After bumping on the train for five days, Rawl finally arrived at the imperial capital. Then he took his little donkey and lined up at the exit.

So many people?

Rolle looked at the queue that he couldn't see, and then looked at the soldiers standing on both sides of the queue.

Each of them was fully armed, armed with a firerope gun, equipped with a bright bayonet, and looked like they were in full readiness. Their eyes swept around the passengers. Anyone who carried weapons would go and collect them.

Is the law and order in the imperial capital so strict?

Rolle felt a little lucky. Fortunately, his left hand could hold things, otherwise it would be a bit troublesome.

But this is also a good thing. Good public security means that it's safe here. My daughter can study more at ease.

As he lined up, he heard some comments from the front and back queues:

"Why is the investigation so strict now? It wasn't like this before?"

"I don't know. Maybe something big happened?"

"I heard some rumors that it was related to the Scholar Association..."

"Shh! Speak carefully. Don't discuss the Academic Council."

Rolle looked puzzled and moved slowly with the queue. It took more than an hour to get close to the exit.

Everyone is being registered here. They are also required to show their identity cards. If they can't be taken out or have problems, they will be taken away by the soldiers next to them.

Rolle doesn't worry about this. When he was in the swordsman group, he handled a legal ID card. He usually behaved in accordance with the law. Recently, he saved Duoduo town and absolutely imitated the citizens.

As expected, he was not embarrassed. Before leaving, the soldiers in charge of registration kindly reminded him that there was a curfew in the city and he could not go to the street after 10 p.m; Then many neighborhoods can't ride donkeys. It is suggested that he find a place to deposit them, so as not to be fined for nothing.

Rolle accepted the suggestion, found a hotel outside the station and sent the donkey to the stable.

The little donkey seemed very reluctant to give him up. He stopped chewing carrots, bit his sleeve with his mouth, and looked at him pitifully.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. I'll rent a house in a few days and pick you up."

"If another horse bullies you, remember to kick it. Girls must learn to protect themselves outside!"

Lol patted it on the head and comforted.

He turned to the newsstand outside to buy a newspaper, then ordered a simple lunch in the hotel, read the newspaper while eating, and listened to the discussion here:

"I dodged 30 bullets in a row in extreme anger, and then disarmed them with one punch!"

"When the tiger pours on you, a sliding shovel can open its belly!"

"After five years of marriage, it's finally my turn..."

It's all meaningless information, and the newspapers are full of singing and dancing. However, unlike the newspapers over the melting pot, they blow the star sword almost every day, which annoys him.

The star sword lady is really just a small shrimp in a big city like the imperial capital.

With a smile in his heart, Rolle got up and was ready to go out for a walk.

Just then, he heard someone say in a low voice:

"You say, when will this curfew end? The girls in 'passion Paradise' are dying of me!"

"Hahaha, it's up to you?"

"My uncle is at the police station. He said that the curfew would not be lifted until he caught the madman."

Rolle sat down again and listened carefully for a long time before he understood what was happening here.

It turned out that a few days ago, the truth tower of the scholars' Association was attacked by unknown enemies, triggering a big explosion, causing hundreds of casualties and making it known all over the city, which led to the investigation of the railway station and the curfew in the city.

It can't be true? Someone dares to attack the academic association? Is it an overseas hostile force?

Rolle was slightly surprised.

As early as when he was in the swordsman regiment, he knew the cow force of the Scholar Association. It can be said that it is the birthplace of all extraordinary people, the national violence organ for managing extraordinary people, and the management organization of extraordinary power and knowledge. It is very strong.

If he had passed the examination, he would have gone to the local academic association branch to accept extraordinary enlightenment and become an extraordinary person.

It is normal for this powerful and detached real power organization to be attacked and cause a big explosion. After that, it has not caught the perpetrator, which will trigger tension in the imperial capital.

However, this kind of thing has nothing to do with me. The gangsters who can retreat from the Academy must be very powerful and extraordinary. I won't get involved, although the high reward offered by the academy is very attractive

Rawl whispered to himself and left the tavern. He planned to go to the place where his daughter lived first.

He doesn't intend to meet his daughter, just take a look at her from a distance.

After that, I won't come every day. I'll come and have a look in about three or five days to confirm my daughter's safety; Then at the end of each month, father and daughter spend another two or three days together, so as to realize both letting go and caring, and have the best of both worlds.

To this end, he had to find a job and a place to live.

The address that Kerry left for him is located in the north of the city. There are a large area of schools. Imperial First University, Imperial University of technology and imperial medical school are all clustered there.

Because of Anya's presence, Cori doesn't have to squeeze into the student dormitory, but lives in an off campus double apartment.

Rolle took the map and asked all the way. After tossing for more than three hours, he finally found the six story apartment before dark.

But until the evening, the lights in room 233 where Kerry lives didn't come on.

"Did you go to Anya's house?"

Rolle heard Anya mention that Kerry occasionally went to her manor for a day or two.

"Well, I'll settle myself down first."

Rolle spent another day renting a room in the civilian area in the south of the city. It was 800 Easts a month, which was a little expensive, but it was hard to find a house with stables, so he had to make do.

The landlord is a blind old man. He is very silent. I heard that he works as a guard in a textile factory in the suburbs.

After settling down, Rolle ran to his daughter twice, but he still couldn't see Kerry.

"What's the matter with this little rabbit? Why doesn't he go back to his apartment every day? Isn't there anything you're hiding from me?"

He muttered in some wonder.

Just then, he saw an acquaintance come out of the apartment building.

Rolle hurried up and patted him on the shoulder before the other party got on the bus.

"Mr. rolle, you... Why are you here?"

The acquaintance, that is, the housekeeper, opened his eyes and asked in surprise.

"Shh! I'll sneak over and have a look."

Lol whispered and asked:

"Where's my daughter? Why doesn't she go back to her apartment these days?"


See the role map sent by everyone. It's all very good, especially the sister map!