Chapter 684

Name:My Dear Mr. Gu Author:Canmiao Aiyu
"I'm going to help them delay their time. You can find a safe place to hide, see the helicopter, and come to the top of the building," he said

Dantes Luffy was moved.

"I've never forgotten you, Ben. My father forced me to marry Gu Ting. I only love you. " Dantes Luffy said in a soft, emotional voice.

"Don't do this with me. I'm not going to delay time for you. It's useless for you and me to be hypocritical. Do you think I don't know what you just wanted to do? If Sarah hadn't come in, you would have taken off your clothes and stood in front of Gu Ting

Dantes luffetton, aggrieved said: "I did not, so you think of me?"

"I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. Cherish what's in front of you. It's easy to turn over when you're on two legs. If you've learned a painful lesson in China, you should learn from it, right? You think everyone is as old as your uncle 'the man who saw Sara outside was in sight.

The fire is getting stronger.

Inside supine, down from the roof.

Brush once, the power has been turned off, a dark.

Huo Wei dance just went downstairs, the curtain was closed, there was no light at all.

"Gu Ting, where are you?" Cried hovie.

She knows, he can hear.

There was a flash of light in Gu's eyes. Even in the dark, he was like a cheetah. After a few steps, he came to the back of Huo Wei dance and said in a low voice, "what are you doing here? I told you to wait on the roof of the building?"

Huo Wei dances back and holds Gu Ting's arm.

She couldn't see him, but she could feel his breath.

"Gu biting, we are all between life and death. Maybe we will all die here today. I don't want to have regrets, nor do I want to speculate, let alone worry about gains and losses. I just want a simple one. I ask you, do you love me or do you push me away to protect me, or are you really tired of it?" Huo Wei dances frankly asked.

"You're doing something I hate right now. Go to the roof. It's an order." Gu's voice became more and more urgent.

"I'm not your soldier. I don't have to obey your orders. Can't love give me a straightforward one?" Huo Wei dance increases decibel.

A touch.

Gu Ting pressed down the head of Huo Wei dance, and both of them were lying on the ground.

She could feel the bullet flying over her head and into the wall.

Gu's sharp sweeping bullets.

It's not easy.

It's three millimeters short.

He's going to lose her.

A fire rose from the heart, and the brain exploded in an instant.

"Hovie, do you have to do this every time? When you are obedient, you will never be obedient, who dare to love you! When you go to Yu Yi's side, I don't love you any more. " Gu Ting said manic.

Huo Wei dance will certainly look at Gu Ting, although he can't see his face at all.

The moist fog spread and spread in the eyes.

Women, willing to pay for men, youth, career, figure, circle, even life.

If this man understands, then no matter how much pain will not feel more sad.

Afraid just afraid, she tried her best to pay, but was also blamed by him.

That such suffering is really from the heart.

"Go to the roof. Don't let me say it three times. Don't hold me back. I want to make sure Dante Luffy is safe." Gu biting said coldly, getting up and hiding in the dark , the fastest update of the webnovel!