Love heals scars, love left. ---- Henry Rollins

Just what Paulo Coelho once said "Never miss an opportunity to show your love, especially to those close to you", Louie will never miss each day and time to show his love towards his children, and even they are miles apart from each other. He will never miss the opportunity to show Luna his true feelings even though she is very hard to reach since they can't be lovers or husband and wife anymore. He will always let them feel his care and love and also his protection, he will be man enough this time for the people he truly loves.  ​​

Then suddenly Louie felt a tap on his shoulder, as he looks at the person who did it, he was surprised. Edward Chen taps his shoulder, and this is the first time that his father approaches him and tried to be the first one to interact with him without hesitation. As his memory serves him right, the very first and last interaction that his father approaches him was when he got the news that he will be married to Luna, who is the daughter of his ex-fiancée Lily, then after that, he didn't talk nor approach him again. When he married Luna and got the news about the divorce and the so-called death of Luna, his father just remained silent but he is very cold towards him.

Louie looks at him and gave a faint smile, he doesn't know what words he will say, and he still doesn't know why his father despises him. He just got to know that his mother just did something bad that's why his father and Luna's mother didn't end up as a couple, just like what Sofia did to him and Luna. He can't blame his father for it, but children must not be blamed for what the a.d.u.l.ts just did or have done. 

Edward look at his son and said, "Don't keep reminding yourself of the mistake that cannot be rectified. Things have gone wrong, mistakes happen and at times our own judgments can be poor. Learn from your mistakes and aim to improve and allow yourself to move on. The regret takes over our minds so much that we make it difficult for us to move on. Self-blame is a form of regret that a person carries in their heart for them and the misunderstandings that one feels responsible for. Taking responsibility for your mistakes is a great way to learn, but when we start living with self-guilt, is when we create self-inflicted suffering. Don't blame yourself when things go wrong. At times, even the best efforts don't turn out to be the best way you want.  Just be always by their side and let them feel your presence, your care, and your love. I know you can do it, I will help you, my son."

The truth is that there is an imperfection in everyone's life. When we lack something in our lives, we tend to notice more of it in other people's life. Mistakes can happen from anyone and we can control our efforts but not the results, yet with each mistake, we have an opportunity to learn and improve, and most especially a lesson that will think us to be more cautious, open-minded, trust, and strong. But we should first be able to admit the wrongdoings that we have done in our lives and to others, most people lack in this aspect. When people get confronted with their mistakes, instead of admitting and accepting, most people become defensive, and Louie knows that he has begun defensives every time Yuan confronts him regarding his relationship with Luna. Defending a mistake can never help him learn the right way, he knows that, but his ego doesn't like to be trampled. Someone else is hurt, but still, they are willing to improve it, but he didn't do anything, instead, he lost Luna first before he accepted what he had done is wrong. Now the only thing he could do is to open his heart and ask for forgiveness and wait for Luna to give it to him. He knows that if he keeps it closed, he only keeps the negative emotions inside himself. Keeping his heart open both for acceptance and forgiveness. Every mistake should be forgiven whether it is for himself or others, but the learnings should always be remembered. 

Louie lets out a genuine smile, for the first time in his life, this is the very first encouraging words his father gave to him, Louie loses control and embraces his father. Lily and Allen were both teary eyes upon seeing the scene of Edward and Louie, "Edward still considered Louie as his own son, even if he knows the real identity of Louie back then he continues playing along for his parents' sake" Allen blurted. Lily smiled, "That's why I fell in love with him back then so deeply. He is really a man of his words once he promises something. He actually promised me that, he will be man enough to face the trials and challenges he will face when he got married to Mia. He also promised me that he won't be looking for another woman or have a mistress and he will still wait for me, it's just that the regrets from the past take over our minds so much that we make it difficult for us to move on. " Lily informs her best friend. 

Edward hugs Louie back, he knew he had so many things to explain to Louie, but this is not the right time yet. He just prays that Louie will get to know his real identity when the time comes, he will not blame his mother and he will not get mad at her, after all, she was still his mother and she just did what she thinks the best for him. 

"But still, there is a difference between a person who hurts you by making a mistake, and a person who hurts you by continuing a pattern. Mistakes can be forgiven. Patterns should be broken. Mia hurts you so that she could get Edward, Suzy hurts you just to be with and get James, and Sofia hurts Luna just to get Louie. It is like a pattern, a pattern of love, jealousy, and envy" Allen added. Lily didn't respond to what her best friend had just said, for it is the truth. The men in her life are always connected with both Mia and Suzy for Sofia is c to Suzy.

"Is everyone ready" Dimitri's voice resounded in the living room, he can see how emotional the people here especially Isabele. He understands her situation, she is just like Luna when the twins' are still in her tummy. Ryder, Him, or even their father can't be on the same mission for HADES that time. Luna gets emotionally distressed that time, that's why Scarlet and Francois sometimes, no, all the times accompanied her. That's also the time that Luna gets so close to the siblings most especially to Francois. 

Isabele is like a koala bear at Yuan's l.a.p, Yuan just let his wife do her own thing, while Dawn and Winter are on Luna and Francois's l.a.p also, they do want to come with their parents, but for security reason, going back to City A with them might give the people from HADES a tough time. Duke Lawrence doubled the security of Luna and the rest, Harry has already informed all his people from Phantom that the security to Villa 8 must be tightened. Isabele understands the situation, but she still wants to cuddle her husband. The great bosses pitied Yuan, they also know that the pregnancy hormones of Isabele spike up because they will be having a long-distance relationship, for now, she is very emotional and because of that; she left another set of love marks on Yuan's c.h.e.s.t, neck, and shoulders. Yuan just sighs at what his wife had just done, he understood why she is quite possessive and very emotional. He already got this idea that their firstborn will surely look like him. Yuan loves Isabele so much, and he knew that this Princess had fallen in love with him so deeply. If only he is not needed at City A, he will not come back to Louie. He still needs to be a mole against Sofia, Suzy, and so-called friends of Sofia. He had this hunch that they will brew something against his friend. 

The Cheung Elders, Lily, Edward, Allen, and the parents of the Wu triplets will still be left behind since they will be waiting for the grandparents of Louie. The Chen Elders will be arriving in a few weeks after this day, they are going to fix things at the City Wise regarding the parents of Edward so that Luna and Francois together with the rest could focus on Sofia and the other minions of hers. 


Dear Readers, 

Love lots from me and a bear hug from me to you. 

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