Chapter 39:Sir K

Name:My Dragon System Author:JKSManga
After everyone had finished eating their meal in the dining hall, we were organized into separate groups based on our colours. The black sash students and white sash students looked tiny compared to the other colours.

I quickly went over to join Monk and Gary and noticed another student in front of them.

The fourth student also wore a black sash, he was one of the other boys from Renny town. I had recognized him before but didn't bother to learn his name until now.

His name was Kyle. Kyle was a bold headed energetic person but there was something that stood out about him. It was his eyebrows, his eyebrows were the shade of red so he was also one of the students who had red hair. Judging by his age and the little streaks of hair that could be seen, it looked as if Kyle shaved his head rather then born bold.

Each of the master knights were to lead the students to the training area associated with there colour. We were being led by the Knight dressed in black.

As we walked through the hallway together the master knight didn't say a word to the four of us, having no idea where we were heading. Kyle had been constantly fidgeting on the walk over, it looked like he was trying to find a chance to talk to the master knight but failed to do so.

Eventually, he took a deep breath and just went for it.

"Ermm, Sir, Master knight, what should we call you?"

Suddenly the knight stopped walking. There was silence for a good minute. Sweat had begun to run down the other three faces as if Kyle had just made a big mistake.

"You can call me K." He finally responded.

The knight then continued to walk and we followed along. Strangely our path, unlike the other students, took us outside the academy. The moon was shining brightly and howls from beast creatures nearby could be heard. Monk and Kyle couldn't help but shake at the noises.

"The magical beast resides in the caves nearby. On a full moon like today there powers increase, on the rare occasion they have been able to enter the city so be on the lookout." K said.

Kyle and monk gulped, they were so frightened I could have sworn I could hear their heartbeat.

"Have you ever been to the caves?" I asked, thinking it might be a good place to hunt.

"Although you a free to leave the city in your free time, I would not recommend hunting there unless you have a death wish."

It seemed as if K knew what I was thinking. K gave me a strange feeling. It didn't feel dangerous but It didn't feel safe with him either. Usually, when I first meet someone I could tell there intent straight away. Even with the other master knights, I was able to tell. But K had been the first person were wasn't able to read him. In truth, it frightened me a bit.

Up ahead was a mansion-like building. It looked run down from the outside as if no one had lived in it for years. Out of the building came a tall figure. The darkness made the figure unclear.

The figure carried on walking towards us, Monk and Kyle couldn't help but shake in fear at the dark shady figure. Gary had his hand on his hilt ready to strike at any moment.

"Greetings, Sir K."

"Same to you, Sir Delbert."

The shady figure that came from the building turned out to be Knight Delbert. He greeted Knight K kindly but then saw me behind him and scorned at me.

"You think your so special don't you Ray," Delbert said.

I was shocked at this sudden outburst, although Delbert had never been the nicest to me, I was surprised he would act this way in front of another knight and other students.

Delbert moved towards me.

"I know you did something to that sword, if it was up to me I would never allow your kind here." He looked towards me and Kyle.

Delbert came closer towards me until his face almost touched mine. A blade suddenly appeared in between the two of us. Sir K had drawn his sword.

"May I remind you, Delbert, that Ray is now a black sash squire and is under my protection."

Delbert looked towards K.

"Avrion Academy will soon know the prophecy is wrong and we will see who was right."

K showed no reaction to the words spoken. Delbert waited a few moments before moving away from me and walked off in the direction of Avrion Academy.

"What a D**K, I didn't know Delbert was like that," Kyle said.

I guess it was a surprise to Monk and Kyle, whereas me and Gary had seen the way Delbert had acted before.

"It looked like he had it out for the two of you," Monk said.

I looked towards Kyle, we both understood why. It seemed like Delbert had an extreme hatred towards those who wore had red hair.

Gary came up to me and whispered.

"What was that talk about the prophecy, do you know anything about it?"

I shook my head pretending I didn't know anything. I had a good guess at what Delbert was talking about. When they came to our town ten years ago I overheard him speaking to Wilfred about the prophecy, how they had found four people.

Then at Renny town, the five of us had been given special guards and tutors. We all had one thing in common and that was red hair. Assuming that when they found me they then had five, they seemed to be rounding up people with red hair. This could be a coincidence but I believed it had something to do with their prophecy.

There was a difference between me and the other kids thought that I seemed to notice. Their hair was completely red, while mine had streaks of black. Their hair had been red from the day they were born. Mine was originally black later changing to red, most likely due to my past life.

If the prophecy was looking for people with red hair, then I was not the person. They had made a mistake.