and enlightened the Wu triplets. 

The Wu triplets gave an O shape to their mouths, Jessica who is not used to that kind of conversation blush while Samantha smacks Xavier's shoulders and Cassie seemed in trance after hearing it. Then Cassie swallowed the lump on her throat, "Do you think the Great Bosses will ask the twins' help in cases like these? I mean, the twins' made Isabele and Yuan drink something and Luna was given something by the twins so that she will have a baby." Cassie asks them. 

Alexei: "That we don't know. Actually, we don't know if they already started their schemes. The twins' are afraid of us, but once they got permission from the Great Bosses, especially from Duke Lawrence, my Father, and to Viscount Christian. Our punishment for them is already uplifted."


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