Chapter 321 - 321 Picnic Date with the Hawks...Breakfast Date

You don't give up on someone you love ---- Unknown Author

"So do you have some other gifts for the twins?" Kim asks Louie as he lies down at the reclining chair. "Yes, I have this necklace, it is the family heirloom that my grandmother gave to me, I was supposed to give this to Luna at our first wedding anniversary. But I guessed you two already knew what happened to us. But I didn't give this to Sofia, because at that time I became busy with work and searching for my Luna, but now I will give it to my daughter. And a pocket watch to my son, this was also the family heirloom given to me by my grandfather. I just hope that they will like it, for I didn't prepare some other gift than the things I brought at the Villa 8" Louie told them. ​​

"Louie, they will like it. Even though they already have everything as we can see right now, I knew that they will still love to accept it from you" Ethan told him. "Let's call it a night, we still need to wake up early. My body really aches and I wish Pearl will be here" Kim blurted out but still, they went to bed and slept, but sleep doesn't even bother to be with Louie's senses for he was very excited about tomorrow's activities with his kids. He was already daydreaming of what they will talk about, play about, and even their questions about his life with Luna lingers on his mind. 

Louie wakes up around four in the morning and still, he feels very refreshing even though he falls asleep at around two in the morning. He was very excited, so to his morning routine, his morning exercise by doing push-ups, squats, and high knee exercises. He also took a bath after that and wear something comfortable clothes. 

When the clock strikes up to six in the morning, he walks out of his room and he was surprised to see the twins' preparing the breakfast table. Ethan and Kim were nowhere to be found but still, he was delighted to see his kids doing something for him. 

"Good Morning, Mr. Louie Chen. Have a seat, so that we can enjoy our breakfast as we wait for your friends." Dawn greeted him and gestured to take the seat beside her. "We don't know your breakfast preference, so we ask one of our head chefs to prepare an Intercontinental Breakfast for us. And I hope you will like it, don't worry we don't put anything on the food" Dawn added. 

Louie rushes towards his kids and took his seat beside the little girl, while Winter sat in front of Dawn. "We already ask Pearl to wake up your friends in a way that they will always remember Pearl" Winter informs him and suddenly they all heard yelling.

Louie got alarmed and looks at the closed door of his friend's door, then suddenly it opened and Pearl went out from it. "Kim Tang Wake up now Lover Boy! If you will not be seen at the breakfast table in ten minutes tops I will give you a bucket of ice water again to wake up your senses!" Pearl shouted. 

Then on the other door, Ares and Hermes went out but they didn't curse Ethan but rather they are laughing terribly. As they went out of the room Louie had a glimpse of Ethan soaked in water as it drips all over his body and he was n.a.k.e.d and shivering. "They just got a bed bath from our right-hand guys and Pearl. They need to awaken their muscles and brain function" Winter said in a stern voice. 

Pearl: "Good Morning Mr. Louie Chen. I hope you slept well last night, we will be accompanying you to your picnic today as per Master Dimitri and Master Francois's orders."

Louie nods his head but still staring at the closed doors of his friend's room. "Don't worry about them, we just gave them a morning shower of an ice-cold bucket of water. They need to be awakened so that we can leave early to your destination" Pearl added. 

Dawn: "Pearl. Ares, Hermes, and Artemis come sit here (Dawn gestured to the vacant seats) have breakfast with us and we don't take no for an answer you know that."

Pearl and the rest of the right-hand guys immediately took their seats for they don't want the little girl to get mad at them. They are still having trouble with them for not reporting the situation of Eros and Soteira to them since last night. Winter and Dawn were very close to the two for they are their big brother ever since they were still a baby. 

As they all seated and eats their breakfast, silence envelops the dining table, and only the spoon and fork chimes could be heard. Pearl and the rest of the right-hand guys were observing the twins' and Louie. They knew that they are adjusting themselves right now, and they are not used to call Louie Chen's father or Dad. 

"Thank you for the breakfast kids," Louie said as he already gathered enough courage to talk and he immediately took a bite of his waffle. Winter and Dawn look at him and smiled. "Thank you for appreciating it, we thought you will not like it," says Dawn.

"Yeah, because according to our reports, you've never tasted Mom's cooking. You didn't even appreciate every meal that she cooks for you. But still, our Mom loves you back then and still cared for you." Winter blurted out and it took Louie by surprise; for what his son had just said was true. It was Yuan who always end up eating Luna's cooked meals, that's why they got much closer to each other back then. Louie tries to defend himself but there are no words that he can form, he was wishing that time that Kim or Ethan would come out and save him from the situation. 

Artemis could feel the coldness in Winters' voice, "Little Bun, that's in the past. Remember what your Mom always tells you?" Artemis reprimand Winter and Winter nods his head. "Sorry" Winter just retorted.

"Wow! Breakfast!" Kim greeted them as he walks out of his room, he was already wearing a black shirt, blue denim jeans, and rubber shoes, then Ethan was following him with a get up of a blue shirt, ripped denim jeans, and white sneakers. They both look young and vibrant, as they took their seats and begun to eat. Again, silence envelops the dining table and both of the twins' were not used to it. They are more on a livelier dining table with their parents, the Knights, and the rest. 

Pearl and the right-hand guys could feel the tension as they are also not used to eating like this as if they don't know each other. Kim and Ethan, on the other hand, were observing Louie as he eats his waffle, bacon, and sausage and they could see that he was secretly glancing at his kids. 

"Mr. Louie Chen, we will show you around the Palace. The places we used to stroll around and to the places where we used to play around. We also want to talk to you about something. That will be our itinerary for today" Dawn suddenly speaks up. Louie immediately looks up to his daughter and smiled, but at the back of his mind, he really wishes that his kids will call him Dad or father.

"We will have an entire international cuisine for lunch, the food that we used to eat, like, and love. Mom and Dad said that you have to get to know us more and we also want to know you more, being your kid is not that easy. Especially that you are the reason for our Mom's nightmare when we are still on her tummy and a year after we were born. There are questions we need you and your friends to answer in full honesty and you could also do the same to us" Winter informs Louie and his two friends...Ethan and Kim. Ethan and Kim were dumbstruck upon hearing it, Kim glances at Pearl who is looking at him that time, Kim's eyes were asking Pearl to enlighten them more but she just shrugged her shoulder as an answer. 

"You can ask anything and everything you want, you can do anything to me" Louie replied. "Anything and Everything?!" says Dawn as her eyes sparkle and they could see the excitement on her eyes. 

Louie: "Anything and Everything My Princess."

Hermes: "Good luck Mr. Louie Chen."

Ares: "We will pray for you, Mr. Louie Chen."

Artemis: "OMG! you have given her the permission already."

Pearl shook her head and looks at Louie who is dotingly looking at Dawn and Winter. Ethan and Kim got nervous but they kept their mouth shut for they are afraid that they will offend Louie's kids who are scarier than the right-hand guys and Pearl who is with them.

(A/N I Leave you hanging this time my dear readers. See you tomorrow. Mwah)


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