Chapter 534 - Former Queen (3)

Name:My Bothersome Life Author:hye4654
"I'm not going to murder you Rika," Alex watched me cling onto Luke for the fourth day.

"Will you forgive me?" I threw out my goal.

"How do you think I'll be able to forgive you for trashing my entire closet?" He had some anger remaining in his eyes.

Then I guessed I would cling on Luke for another day. Charles watched Luke struggling to walk, carrying the extra weight on his back for days. His perfect posture began to waver, on the edge of breaking. I knew I was gaining more weight since I was eating more for the past few days than I usually ate for the entire week. Surprisingly, the taste of the supplements gradually improved while I didn't need to add sugar to my food anymore.

Lately, I had more energy while my mind was brightly clear. It wasn't hard to maintain my concentration as much as before. I felt like I was returning to the days before I entered the other dimension. Although this body was still extremely weak, it wasn't as fragile. My stamina had increased, allowing my grasp on Luke to be fairly stable. I had the confidence to continue this for the rest of the month.

"Is your back ok?" Charles worried for Luke.

"I think I'll need some packs later," Luke admitted.

"I'll go easier on you if you separate from Luke," Alex made some concessions.

"I can do this for a month," I had the motivation.

"Is she serious?" Charles shuddered.

"Or you can let me go," I gave Alex the option.

Since I knew Alex wouldn't be able to let me go, I decided to tighten my grasp on Luke. Since Luke took care of all my daily necessities, I could place my entire focus on him. Although I was being a bit extreme, it was the only option I had. Maybe I could use this plan more often, seeing how effective it was. It wasn't very hard to listen to Luke, he only wanted the minimum from me since he didn't have enough energy to ask for more. In fact, he was being more lenient than when we were at school, not having to follow a strict schedule.

"You almost destroyed everything I had Rika," Alex declined the other option.

"I didn't touch your rings and watches," I pointed out.

The rings and watches were more expensive than their clothes. I wasn't stupid enough to touch them, knowing it would be unforgiveable. Fashion could easily become outdated while accessories mostly remained the same. I didn't know why Alex was making a big deal when Luke frequently replaced the items in our closet. He had to do the same as Luke, possessing enough wealth.

"Do you think you would be still standing here if you touched them?" Alex was showing me he was holding back.

"She also broke all my swords," Charles tried to comfort him.

"We can compensate you for them," Luke shot him an apologetic gaze.

"They were only one of their kind. Some of the materials come out once in a hundred years," Charles shook his head.

"You had those in school?" Alex's eyes widened.

"They're all gone now," he nodded his head.

"I can repair them," I started to feel guilty.

"They're not repairable unless you reverse time," Charles was bȧrėly able to forgive me.

"If you unseal my mana, I can reverse time," I knew I had enough.

"Your body is so weak," he knew the consequences.

Alex knew that adjusting all his clothes were much better than breaking all of Charles' swords. He had a hard time staying angry when even Charles had forgiven me. Recently, Luke had a hard time standing, choosing to sit down instead. He rubbed his shoulders, frowning from his sore muscles. Placing packs everywhere on his body around the beginning of the night, trying to relieve the straining.

"There will be no next time Rika," Alex couldn't watch Luke suffering anymore.

"You swear on your family name?" I couldn't trust him.

"I swear," Alex sighed.

I immediately let go of Luke, finding him staggering towards the floor. His waist was a bit red, lifting his shirt to finally place a pack in the same area. I felt a little awkward when I noticed it was close to bruising. Seeing him from a distance away, I realized how he was bȧrėly keeping himself together. Instead of holding a grudge against me, Luke got to take a proper look at me for the first time in days, He softened while sadly smiling at me, "you grew a little."

"Her height didn't even grow a single millimetre since social week last year," Luke explained.

I fidgeted with my hands when both Alex and Charles pitied Luke. I wondered if it was really a big deal, I couldn't find a difference when looking at my reflection on the ground. I had given up on my small height ages ago, hoping I would grow more once I entered high school. My height didn't change a lot from elementary school, nearly the same. Even then, I was on the smaller side. How was I the perfect loli?

"Isn't there a spell to manipulate your height?" I wondered.

"You can't Rika, it's extremely dangerous," Luke stopped talking about the topic.

"I was just thinking about the possibility," I pouted.

"Your height is fine," Alex tried to wave my concerns away.

"I don't want to appear like an elementary schooler forever," I felt it would be a pain.