If you never take a risk, you will never know what changes you need to make. Paulo Coelho

As the morning came, almost all of the HADES and Phantom people are busy, especially those who will be joining the flight going back to City A. It's the beginning of a new year and they need to go back so that they can achieve what are they have and had planned before. The kids and Isabele will not be joining them for security measures, but they will be bringing Emerald and Nikolai with them.  ​​

Louie got up so early, but the truth was that he didn't have a good night's sleep, he already did his morning rituals, while Ethan and Kim are still preparing themselves. They are informed that they will be eating their breakfast at the airport lounge, and they will be also told that they could just bring the gifts they had received. 

Louie is just silently sitting on one of the couches, he was holding a set of pictures that were taken during the party. Some are already framed and some are in a size of a wallet so that he will not have a hard time if he wants it to carry it at all times. "Luna, I know you do not feel the same way for me as before, though, sometimes, and I need to accept that our fate is not truly destined. I know that the people we love may or may not love us back and that's supposed to be okay and yet, I can't help but fall more in love with you, each passing moment. It hurts to hope and have that hope dashed, every day. It has been almost five-six years now, but there's a voice in the corner of my heart that refuses to move on. Honestly, it's a tragedy that I love you because I let you go. But in some strange way, I am the cause of our failure, I don't want to, but maybe because of my ego and my selfishness we broke apart" says Louie as he c.a.r.e.s.ses Luna's face on the picture. The one and only family picture that he had, he actually wants to thank Francois for the opportunity he gave in such a situation like having a family picture of him together with Luna and the kids. 

"They say that healing also means taking an honest look at the role you play in your own suffering, and only time could tell if you are fully healed from those inflicted wounds and the scars are totally disappeared," Louie thought to himself. He let out a sigh, he will miss his kids so much, but he needs to control his emotions. He already has some plans that after this ordeal, he will ask Francois and Luna's permission to visit the kids and be with them even if he travels miles away. 

Louie had also finally made up his mind, he will take the risk. He will court Sofia again, he will shower her once again with flowery words and gifts, but he will not say he loves her, his heart and mind will not allow him to do that thing. For him, it takes years to build veracity and seconds to destroy it.

Louie was startled when he heard a knock, he stood up to open the door, but Ethan was the one who opened it, Louie didn't realize that Ethan and Kim are already in front of him and just observing his moves as he stares at the picture. "Good Morning to all, Good Morning Louie" Luna's voice beams inside the room. Louie seems a daze as soon as he saw Luna, she was stunning and gorgeously beautiful in her yellow floral dress and flats. She is also wearing a black trench coat, and she seems to hide something from her neck. "Good Morning Lady Luna" Kim and Ethan greeted back. 

Luna giggles, "I am not using you guys to call me Lady Luna, and just Luna will do. Louie are you okay?" Luna asks Louie, he was still in trance and looking at her. Ethan walks beside Louie and pats his shoulder, "Louie, Hey! Bro! Earth is calling Louie!" Ethan shouted twice as he pats his shoulder. Ethan couldn't do anything so he smacks Louie's head that brought him to reality.

"Ouch! What's that for Ethan Li!" He replied as Louie holds his head that is quite hurting. Luna let out a cracking laugh while Kim shook his head and his laughter is double as what Luna did. 

"Bro, Luna is calling you and asking you a question. But it seems that your mind…No, your whole body traveled at Planet Jupiter for you just keep on staring at Luna" Ethan answered back. 

Louie blushes, "I am sorry," he said. "It's okay Louie, maybe you are lacking of sleep because you have dark circles on your eyes and I am sure you are already hungry. Don't worry, I ask someone to prepare some spicy chicken teriyaki sandwich, bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich, roasted chicken sandwich, and a macchiato. I know those are your favorites. You must eat in the car, and I will not take no for an answer. The twins prepared those sandwiches just for the three of you" Luna informs them. 

"Thanks, Luna, Thank you for the accommodation here at your humble abode," Kim said as he bows at her. "Kim, please stop being formal with me. I am still Luna, the Luna that you all know when I was still studying at the University. But I am not the old Luna, who is still in love with Louie" she replied. 

"Ouch!" Louie's mind told him. 

"Oh, before I forgot, I am here because I want to talk to you, Louie. It is regarding Sofia. I want to inform you that, she is not the same as before." Says Luna as she sat on a chair. Louie and his friends also sat in couches, "What do you mean?" Louie asks, and both Ethan and Kim already had a hunch that Sofia may be suffered from the twins' tricks. 

Luna shook her head and let out a very loud sigh. "You all knew that, the eyes of HADES are all on you. The place you are staying, your offices, the whole building actually, the people around you, and most especially the people who got close to you are on the list of the whole HADES. Sofia seemed to have an encounter with the twins at the Christmas party when we are at City A. I can't remember if actually remember the full details, but because of that, she was targeted by Macaria and Zagreus or the well-known children of HADES. The twins' are Macaria and Zagreus, and once you received a note, message, or even a call from them, it means you are in red tag" Luna explained. 

"So you mean?" Louie asks but his heart is erratically beating so fast. "The twins did something to Sofia. Louie Sofia is not flawless just like before. She had developed some kind of weird allergy, and her whole body emits a very foul odor. I am sorry if the kids' made it out in a line Louie" Luna informs Louie. 

Louie stared at her, "Wicked. The kids did it! That's amazing!" Louie answered back full of amazement. Luna was surprised to hear her ex-husband's reaction. She can't believe that he will support the twins' tricks. "Louie!" Luna called him. 

"What?! Luna, It is okay. What our children were not enough for all the heartaches, humiliation, and schemes that she and I did to you. I am actually still thankful that they just gave me a very lenient punishment for now. If they feel and want to bully Sofia it is okay with me" he replied. 

"Louie, are you not mad? Are you not going to reprimand the kids? Is it okay with you that they gave her a disease that may be incurable?" Luna asks Louie again. 

Louie sighs, "Luna, why should I get mad, I won't get angry for what they did to her. I am very proud of them actually because they can really protect you silently. And that is very wicked. Luna, I know I am very late for you to become your husband and to be a father to the kids. And as a father, I am going to spoil my kids. If they felt that you are being bullied, especially when I am not around nor Francois is not around, they can do whatever they want to the person who bullied you. And if they get caught, I will take the responsibility for that. Luna, please give me this chance to our kids. Give me the chance to become a father to them, to spoil them, and to be with them. I am not competing with Francois. The kids are very intelligent to know who am I to them and who Francois is with them," says Louie. 


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Love lots from me and a bear hug from me to you. 

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