Chapter 223 - Sparing with a clone

Name:My Dragon System Author:JKSManga
While Ray was busy navigating inside the tower. Gary and the others were patiently waiting just outside. Ready to attack at a moments notice. But while they were waiting for Ray, the others couldn't help but stare at what Ray had left behind, a clone of himself.

"Is it an illusion?" Said Lenny, "But what was the point of casting one and leaving it here?"

"It's not an illusion," Gary replied, "We've seen him do something similar before. It can fight and everything, although it's not as strong as the original."

Lenny had heard of other mages performing something similar before but this was the first time he had actually seen this. Still, Lenny was confused about why Ray had left it outside. If he was planning to fool Mark and the Shadow plague, it made more sense to send the clone In and be safe.

"No way can this thing be real?" Eve said as she got closer to the clone.

Then when eve stood in front of it, the clone moved it's head down to look at Eve.

"Ahh, it moved," Eve said as she stepped back.

"Of course it did," Gary said, "Like I said it's not an illusion, it's like a clone of himself."

Ark started to look at the clone closer.

"Did you say this thing can fight?" Ark said.

"Yeah, why?" Gary replied.

Ark then pulled out his rapier and pointed it at the clone.

"I would like to request a duel, I've decided after seeing you all fight that the Red wings are a strong group. I would like to join you guys if the offer is still there but first I want to see where I stand in terms of power."

The clone wasn't able to speak but it seemed to understand Ark's words. The clone then got into a fighting position and signalled Ark to come at him.

The two of them started to spar but the fight didn't last long, after two minutes the clone had managed to throw ark onto the ground and stopped his fist just a few inches away from Ark's face.

The close then opened his fist and offered his hand to lift Ark up.

"Thank you so much for the duel." Ark said, "Your leader is truly powerful and you say this clone is weaker than the boss, do you know by how much?"

"I'm not really sure, to be honest, I don't even know how strong Ray really is. He just keeps getting stronger." Gary replied

"Why don't you fight the clone and find out?" Jack said.

Gary thought long and hard about it. The last time he had fought Ray was at the academy and that was before he had learnt Ray had all these special abilities. If it came down to skill though, Gary was quite confident that he was better then Ray.

The idea of Gary suddenly winning against Ray came into his head. If Gary was able to avoid all of Ray's attacks and attack back then wouldn't he be able to win? It didn't matter if Ray was more powerful.

Gary then drew out his White falcon.

"Alright then," Gary said looking at the clone. "Are ready to go another round?��

The clone repeatedly pounded his fist into his hand and smiled.


Ray started to head up the stairs and the two True infected started to follow behind him. Ray left his dragon eyes skill constantly activated, just in case the two True infected were planning to attack. However, their aura indicated that they had no intent.

They simply continued to plod along and follow Ray up the stairs. Finally, all three of them had reached the fifth floor. Which was the guard's Chamber. At the end of the hall was a large wooden door and through there, Mark was waiting for him.

Ray pushed the door open and could see Mark sat on a large fancy bed waiting for him. On the table next to him he had a large glass of wine. Once in awhile mark would casually sip form the class of wine as if he owned the place.

When the two True infected entered the room they closed the door behind them. Ray looked for Lilly's father but could see no sign of him.

"Why have you decided to do this?" Ray asked.

"Do what, take over the tower?" Mark replied, "Try to take over Kelberg city? The mayor is a fool who only cares for the coin the merchants bring in and always took us, Fallen angel, for granted. The Boro Boro guild has the same privileges as us but where were they when the city was attacked before. No, It was the Fallen angels that saved this city time and time again and it seems like that fool has forgotten that."

"Fine, let's say you hated the mayor, there are people I dislike in this world as well but why go to the Shadow plague?"

"Why, because I've seen what rules the Shadows and it is far beyond your imagination. You properly think I'm infected by the shadow don't you but I'm not. I chose to serve the shadow of my own free will. We will lose this war because of people like the mayor and I just want to be on the winning side."

"And what do you plan to do now, you have been completely surrounded. You don't have the power to take this city yourself even with the men and beasts you brought. Perhaps you were hoping for the demon man to defeat us but I'm afraid we have already dealt with him."

Mark started to laugh.

"The demon man may work for the Shadow but he does not work with me. Do you recognise this." Mark said as he held up a piece of paper.

It had the symbol of the dark guild on it. A large eyeball with two wings by its side. It was also the same symbol on Gary's Dark sword and the Demon man's Dragon hammer. At first, Ray thought it was just the symbol of the Dark guild.

But it seemed to be a Symbol of greater power. A symbol of something above the shadow plague.