Qin Lixuan over there returned after a few seconds: "of course it's true. Do you think Xiao Yuan and I will cheat on such trifles? "

Listening to Qin Lixuan's tone, Mo Xiaoxiao knows that Qin Lixuan is afraid to know that Wei lianqin provoked her just now.

"Where did Wei lianqin get his confidence just now?" Mo Xiaoxiao asked suspiciously, "is there someone behind the troublemakers?"

"Sister Xiaoxiao, this is absolutely slander! With my participation, is it not normal for the program of class 27 to win the best Popularity Award? Those who say we cheat must be jealous! " Xiao Yuan's electronic voice is also filled with anger.

After hearing Xiao Yuan's words, Mo Xiaoxiao had no choice but to smile, "of course, I know that this award is well deserved. But now I just can't understand where Wei lianqin's confidence comes from, and I'm told to confront him in the headmaster's office. "

"Listen to her voice. We can't fight unprepared because we seem to have exact evidence in our hands. Brother Lixuan, can you find out what happened to Wei lianqin? "

"Then you wait."


A few seconds later, Qin Lixuan said: "Xiaoxiao, it's OK. You can go to the headmaster's office and confront Wei lianqin. Her so-called evidence is false."

Mo Xiaoxiao's eyes flashed a trace of doubt, "there is really evidence, where did Wei lianqin get the false evidence?"

"Although Wei lianqin is very annoying to me and full of malice to our class, her character and character are not bad enough to make false evidence, are they?"

Qin Lixuan pauses for a second and explains: "Wei lianqin has also been used. The evidence in her hand was "found" by her at school. "

Found it?

Mo Xiaoxiao frowned, "that's interesting. Li Xuan elder brother, how to prove that evidence is false? "

Qin Lixuan chuckled, "Xiaoxiao, we don't have to prove it. The school logistics office can prove it for us."

"Well, I'll go to the headmaster's office." Mo Xiaoxiao also did not ask, a relaxed walk to the headmaster's office.

Outside the headmaster's office.

Wei lianqin sneered, "it's only now that you've dawdled. Are you guilty?"

Mo Xiaoxiao glanced at Wei lianqin and said, "what am I guilty of? I advise teacher Wei to be kind. Don't catch the wind and the rain. Listening to the wind is the rain. "

"Oh, tell me to be kind?" Wei lianqin seems to have heard some jokes. "Then I'm going to advise you to keep a low profile. People with high profile and arrogance usually have no good end."

Mo Xiaoxiao

Mo Xiaoxiao smiles, "OK, just be happy. After that, is it time to go in? "

"Well! How long can you be arrogant! " Wei lianqin glares at Mo Xiaoxiao and strides into the headmaster's office.

In five minutes.

The headmaster looked at Wei lianqin and Mo Xiaoxiao with a complicated expression. "Is that why you came to me?"

Wei lianqin nodded boldly, "headmaster, cheating on the school day program voting not only affects the fairness of the program selection, but also spoils the reputation of our school."

"This kind of behavior should be severely punished, otherwise it is difficult to convince the public."

After listening to Wei lianqin's righteous words, the principal nodded, "Xiao Wei, you are right. But can you really be sure that the unknown evidence in your hand is true? "

After the headmaster finished, Mo Xiaoxiao immediately said, "headmaster, the performance of our class is obvious to all. We are very confident in our own strength and don't disdain to win awards by cheating."

"Mr. Wei acted rashly. He said that our class cheated in the voting when he picked up a piece of evidence, which made me doubt Mr. Wei's real intention."

Mo Xiaoxiao's language is also very sharp, pointing to Wei lianqin's bad intentions.

Wei lianqin's face turned black and said, "teacher Mo, you are slandering!"

Mo Xiaoxiao laughed angrily, "slander? Mr. Wei, you say we cheat is slander

"Come on, don't argue with both of you." With a serious face, the headmaster interrupted the dispute between Mo Xiaoxiao and Wei lianqin, "since you all have different opinions, we'll investigate this matter carefully."

Wei lianqin glanced at Mo Xiaoxiao. "I have no opinion. I should investigate and restore the truth."

Mo Xiaoxiao also chuckled, fearless said: "I agree, I don't want others to pour dirty water on our class."

It's hard to survive when you're dying!

Wei lianqin snorted coldly in her heart, looked at the headmaster and said, "headmaster, the USB flash disk I brought with me records in detail how Mr. Qin tampered with the background data, so that the vote of class 27 became the first. You can start from here."

"But at the same time, headmaster, you should ask Mr. Qin to stop his work immediately, so as not to eliminate the traces of cheating."

The headmaster frowned and said, "it's very inappropriate to suspend Xiao Qin's work before it's over.". I know what kind of person Xiao Qin is. There are many misunderstandings in it. "

Wei lianqin is in a hurry. The headmaster says that he is standing on the side of Mo Xiaoxiao and Qin Lixuan. He doesn't believe her at all.

"But, headmaster, we don't know how advanced Mr. Qin's computer technology is. If he really destroys some evidence, can we find it?"

Mo Xiaoxiao really can't listen any more, "headmaster, since Mr. Wei insists so much, let Mr. Qin come to the headmaster's office and wait for the investigation results to come out, so as to minimize the chance of misunderstanding."

The headmaster nodded, "that's OK, Xiao Mo, just let me know."

The headmaster looked at Wei lianqin without expression. "Xiaowei, I'm afraid you don't know. Our school day voting machine is the most advanced one with voting records in the market."

"All the voting machines are put in the activity center after recycling, and the voting records have not been eliminated. I'll let people count the voting records one by one later, and the truth will be revealed. "

Wei lianqin was stunned, "do you have any voting records? The voting machine was also connected to the background at that time, and it could also be tampered with. "

The headmaster looked at Wei lianqin with disappointment. "Xiaowei, the voter can only transmit data in one direction. How can Xiaoqin tamper with the records? Do you tamper with the past one by one? "

Wei lianqin recognized the anger hidden in the headmaster's tone, calmed down for a while, and pulled out a smile, "then it's fair. Headmaster, I was just too worried. My attitude is not right. Don't be angry. "

The headmaster took a light look at Wei lianqin, "OK. You and Xiao Mo will wait in the office first. When Xiao Qin comes, let him wait for me in the office with you. "

"Headmaster, you..."

The principal got up and said in a deep voice, "I'll go and look at the voting records myself. You'll all wait with ease."

After the principal finished, he left the office with the principal's secretary.

Mo Xiaoxiao and Wei lianqin, who stay in the office, are tired of each other and brush their mobile phones.

"Xiaoxiao, I heard that you and Wei lianqin were torn up again?"