Chapter 380 - The Magician (7)

Name:My Bothersome Life Author:hye4654
"That's not true! I can tolerate the different air quality without coughing too much. I won't get sick from eating cake or desserts. My skin isn't sensitive as well. None of them has any relation why I can't play any games or act the way I want," I pushed all those reasons out.

"We know what your kidnappers fed you. It's all the food you wanted to eat. Your body immediately got sick afterwards. After wearing clothes not provided by our family, you always developed faint rashes. We also had to change some of the competition rooms since you couldn't stop coughing. You can't play any games since you'll quickly get addicted and you always have to keep common etiquette no matter where you go," Lucius has gotten all the information from his brother, going further into detail.

"It's because you won't let me develop any tolerance for them. You hook me to all those machines filled with medicine as soon as I get sick," I complained.

"That's because you always get seriously ill or injured that it can affect your life," he threw my complaints out the window.

"A simple fever doesn't do anything," I recalled what happened a few days ago.

"Your fever was high enough it would normally kill a girl your age in other districts," he pointed out.

"The fifth district?" I didn't believe him.

"The third district and below. But that fever can permanently impact your life in the second district as well," he revealed.

"Well I get them all the time. So it shouldn't be anything," I was unaware how serious it was compared to the other times I got injured.

"That's why we have to closely watch over you," Lucius' point got stronger.

"You couldn't even run after a few consecutive hours last night," Luke joined the argument.

"My stamina will somehow increase. It's not my fault this body is so weak with each passing year," my voice wilted.

I didn't react to the difference in air quality in kindergarten. I wasn't like this in elementary school, I rarely got sick back then. Once I entered middle school, things started to get different as I got entangled in many accidents, making my body weaker. Going through all my memories, this vessel was getting frailer the more I aged.

"We only let you visit the other districts once you entered middle school. Most of your life before then was under our protection. Since we carefully controlled your environment in school, you never knew your body was this frail," Lucius explained.

I was shocked, I never knew they were keeping tabs on me ever since I became engaged to Luke. The amount of power the Roselia family possessed was astonishing. I did think some things were strange in how I couldn't visit my parents earlier on in my life. Both Ellen and Shelly also visited their parents sometimes in elementary school, but Luke continued to drag me to more study sessions.

"Is this why you don't like me leaving the first district?" I realized.

"I only take you there with no choice Rika," Luke recalled all my begging and pleas.

"But why are you so different?" I wondered.

It was strange since I grew up with Luke in the same controlled environment together. But he was much healthier than I was, able to hold me for hours while keeping up with others. In fact, everyone here had more strength than I did since they didn't need to be carried last night.

"Your poor eating habits," Luke sighed.

"I heard from Alex you only ate cake for breakfast a few days ago," he recalled.

"You also vomited the food in the mornings whenever it wasn't what you wanted," he knew everything going on.

"But I felt nauseous and dizzy after eating them," I wasn't lying.

"It's because you crave sugar too much almost to the point your body is addicted to it. Your mana loves the sugar, making you unconsciously always reaching out for them," Lucius explained.

I knew there had to be a reason why I was obsessed with sweets when I wasn't in my former life. I couldn't believe they would prevent me from eating more sugar when they knew about this. Wouldn't everything be solved if I ate cakes as my meals since my mana craved it as well?

"But it doesn't match what the rest of your body wants," Lucius answered my question.

"It's hard for us to balance your meals to see how much it rejects what we give you," he revealed why most of the time I threw up the medicine.

"It's like you're saying I won't ever be able to pick what I eat or drink since I'll instantly get sick afterwards if I do get the chance," I felt like crying.

"It's not fair!" I hated this body.

My hopes were starting to go down the drain. The world of junk food and snacks leaving me permanently. I never knew having the potential to possess an unlimited amount of mana would be so inconvenient. I guessed some things were too good to be true when God gave it out like it was nothing.

"It's not like this will be forever, right?" I still had a tiny bit of hope left.

Why were they all silent? They were so talkative before. There was no way I was going to continue living my life like this. It couldn't be. My mind crashed as I collapsed onto the seats.