Chapter 613

Name:My Dear Mr. Gu Author:Canmiao Aiyu
Dead words falling, bang, bullets into the girl's brain, on the spot death.

"Ah." There was a girl screaming in horror.

The man kicked open the door, threw her out, and glanced at the back of the car.

Huo Wei subconsciously closed her eyes to avoid the evil spirit's eyes.

"What's your name? You want one too. " The man asked evil.

"Please let me go. My family still has grandparents to take care of. My brother is still in college." The girl cried.

The pistol hit the girl's temple.

The girl was too scared to move.

"Then shut up and make you live longer. If you cry again, you will go to hell." The man said viciously.

Huo Weiwu looks behind the car and frowns slightly.

These people are bloodthirsty. They are not human at all, but animals. I don't know if Gu's soldiers have followed.

After another half an hour, the mountain road became more and more rugged.

They are not on the normal road at all, but on the forest path.

Someone was covering up the tracks of the tires in the back.

Finally, the car stopped at the edge of the cliff.

The back door was opened.

"Get out of the car." The man said sternly.

Huo Wei dances and the sea breeze blows in her face.

Although it was August, the wind blowing on the face made people feel cold as well as humid.

"Keep up. If you don't step into the sky, you will die." The man said, leading the way ahead and jumping down.

Huo Wei danced with them to the stone steps and saw a tunnel.

She left her earrings on the stone steps.

When they were all in the tunnel, someone closed the stone gate.

Huo Wei danced in her heart.

They are in the belly of the mountain now. I wonder if those people in the military region can find them?

Huo Wei followed them for 15 minutes, and her sight gradually widened.

It's very big, brightly lit, and luxurious. It looks like an underground palace.

"Boss, are you in a hurry?" Mountain elder brother asks Mingge road.

"I can't wait. Please send it in. There are still guests here today." Mingge's rusty eyes swept their faces.

Huowei looks at the front in silence.

"Beauty, you look familiar?" Mingge stares at Huo Wei and asks.

Huo Wei dances and looks at xiangmingge and doesn't speak.

Mingge looked at her up and down, "you should recognize the wrong person. How can you be the future Princess?"? It looks like it. We're blessed. "

Huo Wei dance doesn't quite understand the saying that we are blessed, don't you

Hart's tired of giving those girls to his men?

Shange opened the door and laughed with a loud voice, "boss, I found some good things for my boss today. They are all my favorite things."

"Don't you see I have a guest? Step back. " Said Hart, looking obstinately at Howie.

Howie looks at Hart.

A short fat man in his forties, with eyes and a bald head, has a long Melon Baby split jujube.

Next to him sat a tall man with a fox mask all over his face. Compared with Hart, he had a superior temperament, a noble air, a gentleman, and a refined manner.

Slender white hands holding the lid of the purple teapot, rubbing the edge of the cup.

Elegant and calm in every move.

Jiang HaoChen?

"You're busy. I'll talk about it when you're done." The fox masked the man.

His voice has been changed so that he can't hear the original voice.

"Well, I'll solve the problem of my younger brother first. Whoever you like, you can go. It's a gift I'll give you." Said Hart, who had come up to them in the Howie dance , the fastest update of the webnovel!